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Everything posted by Vido

  1. You can download ReVanced, which is an moded YT app with no ads. In the setting, you have option to remove the short shelves. I have been done this and it works great. I don't know about ios, you have to try it on your own
  2. Could you please share the links that you are planning to watch? That way we can all watch the same video and then discuss here. Like a schedule will be amazing. I'll just piggy back on your plan
  3. @Manny there is a book called love yourself like your life depends on it. Get the audiobook version. Helped me a lot. ~ Sending love
  4. @Leo Gura Who ever gets this gif and knows what it is, we are friends automatically
  5. why do you feel she's a spiritual freak? Like how much above is she compared to normal people
  6. @Yali lol just watch any tate's old video and he will tell you, or the documentary in leo's blogs. Also, its not like tate is the one who came up with this model, it's quite common in the pimp world, especially in Las Vegas
  7. @Leo Gura x D hagagagag i feel love does exist, just do shrooms, and watch the video on self love when tripping. Easy
  8. @GLORY would you allow your sister or daughter to be seducedby a guy, make him cut all her relationships including yours, beat her and then force her into sex cam? If you belive that's good then sex trafficking is good
  9. @Leo Gura After watching the video, I do feel very strongly about kids going through gender surgery and consenting to sex change before like 19 or 21. I feel they should not be able to do it or glorify this. I watched your video on Jordon Peterson but you didn't address that point directly, what is your stance on this exactly and why? (GUYS, please don't argue about this to me, I just want to know his perspective that's all, not defend anything or debate anyone)
  10. Hey Leo, Your work profoundly changed my life. I was a nobody, insecure dumb guy in India on 2014 and now I'm in canada, everyone thinks I'm smart and years ahead of everyone, I live a much better life, I healed a lot thanks mainly to the self love video which I always watch during my shroom trips. You have nooo fucking idea the night and day difference in my life. That fucking book list, are you kidding me? You were right when you said if you go through the book list you will be god among men. I feel you can post a video and take a year off or something like that.
  11. I don't know if this has already been asked or answered but I'm extremely curious as to what the next video is going be released
  12. @EternalForest Hey! Thanks for understanding! No, I completely get your suggestion to watch his other videos. I just personally enjoy watching them, and I like new stuff. Many people here directly assume that I "need" the new video which is a bit annoying, because I don't appreciate that frame being thrust upon me. Like guys, chill. I'm not dying over here. I'm just curious.
  13. Your words are as refreshing as a public restroom
  14. I recently realized I was forever trying to manage my anxiety. I'm learning how to soothe it now, for example, I put my hand on top of heart with the intention to soothe and that helps What are yours? I would love to know