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Everything posted by Raze

  1. But this video shows a lack of empathy, first off the teacher says white people don't normally feel excluded, that's kind of ridiculous, everyone feels that at some point in their lives, and even if it's true the solution to that is not to practice segregation to make white people feel excluded. Trying to imprint cultural guilt into someone is not inclusive. For example if you read the article, you'll see the white students were asked about their heritage and it was awkward and felt like a funeral, but the non white students were asked about it and were excited and dancing etc. Is this good? This just looks like an attitude to cements further divisiveness.
  2. I think the antiracism narrative that is being pushed is ridiculous for reasons like this. This video actually isn't that bad compared to other things I've seen. Of course I am anti-racism, but "antiracism" to me is pushing a bizarre narrative that builds a identity around race, and generally speaking the stronger the identity around something the worse it gets. I predict it'll probably cause a backlash of further racism, and generally be counterproductive by inserting strong victim complexes in people, which is not a good place to be, especially if you are actually a victim. I disagree with a lot of this forum's analysis because it feels like most people on here assume anything coming from the left is stage green and the more extreme it is, the more stage green it is. I strongly disagree with that, and I think a lot of the extreme left is not stage green, but rather people in lower stages pushing normally stage green concepts. Which is why they get corrupted and begin seeming like a bizarre imitation of stage green.
  3. From studying the 12 step program and IFS therapy I think addiction is related to a subconscious existential dread and the creation of a false self. So enlightenment could theoretically end that by unwiring a false self and eliminating the existential dread because you'd lose your fear of death. But you could get addicted for other reasons, like simply just the pleasure.
  4. This is a normal stage. There were some really good pua videos about it but they got deleted, from what I remember. -you are elevating losing your virginity and having sex in your mind, in reality after you get it you won't feel any different, but you probably won't be able to accept that until you do. -don't take rejection personally, practice learning to bounce it off, see anything as progress, for example congratulate yourself on just doing an approach or getting a number. Shift your perspective, a rejection is not a loss, generally the people who are delusionally positive get good fastest.
  5. Well leo, modern rsd claims you can become a natural through things like presence and trauma release, and Tyler now says he doesn't use game and simply picks up girls by looking at them and thinking the emotion he wants them to feel, and he can pick up girls without speaking. Maybe he is exaggerating, but there is scientific evidence you can become a natural, based on things like IFS therapy, everyone is a natural inside, it is simply blocked by psychological trauma, and rsd is teaching something similar to that now that they abandoned technique.
  6. Leo is talking about the old RSD. Since Leo stopped watching them they deleted all their pickup videos and don't teach techniques anymore. I know RSD Jeffy released a program called Charisma mastery, maybe that is more about the techniques.
  7. I recommend David Tian. He provides a lot of scientific basis for his relationship advice. He's also very experienced because he used to be a pickup artist and says he slept with hundreds of women, though he recommends not doing that. I believe him, most pickup artists who sleep with hundreds of women end up having a mental breakdown and quitting pickup so it's clearly not the way. Start with his modern mating explained series than his practical psychology series.
  8. Here's a documentary about the incident that rocketed Bret into popularity, it's pretty well edited and in 3 parts.
  9. Not exactly. He saw the name Eckhart on one of a pile of books in a dream, and knew he had written the book; soon after in real life he ran into a psychic friend who called him Eckhart out of nowhere, so he changed his name.
  10. According to yourbrainonporn.com there are many studies showing people develop fetishes from porn and end up watching porn that previously wouldn't have appealed to them, and many nofappers report fetishes disappearing, meaning they were porn induced. It seems like either you watching less porn or your healing unwired whatever developed the fetish in your brain.
  11. That is unrealistically optimistic. This whole thing is the result of bad parenting to begin with. http://archive.vn/rgv6L
  12. https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/06/colorblind-parenting-race-care-and-feeding.html
  13. they aren't just random spoiled children, they are the next generation, they will be the ones in charge eventually.
  14. In my opinion stage green people are damaging the closest things we have to stage yellow institutions.
  15. That's good but you should be careful not to become dependent on alcohol to express yourself otherwise you could become an alcoholic.
  16. A book called White Fragility is becoming very popular with stage green people, it's become a best seller and the author gets paid a lot of money to train people at different companies. Here is a passage from it. Could this be an example of how language and relationships will change if/when society becomes majority stage green?
  17. 1. Porn is addictive 50 brain studies showing that porn causes brain changes similar to the changes in substance abuse addicts this German study on men not addicted to porn found addiction-related brain changes and less brain activation to porn correlating with more porn consumed. As of 2016, more than a quarter of porn users surveyed are showing signs of problematic porn use. In one study, (27.6%) of a large French-speaking sample self-assessed their consumption of online sex activity as problematic. In a Yale study of 1298 men who had viewed pornography in the last 6 months, 28% scored at or above the cutoff for hypersexuality disorder. Meaning at least 27% of porn users become addicts This study asked if internet users experienced anxiety when they couldn’t access porn on the internet (a withdrawal symptom): 24% experienced anxiety. 2. Porn hurts your sex life An Italian study found that 16% of high school seniors who consumed porn more than once a week self-reported abnormally low sexual desire. Compare that to 0% of non-porn users reporting low sexual desire. Over 70 studies have reported more porn use linked to poorer sexual or relationship satisfaction. This study found 12.0% of respondents reported the need for longer stimulation to reach orgasm, 17.6% reported the need and more sexual stimuli to reach orgasm, and 24.5% reported a decrease in sexual satisfaction. Among those surveyed who declared themselves to be current pornography consumers , 51.0% admitted to making at least one attempt to give up using it (proof it's addiction, they tried to quit but can't). 72.2% of those attempting to quit pornography use indicated the experience of at least one associated effect, and the most frequently observed included erotic dreams (53.5%), irritability (26.4%), attention disturbance (26.0%), and sense of loneliness (22.2%) (withdrawal symptoms). 3. You become desensitized to normal porn and escalate a 2018 YOUPorn survey reported that 40% of women and 64% of men report that their porn tastes have changed in the past 5 years. another study found that 49% of the men reported viewing porn that was not previously interesting to them or that they once considered disgusting. The study also found problematic Internet porn use was associated with reduced erectile function and reduced overall sexual satisfaction. Yet problematic porn users experienced greater cravings. 4. You can get erectile dysfunction In the 1940s, the Kinsey report concluded that the prevalence of ED was less than 1% in men younger than 30 years, less than 3% in those 30–45. And a 1999 cross-sectional study (based on data gathered in 1992) published by the Journal of the American Medical Association reported erectile dysfunction rates of only 5%, and low sexual desire in 5%. a 2012 cross-sectional study of Swiss men aged 18-24 found ED rates of 30%, and a 2010 Brazilian study of men 18-40 reported ED rates of 35%. A 2013 Italian study reported one in four patients seeking help for new onset ED were younger than 40. Astonishingly, the rate of severe ED was nearly 10% higher in younger men than in men over 40. What changed? The spread of the internet and streaming porn. In an experiment employing video porn, 50% of the young men couldn’t become aroused or achieve erections without porn (average age was 29). The shocked researchers discovered that the men’s erectile dysfunction was. A 2014 study on Canadian adolescents reported that 53.5% of males aged 16-21 have symptoms indicative of a sexual problem. Erectile dysfunction was the most common (27%), followed by low sexual desire (24%), and problems with orgasm (11%). The authors were baffled why rates were so high, and were surprised that sexual dysfunction rates for males surpassed females, unlike in earlier published literature. Porn addiction symptoms: Distress about escalation to more extreme porn, Difficulty maintaining an erection while putting on a condom, Delayed ejaculation, Loss of libido, Copulatory impotence (can get it up for porn, but not partners), Frequent masturbation, little satisfaction, Uncharacteristic, worsening social anxiety or lack of confidence, Growing erectile dysfunction, even with extreme porn., Morphing porn tastes that don’t match sexual orientation (also triggering HOCD), Inability to concentrate, extreme restlessness, Depression, anxiety, brain fog. There are a few studies denying the problems with porn online that received significant media attention. They were purposefully misleading studies made by people involved in the porn industry. Here is a video presentation debunking them. All this info was taken from yourbrainonpron.com
  18. not what I said. are you really suggesting America would be better off with no police? Do I really need to explain how ridiculous that is?
  19. I don't think people realize how serious this situation is. Police are already resigning one after another and their morale is at an all time low. Especially if this officer gets charged they are going to be far more averse to action and in their head in serious situations out of fear. This isn't a good thing, it may reduce some brutality but it will also result in more cops and people dying for years now. Who is even going to want to become a cop anymore? If the people becoming cops were already meatheads, imagine now that everyone feels like cops are hated and if they get in a dangerous situation and kill someone a angry mob will go nuts and they'll be in even more danger as they get fired and marked for life. Remember cops don't have to act in dangerous situations, they don't have a duty to respond. As bad as police brutality is a problem, crime and murder causes far more damage to people and society by a lot. I don't think people realize how much crime and violence happens in the USA, and once a crime wave happens it is very hard to bring a state back, because people who would actually improve the area won't come or will flee and it will become even worse. It's a shame the dialogue became so extreme, I truly believe there was a middle way that could reduce police brutality without harming policing in the country.
  20. After the Baltimore riots they put in reforms for the police and now Baltimore's crime rate is the worst it's ever been. I don't know if the reforms caused it, but just because bad things exist does not mean to see things from a lens where the worst is assumed for everything. That just makes the problem worse.