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Everything posted by Raze

  1. Interesting conversation depicting the beliefs of someone who is transitioning from orange to green at an advanced age TITLE: The Spirit of Avatar: A Conversation with James Cameron
  2. TITLE: We're Going to Have Another Great Depression. TITLE: The Crisis of the 21st Century
  3. TITLE: University of Wisconsin removes boulder seen as sign of racism
  4. TITLE: 1st CLUE Working Group lecture "Saving Normal in Psychiatry and Medicine" by Prof Allen Frances Stage green critique of stage orange psychiatry
  5. because there are thousands of people left in Afghanistan who may be executed for having connections to the US
  6. TITLE: Me And My Mum Are On OnlyFans - Together | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY
  7. TITLE: Tyranny, Slavery and Columbia U | Yeonmi Park | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast - S4: E26 Amazing story of surviving toxic stage red - blue
  8. TITLE: As rising violent crime turns Atlanta into a ‘warzone,’ residents disagree on a solution stage blue, stage orange, and stage green reaction to crime
  9. TITLE: Adyashanti interview with Bob Cowart - Part 07 of 11 4:20 yellowish turquoise opinion on relativity (I am NOT saying Adyashanti is stage turquoise, just that this may be an example of stage turquoise reasoning) TITLE: Adyashanti interview with Bob Cowart - Part 08 of 11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRjZsxtTBiM
  10. TITLE: Judge Joe Brown : Caller Said Judge Joe Brown Saved His Life | ManUp Clip
  11. TITLE: Adyashanti: Time is Running Out
  12. TITLE: Hostile Uber driver refuses to take me to ER
  13. TITLE: The Godcast Episode 185: Judge Joe Brown
  14. TITLE: Transgender Parent Tries To Breastfeed Child in BIZARRE Viral Video Stage blue reaction to stage orange to green transitioning society
  15. TITLE: Dartmouth College #BlackLivesMatter Protest TITLE: Oakland To Provide $500 A Month In Universal Basic Income To 600 BIPOC Families TITLE: ALL men should have a 6pm curfew after Sarah Everard 'murder', says Green Party peer
  16. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-jeff-foster-recover-from-chronic-lyme-disease Jeff Foster is an American spiritual teacher and is suffering from chronic lyme disease, he is unable to work, so if you can spare a donation, share the page, or send him a message of support and well wishes. The infection reached his brain and he's posting suicidal messages on facebook and instagram, (lyme disease sufferers are more likely to commit suicide than the average population) You can learn more about Jeff's beliefs and story in this interview at 51:11
  17. what is that? google isn't turning up anything.
  18. I have found an example of a conflict within stage green to study. The stage green feminist movement seems to be having a 'civil war' moment. Basically it is splitting into two sides, "Radical Feminists" (also called TERFS, and Gender Critical), and LGBTQ affirming Feminists (also called trans affirming feminists, or transfeminism). The conflict is arising because radical feminists insist transwomen are transwomen, not women, and as such they should not be allowed to do various things like be allowed in women's bathrooms or play sports with women. The transfeminists are arguing that gender is a social construct, and transwomen are women, and it is discrimination to treat them differently. example 1: The Maya Forstater incident. https://archive.ph/Kq8gs Maya was a tax expert, but lost her job after she said things deemed transphobic on twitter, ex: The situation got more attention after J.K. Rowling tweeted out in support of her: She continued to double down on the position including retweeting Gender critical articles and mocking genderless language in other articles, as well as posting an essay espousing her viewpoints. https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ This heavily damaged Rowling's reputation among liberal circles despite her massive initial popularity. Various actors from the Harry Potter films as well as her publisher made counter statements, and a lot of Harry Potter fan sites and forums distanced themselves from her. A J.K. Rowling billboard in Vancouver was taken down https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/j-k-rowling-billboard-taken-down-in-vancouver-after-facing-backlash You can look up 'Jk Rowling' on twitter to see many of the tweets criticizing her and denouncing her. Transfeminists argue that she is wrong and harming trans people, for example this tweet from a trans child support UK Charity Mermaids example 2: Conservative author Abigail Shrier released a book called 'Irreversible Damage', basically arguing that many girls who don't actually have gender dysphoria are claiming to be trans because they are confused and pressured by peers, but the medical industry is fast tracking them to transition and many will regret it. The radical feminists embraced and supported her book. However the trans-affirming feminists criticized her book and argued that it's misinformation and she is unfairly attacking trans people and putting them in danger and are campaigning against the book. Amazon refused to take the book down despite employee protest, but barred it from being advertised. LGBT supporting organization PRIDE petitioned for a library to not carry the book, but after they refused to remove it PRIDE cut ties with them. The American Booksellers association posted an apology because the book ended up being included in one of their reading lists, they stated it was an act of violence against Trans people that they do not support. But they privated their twitter account after getting backlash from both the radical feminists and the trans affirming feminists who felt their apology wasn't sufficient. example 3: Famous Nigerian feminist author Chimamanda Adichie stated in an interview that 'Transwomen are transwomen', After this she received backlash and walked it back stating that it's because transwomen have different problems that need their own attention. However she later backed J.K. Rowling. Recently she published an essay basically saying that after making this statement people she had helped were attacking her on twitter and lying about her https://www.chimamanda.com/news_items/it-is-obscene-a-true-reflection-in-three-parts/ example 3: The issue is accelerating. Although it seems that the large feminist organizations are backing the trans affirming feminists side, more famous feminists like Julie Bindel are coming out in support of the radical feminist side, and a radical feminist organization called WoLF (women's liberation front) has formed. There was a conflict at a location called 'Wi Spa' in California which I made a thread about before. Lessons: This is a good example of not only how stage green handles conflicts, but how it handles conflicts within itself. Some traits I noticed 1. Putting enemies in one basket Both sides have a tendency to accuse the other side of being a part of other groups that they are against, for example here is a trans affirming feminist accusing TERF's of being part of the GOP, you can also find many posting that TERF's are alt-right adjacent Likewise the TERF's accuse the transwomen of being misogynistic men, and the trans affirming feminists to be a branch of the 'Men's Right's' movement, which is a smaller movement comprised of critics of feminists from varying political leanings. Even J.K. Rowling tweeted this In reality, men's rights activists are ignored and attacked by both sides of the feminist debate, and seem to have not picked a side in this conflict. Basically, the tactic is to associate a group you disagree with, with other groups you disagree with. 2. Accusations of wide bigotry The trans-affirming feminists, rather than just accuse terfs of transphobia, actually widen their claims and accuse them of various other isms and phobia's, here is one example. At the same time terfs accuse trans affirming feminists of being misogynistic and anti-woman, and call transwomen men. 3. Censorship Both sides seem to support the idea of speech limitations to avoid harm. As a result they support censorship for the other side as they believe they pose a danger to minorities. At the moment the TERF's are losing this battle, and the trans affirming feminists have managed to get some victories such as getting reddit to shut down the largest TERF form /r/gendercritical and other related subreddits. In addition TERF's seem to be unable to get on mainstream news outlets aside from conservative ones, with an exception being a brief part of a 60 minutes segment which they took some heat over. 1. Do you support a side? Do you believe both sides have good points? 2. How would this conflict change if it was comprising stage yellow people? 3. Who will 'win'? At the moment it seems TERF's are gaining ground in the UK, while mostly losing in the USA. The Biden administration has supported the trans affirming feminist side, while the TERF's are supporting republican bills to limit transgender treatment for minors or ban transgenders from competing in sports.
  19. How are they blue and orange? Their reasoning is classic green identity politics.
  20. TITLE: Eckhart Tolle wywiad PL From 54:43 - 56:50 What a stage turquoise society may be like
  21. TITLE: See Color | The Crystal Gems Say Be Anti-Racist | Cartoon Network TITLE: Women Read From The Viral Google Memo That Argues Men Are Better Leaders | CNBC Make It.
  22. you can try this free masterclass, https://www.davidtianphd.com/masterclass/ it seemed solid to me, but use a different email as he tries to follow up with sales pitches