Beginner Mind

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Everything posted by Beginner Mind

  1. By 'God' I don't mean some man with a white beard sitting on the clouds judging everything that's happening on Earth. I'm just referring to Consciousness or the Source. The Source does everything; there is no doer in you or anyone else. If your conditioning is sufficiently updated, acceptance of what is may result.
  2. Ramesh Balsekar was a disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj. In this short video, Ramesh speaks of everything being the will of God, and suggests that we all let life flow. Enlightenment simplified.
  3. You cannot 'do' acceptance. It can only happen if it is your destiny to have your conditioning altered. If your current conditioning is such that life is resisted, hearing a teaching like "Everything is God's will" or "Everything is predetermined" may change that conditioning such that acceptance occurs (God willing).
  4. I'm interested in trying psychedelics but I have no idea how to go about obtaining them... Cannabis, however, is now legal here in Canada so obtaining some of that is not a problem. Has anyone here had any God realization or deep metaphysical insights from cannabis?
  5. I wanted to start a thread about Roger Castillo but then I figured I should just add to a pre-existing one. @ChimpBrain I'd be interested to know how you've come along with this teaching since you first posted this. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Roger Castillo, I recommend the following video as a starting point:
  6. I'm looking for a legit psychic, the kind who makes your jaw drop occasionally. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  7. @Mafortu Psychic abilities definitely exist, but even good psychics can be wrong.
  8. The key to happiness is saying "yes" to our current circumstances, as Rupert Spira beautifully explains here.
  9. I second this. Adyashanti's approach of 'allowing everything to be as it is' is the ultimate (and simplest) meditation. It effortlessly reveals the peace and joy of your true nature.
  10. In my opinion, the best meditation you can do is simply to allow everything to be as it is, which is just a fancy way of saying, "Just be". Meditation is not complicated; it actually requires no effort whatsoever.
  11. I want to share a nice meditation tip I heard from Adyashanti. Imagine that you are in the passenger's seat in a car. How would you behave? You wouldn't be steering the vehicle, you wouldn't be doing anything at all. You would just be sitting back and going along for the ride, right? Well, you can approach your meditation in exactly the same way. Let go of control, let go of the meditator. Be the passenger of your meditation. This is the experience of allowing everything to be as it is, and the simple path to peace.
  12. @No Self I hadn't heard that one before but yes that sounds similar.
  13. @snowyowl Yes you could put it that way.
  14. Has anyone else tried this? It's basically just another way of saying "allow everything to be as it is". Except that with surrender, it's more of a total collapse, allowing your body to go slack, and having the attitude of "I am helpless; God is all-powerful." After about 15-20 minutes of surrendering in this way, you will begin to notice a tremendous peace, the peace that 'passeth understanding." Highly recommended.
  15. Yes for many people suffering is their main or only spiritual teacher.
  16. It's true that there is no control. There is no doer. In fact there is no entity inside that organism you call 'you'. And yet, there is a feeling of free will, perhaps a gift from Source so that we don't all feel like a bunch of slaves. One of my teachers, Roger Castillo, recommends "doing whatever you feel to do in any moment". If you feel an impulse to travel down the spiritual path, then go ahead and do so. Knowing at the same time that it's not really up to 'you'.
  17. Seeking happiness through enlightenment is what it's all about. Although I'd say the happiness that is available is more akin to peace.
  18. Yes, if you find that you can't just surrender outright, and resistance continues to arise, then allow the resistance to be as it is. Nothing wrong with anything. Everything is perfect as it is, including resistance.
  19. Surrender is the relinquishment of inner resistance to this moment.
  20. Yes, surrender is our natural state! Thoughts will continue to arise even after liberation, but there will no longer be the capacity to take any of them seriously.
  21. Yes, everything is perfect as it is. So it's safe to step back and allow everything to be as it is.
  22. @Moksha I appreciate your posts. High-quality stuff. Keep 'em comin'!
  23. Grateful for all the spiritual teachers who have impacted my life. And grateful for the suffering that brought me to them.