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Everything posted by Raze

  1. Language is common among all humans, appeared relatively recently in evolution, and has no analog in any other species. It seems to have appeared suddenly in humans, and caused a huge explosion in creativity and growth that we are living in now. The way language functions in humans is very strange and mysterious phenomenon, it doesn't work like other systems in the body, it's almost like a computer program. The way humans use language, deny death, have a sense of self, and human consciousness all seem deeply linked, or perhaps they are different aspects of the same thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bImdyQn43s8 Enlightenment, is returning to a state without the ego, which is why you need a silent mind (no thoughts), and to look for the 'I' (a paradox), perhaps to short circuit the ego. But what exactly is the ego and where did it come from? It might be some kind of parasite. The human body is made up of many different cells that are almost like their own life form working in a symbiotic relationship with one another. https://www.livescience.com/61627-ancient-virus-brain.html
  2. This site has how well each candidate is doing https://results.decisiondeskhq.com/
  3. No, but they are more enlightened then someone higher up the spiral. Enlightenment is basically just returning to where you began. So in my opinion the spiral starts at enlightenment and as you go up you are getting further away from enlightenment, but ultimately circling around back to enlightenment. I suspect that is why people become enlightened period. I don't think any human has actually gone all the way up the spiral and come back to enlightenment yet. The people who become enlightened are because they fall so low on the spiral by some freak accident they flip to the other side. For example Eckhart Tolle talked about how he was basically on the verge of suicide from the meaningless and apathy he felt when his experience happened. True apathy is the lowest a human can go, if you go lower then it you may find out you don't exist at all. That could also be why meditation and silencing the mind leads to enlightenment, because you are almost tricking yourself into not existing by not thinking. Stage blue or stage red people can seem primitive but a lot of the time they are actually more connected to the stillness and acceptance than say a stage orange or green person from what I've seen.
  4. Today, stage green reporter Glenn Greenwald just resigned from the Intercept, a paper he founded, because the board wanted to censor his article about Joe Biden fearing it could hurt his election. https://greenwald.substack.com/p/my-resignation-from-the-intercept A couple days ago a stage green professor whistleblowed about how bad the pressure is getting at her college: A few months ago, stage green data analyst David Shore lost his job after he tweeted data compiled by an African American scientist about how historically riots hurt their causes inside the USA. Here are more examples in this twitter thread: In my opinion stage green in America is merging with stage red people who are adopting the stage green beliefs. They are trying to pressure and infliltrate administrative positions and push society towards their beliefs, but their beliefs are further up the spiral than society is ready for and it will create friction. I am also concerned of where society is headed if/when they become the majority or a larger vocal minority if they are this hypersensitive and intolerant of others.
  5. I think all sides are putting less and less importance in principles, which is very sad.
  6. I’ve seen people pointing out the gender imbalance in the spirituality and consciousness community. Namely that women seem more interested in the subject, but most of the teachers and masters are men. It’s possible this is partially explained in brain differences. https://www.education.com/slideshow/brain-differences-between-boys-girls/spatial-sense/ Relevant information: So this could mean women are naturally more interested in spirituality because they are more connected to their emotions and have higher brain activity and are more motivated to learn stillness. Whereas for the men who become interested in it, they are naturally slightly better at focusing and stilling the mind, so they get the hang out of it faster and are more likely to go far enough to become a teacher or master. (I’m not saying this is the only reason)
  7. The riots in Philly are going to swing PA towards Trump.
  8. In this video, Briahna Joy Gray argues with Noam Chomsky on if the left should support Biden. In my opinion this is a good example of the rift in the left, with Noam Chomsky representing the view of the older left and Briahna Joy Gray representing the view of the younger left. Not just in their positions, but also in their values you can see them talking about.
  9. Has taking psychedelics caused permanent changes to your state of being? What in your opinion is the best spiritual practice not counting psychedelics? What were the biggest and most surprising insights/shifts in perspective you've gained over the course of your research?
  10. This is an over simplification, usually the country cycles between a blue admin to a red admin to a blue admin, etc. That’s why Obama won after Bush, but Trump won after Obama. After a Biden admin most likely republicans will win next time, or the time after that.
  11. Yep, it'll take generations.
  12. China will remain authoritarian. What they are doing to the Uighur population is most likely a trial run for what they will do to control their own citizens. To add onto that, the chinese population has become extremely nationalistic and actively ask their government to censor things they don't like and attack people who criticize the government themselves. In addition their social credit system has created a society that encourages obeying. For example, the chinese MMA fighter Xu Xiadong won several matches with other martial artists who claimed to have magic powers, basically exposing them as frauds, and for that he got harassed non stop and his social credit was docked so low he was barred from his gym and can barely afford living expenses and travel. It's hard enough to make a government stop being authoritarian when everyone hates them, but how can it happen when a significant chunk or majority of the population supports it?
  13. Yes pickup is unconscious, but female mating strategies are also unconscious most of the time. So are the ones the mainstream suggests, which don't even work.
  14. This fox news segment has a stage green person debating a stage orange person and moderator about Whiteness
  15. a stage orange critique of a stage green politician
  16. https://www.rejectedprincesses.com/full-width/wheredyougo A stage green comic artist made a comic about some personal issues he is feeling because of his stage green audience. Possibly an example of the limitations of stage green or how it can alienate its own supporters.
  17. https://archive.vn/PsyoQ "How a Pledge to Dismantle the Minneapolis Police Collapsed" An example of how stage green proposals with a lot of support sometimes fail to take root.
  18. https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2020/08/70643/