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Everything posted by Raze

  1. Mr Beat from youtube wrote a book about presidential elections https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08D7VQ79B
  2. This is a small youtuber I watched a long time ago, he had a very hard childhood and was always stuck in the victim mindset in his videos talking about how much he was suffering. I'm happy to see he's gotten past that and is motivated in stage orange.
  3. Ability to be present in an interaction is far more useful than looks, and unlike looks anyone can learn to be present. I was on old pickup forums and there were constantly endless debates that went on for hundreds of pages about do looks matter. Ultimately the truth was the people asking were just looking for an excuse to blame not getting better on. Whether it is true or not, you are better off believing looks don't matter at all, that is how you will get the best results you are capable of.
  4. Looks matter for first impressions, in something like a dating app looks matter a lot. But using in person communication and game, looks do not matter that much. Anyone who has been in pickup long enough will tell you they've seen guys who look better getting their girls taken from them, or losing out to a worse looking guy with better game. Generally girls will tell you looks or all that matter or something, but it isn't true, don't trust it, in fact people will think you look better if you are in state and they get to know your personality, and you can convey a lot in a short interaction. Many guys who are extremely successful with girls look below average. Worrying about looks will cause far more damage than the looks themselves, in general you need to believe looks don't matter, don't be discouraged to learn from people who look good.
  5. 80% of all rapists were from single mother homes. The more faithlessness increases, the more criminal activity will increase from displaced anger.
  6. Honestly from what I see BLM is generally doing peaceful protests right now but Antifa is laying siege on a federal courthouse. I don't see how Trump is being fascist, as far as I can tell all the soldiers are doing is defending a federal spot. I really am baffled why people are supporting antifa attacking the courthouse, it isn't helping the cause, what do they even want with the courthouse? I understand rioters attacking spots like the police station Chauvin worked at, or statues, but this is literally a random court house where nothing even happened.
  7. Rainn uses many exaggerated or false statistics, find better sources for raw data like the FBI. Using the wrong data can result in time wasting or hurt the cause, there are many instances of this.
  8. Why are you assuming it was the violent protests progressing things and not the peaceful protests. There is data that shows violent protests usually hurt the cause while peaceful protests helped it. MLK was peaceful and made a lot of progress, than after he died there were huge riots and the democrats lost horribly next election because Nixon ran on law and order.
  9. There was an islamic golden age when the muslim countries began rapidly progressing while the christian europe was in the dark ages, but during the crusades Europe collected a lot of valuable information from the muslim countries. The muslim countries got spooked by the crusades and other wars from invaders and became closed off and nationalistic and started developing slower, while Europe took the information and started rapidly developing with the renaissance. More recently, muslim countries have had lots of war and revolutions because they didn't develop secular democracies in the same way as the USA or Europe. The western countries discovered valuable resources in the muslim countries, and started kind of exploiting them and doing things like supporting unpopular or backwards leaders just because they give them better deals on resources. Or taking out advancing leaders because they start questioning or being hostile to their relationship with the USA. You can read analysis for Noam Chomsky on the details. They are progressing, but their situation is precarious and they could collapse back at any time. Also it probably doesn't matter because climate change is going to cause mass suffering and chaos in those countries in the coming decades.
  10. Just learning about basic sex ed and MLK like that isn't stage green. The schools in America are only starting to become fully stage green now. Example in this video from 49:30 to 51:02 (ignore the other parts of the video), I picture schools like this as stage green.
  11. To add onto Leo bringing up Eckhart Tolle, what is more dangerous than money is praise from other people. Eckhart said it doesn't affect him because he doesn't have a self that they add too and he feels as though he isn't the one doing anything, so when people feed his ego to him it's like they're talking about someone else. You probably cannot avoid realizing devilish tendencies from things that feed your ego, but that isn't a bad thing, you can see it as it's bringing the devil inside of you out for you to deal with.
  12. Yeah, but that's because your own ego is getting in the way. You're making many assumptions. >he was excited that is why he stumbled how do you know this? What is he excited about? Talking to russell brand? Kind of weird since he's worked with many high profile celebrities and he and Russell are friends who have talked to each other for years. He's stuttered in many videos and he also blinks rapidly, those are just physiological functions. >he excused himself because he talked too much. He said that the work of Russell is very important. I don't understand what the problem with being polite is. >Then he talks quite a bit about politics. He didn't really talk that much about it, and it's not like he's picking a side or something.
  13. But this is an example of the limitation of libertarianism. It eventually turns into a oligarchy of corporations that control society. What happens when a few corporations control every aspect of society and can un-person people, no bank accounts, no internet presence, can't buy a home, banned from buying things online, can't buy an airplane ticket. It may not be that big a problem now, but the more the companies control every aspect of life, the closer we get to giving them complete control of people. Maybe it's easy to look away when people you disagree with get censored, but it will never stay that way. Heres another example, he was banned from his bank, all major social media sites, paypal, airbnb, etc. https://itmattershowyoustand.com/2019/02/chase-bank-shuts-down-proud-boys-leaders-personal-bank-account-blp/ He has alternatives, but in the near future it won't be surprising if he won't, as corporations get larger and control more aspects of society. Even if you find him repugnant, this is setting a precedent that will destroy free speech because outside of legal action it is making a situation where certain speech puts you in danger of destroying your life. It's easy to be ok with that when you find the speech they are punished for vile, but like I said it's naive to think that's all it will be limited too.
  14. Ok, but let's break down that argument. Let's compare two situations, a female boss slaps her male workers ass, and a male boss slaps his female workers ass. Is the male boss's situation worse? If you say yes, why? They both did the exact same thing. You may say because women are victims more often then men. Why does that matter? This is a specific instance, the rate of other crimes is irrelevant to it, no one in this situation controls the rest of society and therefore shouldn't be punished differently for it, judging people by their group and not individuals is Jim Crow logic. You may say because the guy is more dangerous to the woman because he is stronger. First off, even if that is true most of the time it may not always be, secondly, why does it matter? Sure she would be in more danger if the male boss tried to go for a full on assault than the female boss, but the male boss didn't do that, he only slapped her ass, why should he be punished harsher for slapping her ass because he could have done something worse which he didn't? It's a simple breakdown of logic. The legal system should not take into account societal trends over fairness and looking at the individual situation. This is why so called stage green people are hated, because they abandon notions of fairness, individuality, and equality in favor of judging people as groups and giving worse of special treatment to compensate for perceived societal injustices. Never said that doesn't have it's place, but not in every aspect of society.
  15. Forcing someone to have sex when they don't want too is rape. There was a 13 year old kid who got drugged by his older female neighbor and raped while he was unconscious, he was traumatized and needed therapy for years, he never got justice and not only that the rapist had his kid and forced him to pay child support. Imagine what that was like, this is what attitudes like what Leo is suggesting cause. This isn't even like the metoo conversation which is based on if someone might be innocent, we are talking about guilty people here. The asymmetry argument is ridiculous, imagine going up to a male rape victim and telling him it doesn't matter because mostly other men rape other women. That has nothing to do with his situation, a crime is a crime.
  16. Very offensive and sexist comment and not remotely true. Data shows many women orgasm during rape, would you say they enjoy it and should just accept it? No you wouldn't, same for guys. Rape is wrong no matter who it happens too, even if the person who got raped doesn't think so (but they most likely would). Leo what in the ever loving fuck are you saying. If what you're saying is not ok with the genders reversed, it's not ok. There have been men who were raped by women and they were traumatized for life. Even if you believe these things you shouldn't post about it because someone will quote it and try to cancel you. Just because women raping men doesn't happen that often and most men are physically stronger then women does not mean it never happens or it's not a problem. Many men who go on to become rapists or kill women were actually molested or raped by older women as a kid, and they never got help or even realized they were traumatized because of behavior like this, and they ended up just hurting more people. If you cannot empathize with men, realize that in the end it will only hurt women. Are you seriously going to call people SJW's for saying you shouldn't say rape victims are at fault when you accuse people of being egoic for mild criticisms of feminism. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/11/the-understudied-female-sexual-predator/503492/ At least study the topic before making insane ignorant comments. Being raped by someone physically weaker than you is not abnormal because of things like drugs or weapons.
  17. He's not nervous lol. He has little/no self, he said he doesn't even really feel excitement anymore. I've watched a lot of his interviews and he rarely ever brings up politics, when he does it's in a general abstract way so as not to say anything that offends anyone. He does maintain that he thinks humanity will self destruct unless there is a worldwide enlightenment.
  18. I mean, watch the video I posted, Warren explains some of it.
  19. The new family unit that is becoming popular is not healthy and anyone who tries pointing out the issue gets blacklisted by the left.
  20. Why is that not valid? There is plenty of data that break-up of the family is damaging to society (and women), and hypersensitivity of some feminists hurts people/ruins lives, closes all the dialogue, and makes feminism look bad.