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Everything posted by Raze

  1. That's like asking "is there a solution for murderers". Not to say incels and murderers are the same, my point is it is way too general a category. Incels simply have some mental problem that they attach to the incel ideology, what they need is to resolve the mental issue, but their are so many categories there isn't a simple solution. From what I've seen of incels the most common source of their pain is. They say and think that losing their virginity and getting a girlfriend is all they need, but it isn't, if they actually got that they would most likely end up as destructive but direct it at something else or some new ideology. I have never seen an incel who was uglier than the ugliest people I know who are happy or have sex lives. Perhaps they exist, but apparently they are the minority. There was an incel meetup once and they all looked like normal people. The common backstories among incels I notice are -they were molested or abused by a woman at a young age -schizophrenia -on the autism spectrum and didn't get help so they became withdrawn and isolated -bullied as children and became withdrawn and isolated -paranoia Basically what they need is to realize their thoughts and ideology is not rational, no amount of sex or girlfriends will resolve their inner pain, and to get psychological help.
  2. what? how is that what I'm suggesting? I'm just saying to remove the desperation to look at reality more. People tend to idolize those they like and it scares them away.
  3. Your problem is not the lack of sex. It seems you have some deeper issue which is projecting itself onto your idea of sex with her. She probably isn't really as hot as you think she is, your brain is just blocking out the flaws, and if you actually have sex it won't be as good as your imagination, in fact I'm thinking you won't even be able to get hard for it. If you actually have sex I guarantee she will not look as hot to you anymore and you will start being annoyed with her personality, probably get bored and stop caring about her. What you are obsessed with is a fiction in your head. Maybe having sex with her would be the easiest way to realize this, but you honestly sound so needy it will probably make your vibe and game bad and fail with her. It's ok though, this is a gift in disguise, you can realize you have a problem and maybe talk to a psychologist on why you have obsessive thoughts, I had the same problem. Generally it isn't good to give advice on how to get one specific girl, because the more you want it to work with her and the more important it is to you, the harder it'll be to make it happen. If I absolutely had to give advice on how to get with her the best path would be to have relationships/sleep with other girls, wait a while and start looking at the flaws she has to the point where you don't like this girl as much anymore, then try it.
  4. He is a fraud. Squattincasanova made a video demolishing him but it got deleted. Stay away from him, he's just a fat drunkard.
  5. This is ridiculous. At this point I believe the far left has been infiltrated by stage red people who happen to have leftist ideals. They behave the exact same as stage red, just with liberal beliefs.
  6. This context is not remotely a defense of what happened. His pronunciation was not that off, you can see many videos of Chinese people using it and it sounds very similar. He wasn't using the word, they know it, so why are they offended? It's pretty sad you're trying to justify someones job going into jeopardy over this. No, I can't understand why this is a touchy subject for black students because he had nothing to do with it, and he wasn't using the word, and they know he wasn't using the word. If children want to lash out it is the job of adults to not react to it. The article you linked says he was put on leave. Lol, this is ridiculous. These students were not harmed at all by what happened and are just doing this because they can. In a sane world you would understand he was not using the word and do nothing. Don't you find it funny their response, rather than being a reasonable thing like send him an email telling him the way he pronounced the word sounded like a slur, they instantly jump to "He's harming out mental health!!!" and reported him to his superiors, accused him of taking a calculated action and being racist. Yes he clearly calculated that if he brought up a chinese word as an example he could get away with saying the n word infront of his students, because reasons.
  7. Most people are saying Biden will win, and for good reason, he is very ahead. Even if polls were as wrong in 2020 as 2016 Trump would still lose. That doesn't mean he has to lose though, but it will probably require something unpredictable and extreme to let him win.
  8. The green party is incompetent, 2016 and 2020 were the best times for them to make serious ground and they totally botched it. The news is blasting videos of leftists rioters who hate Biden 24/7 and not a peep from them about the Green party. This was the perfect chance to get attention get their candidate is just complaining about trump and biden on youtube videos that don't even get 1k views.
  9. Destiny debated Vaush on the shooting
  10. here's a video from someone arguing it's justified
  11. Here's a video that can give some background to Afghanistan's current state. Only things I don't like is I noticed an error when at the end he says the Taliban refused to give up Osama Bin Laden, they actually didn't, they offered to give him up but with some stipulations so the US refused. In addition I would like more detail about Massoud, he's a fascinating person and tried to warn the USA about 9/11 soon before it happened.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWcRyJ7LAXI&t=0m1s
  13. I have seen two examples of people who were enlightened and both said it was after 20 years of meditation, but a lot of that time was spent dicking around and doing this incorrectly. If you can self inquiry almost 24/7 and do therapy to unwire what is holding you back, I believe you can stream-entry in just a few years. But you shouldn't view it as getting somewhere, the better attitude is to just be present at that moment and not imagine a future scenario.
  14. Dailymail leaked 10 minutes of footage, this is the full video, for some reason the major media outlets are cutting it up and editing it. New information this shows is clear signs George was on drugs, and that he was saying he can't breathe before being restrained, and that he was non-compliant. It's more possible than people think that Chauvin could be acquitted, the case already seemed murky when they had to bump it down to a 3rd degree murder charge so soon after going for a 2nd degree, though I don't think he will because of all the public pressure. Remember, the famous Rodney King riots only happened after the officers involved got acquitted, so if Chauvin gets off it could mean riots even worse than the ones that already happened.
  15. Brought awareness to how toxic parts of the media and establishment are, even though his reasons for attacking them are a little narcissistic, it shown a light on a lot of their manipulation and bias to a lot of the population who may have been unaware. (Yes I am aware he attacks them unfairly just for criticizing him as well).
  16. Going by the 4 stages of enlightenment according to Buddhism, I think at each stage you become less prone to that, and if you are fully in the final stage, arahant you would be.
  17. Right but the current push for defunding police works against that, because training costs money.
  18. https://theconversation.com/yes-mathematics-can-be-decolonised-heres-how-to-begin-65963