Beginner Mind

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Everything posted by Beginner Mind

  1. The simplest practice is also the ultimate practice: be aware of being aware.
  2. For me, the term 'enlightenment' is a bit of a misnomer, advertising something grand or eventful. But being aware of being aware is extremely simple and subtle. In my experience, there is no 'dial'. You are either aware of your true being, or you aren't.
  3. Are you in this situation? If so, I'm very sorry to hear that. Having said that, I would say it's possible to be aware of being aware no matter what your life circumstances are.
  4. "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse is a classic.
  5. @Aaron p I don't deny the usefulness of psychedelics to produce genuine glimpses, but awakening? I'm skeptical.
  6. Be aware of being aware. Simplest way to awaken. Also costs nothing.
  7. @Anna1 I believe it's possible to be both an asshole and enlightened. But clearly his behavior was unacceptable.
  8. I found @IAmTheHolySpirit to be pretty legit. Shame he had to be rude about it.
  9. @IAmTheHolySpirit Great post. You're quickly making a fan out of me.
  10. @mandyjw You're welcome!
  11. I recently picked up a book called "The Best Enlightenment Quotes & Passages to Awaken the Buddha Within" by Karin James. It's a compilation of non-duality quotes from everyone you can imagine, including Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Ramana Maharshi, Tony Parsons, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts, and many more. I'm so impressed with this book that I've decided to donate all my other books; this is the only book I need. I highly recommend it. If you're interested, it's available on
  12. @LfcCharlie4 Awakening doesn't preclude you from enjoying a good book.
  13. After years of seeking, I've finally found peace. It's as simple as this: be aware of being aware (as taught by Rupert Spira). Simply notice that you are aware, and rest in that. (The peace is subtle; don't expect an orgasm or anything like that). Peace y'all.
  14. @LfcCharlie4 Thanks dude. I'm just beginning to familiarize myself with the peace. Still very much a rookie.
  15. @Serotoninluv Thanks man! You've offered helpful insights for me on multiple occasions.
  16. @Aaron p Yes, I've come to appreciate the silence more and more. It used to be an enemy, now it's my companion.
  17. "Just Sitting" is the most simple meditation practice one could ever do. You simply sit and do nothing. I've found it to be very powerful. It seems that our true nature has a tendency to reveal itself when we sit still for long enough. Have you guys tried this?
  18. @Javfly33 It's not quite a habit for me yet as I've only been practicing for a few days, but I'll keep that in mind.
  19. @Osaid I've found this practice quite easy to do. I suppose some people are just more suited for it than others. And yes, "Just Sitting" and "Do Nothing" are probably synonymous terms. However, I prefer "Just Sitting" over "Do Nothing" as "Do Nothing" subtly implies that you're doing something (you are doing the activity of nothing).
  20. I was thinking more like one hour, but okay.
  21. Meditation.
  22. Love when Rupert brings in the King Lear/John Smith metaphor. Beautiful.
  23. @VeganAwake The author makes frequent mention of things like "there's no one here" and "nothing matters". Right up your alley.