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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. I've been wondering lately why most teachers like Rupert Spira, Sadhguru, Adyashanti, etc do not talk about problems in society that keep people asleep. Are they so enlightened that they see those problems as pointless to the enlightenment process or do they just choose to not talk about them because it's not a part of the world they wish to be in? If their goal is to enlighten people why not have a goal to challenge and transform society so they can make a larger impact? During the vietnam war there were activist monks that spoke against it but these days not many teachers address such things
  2. I understand that but at the same time there are certain limitations for many people to look within if they are living in poverty or if the society they are living in is ruled by fear which are big problems in most countries including a country like America where the news is laced with fear. The system of money and value has also corrupted people from working on themselves.
  3. Western developed countries aren't that far off, they just did the raping and pillaging earlier and much better than everyone else. When you are in a country on time its easier to be "good" We cant even get our own politics right to show the world how it should be done. Extreme vanity and materialism has corrupted minds all over the world and even Sadhguru has mentioned it as a warning to the people of India. India is a really unique country because it's riddled with extremely rich and poor people. They are also more evolved spiritually at the same time and seem to co-exist with different groups of people much better, and yet it's not safe for women to walk and night alone so they just don't do those things. The irony is China has universal healthcare and they are probably ranked higher than America in total health of a nation but if you make any negative criticism of the CCP you can go to jail or even disappear. Then in America, getting sick can cause you to lose your home and go bankrupt, then homeless. From the Chinese people they may see what America does to it's citizens and people around the world as evil. From an American perspective its easier to point the finger back at them for many other things. I have spoken to an American that runs business in countries in Asia and America and he told me its much easier in China to become rich if you work hard compared to America. Would I rather raise my kids in Western develop country over China, of course, but at the same time I am aware of that freedom and liberty means many things in different cultures and there are advantages and disadvantages in most countries.
  4. Its safe to be cautious and skeptical of ultra-wealthy people that fund politicians. In a way there isn't much to do about them if they are conspiring so it might make it easier to assume the best of them or just ignore the skepticism about them....
  5. The people of China are wonderful and great people like many nations. Like any other government, they are often the biggest problem and do not represent the masses. I have spoken to people in many places around the world including Russia. In every interaction, I concluded they are like me. Want to love, want to be loved.
  6. Yes, I've heard him talk about that on many occasions such as planting trees and making sure we have healthy soil. Issues are certainly important but not exactly controversial because id like to think most people agree with those ideas. There have been occasions where he talked about taking medicine and experimenting on animals and he got some pushback when someone accused him of being an anti-vaxxer even though he didn't even talk about not taking vaccinations. So I'm sure he has some awareness not to stir up controversy because it distracts from bigger goals he has.
  7. That's the conundrum that I am struggling with because that logic applies to allowing people to be corrupt, murderous, and exploitative. The twisted part of awakening is you see everything that happens just happens and you accept that but isn't that sociopathic? How is that any different than a warlord or a hardcore libertarian that chooses to overlook the corruption and just says well, its either them or us. I've listened to hundreds of hours of those names I mentioned and to be fair someone like Sadhguru has said that humans are cruel creatures and he used the word WE, then shortly addressed being less cruel. There is certainly a level of pandering to the masses to hopefully bring them in rather than being harsh and truthful.
  8. Actually, I would be interested to see an entire country being able to vote if they want to go to war with Russia or not, I would suspect most of them do but at the great expense to the entire world. Again to what point does America and Western Europe stop before the world's government just say, you are on your own? Zelenski has even asked America to send their troops to Ukraine, which I personally have a bigger problem with than funding them with noi budget in mind Prior to the whole war thing, I actually talked to many Ukrainians whether they think Ukraine should unite with Russia or not, a small minority thinks so but perhaps that number has probably gone down after getting invaded. If the country isn't divided in half, another solution is to give the Ukrainians a choice on how they want to stop the war. They can vote and if 10% or whatever percent of Ukrainians are in favor of Russia then Russia gets 10% of Ukraine from the Russian border. Putin has asked before invading to disarm all of the missiles that are pointing at Russia in eastern Ukraine. What would US do if China gave a bunch of missiles to Mexico at the US/Mexico Border? What if China's best excuse is, we aren't setting up bases at the US border, all we did is gave Mexico missiles because they asked them from us?
  9. It's important not to hold anyone on a pedestal but at the same time all of these men, including Jeff Bezos dare to dream and put their thoughts into action. Something most of us have trouble doing.
  10. There is an alternative which is to give Putin half of Ukraine and divide the country in half. The Ukrainians that support Russia can stay in that half and the other half that dislikes Russia can go to the other side. There are minerals and resources that everyone wants, they should just share them. If no one surrenders, the war can go on for another decade and cost countless lives and lots of money, enough to pay for Medicare for all and give free college to students in America like many European countries do. The only short-term solution would be the worst possible scenario which would be to nuke Russia and disable any countermeasure for them to nuke back but who would be the real bad guys in that situation?
  11. "Liberal" people supporting war rather than peace talks is a totally different reality than what I grew up in where hippies were for love and war. There certainly needs to be a reasonable limit and budget for funding another country's war. If America and Western Europe are interested in funding this war because they have a financial interest they need to at least be honest about it. American vets had to beg for medical care and some of them died from cancer before they could get the proper treatment from the burn pits but then Congress immediately sends billions to another country. Not to mention funding infrastructure and the East Palestine chemical spill. As Putin is censoring his people, it's likely that the Western government is doing the same, and general citizens will never really find out the truth. The best thing we can all do is just pray for the least amount of bloodshed as possible.
  12. Liberals are more evolved than conservatives yet the liberal mindset can be more dangerous in certain situations such as if a scientist who has altruistic intentions trying to create a cure for a neurodegenerative disease and then wipes out the entire population like in Planet of the Apes with James Franco. In this case, the liberal mind is less evolved than the conservative mind because the more brilliant wiser person is missing a deeper understanding of a situation. There are real-life cases such as the people that created the atomic bomb, they had the intention of creating cheap energy for the world but they lacked the wisdom to understand not everyone involved thinks like them. A redneck hick that wants to work hard in construction, grow food, share it with their neighbors, and love their children may be wiser than someone that works in a pharmaceutical company trying to cure cancer and is involved themselves in NGOs. There is a higher mind above the human intellect that goes beyond wisdom even. We are just pawns when it comes to the universal forces that hold the structure of what we call reality.
  13. It's exactly why and the failures of previous administrations builds up the resentment. All they have to do is say the word sorry we fell flat in X X and X but if they ever said sorry that would mean they have to have a path forward to change. The ugly truth is they don't want change on either side, all they want to do is keep things the same at best. The donors don't donate because they want to improve things.
  14. lol many of the politicians trade stocks, its been proven in on many instances where people have asked politicians should they be allowed to trade stocks they have always said overwhelmingly YES. Its called lobbying, every politician that wins does it really well. Of course, we can just assume these corporations and individuals are donating with the kindness of their hearts. Peter Thiel, the dude that famously funds the most successful startups and has gone IPO donated to Trump. I understand my thinking is speculation but I believe the public would overwhelmingly support the removal lobbyist or at the least seriously limit them. Thats true but now they have power and sometimes just attempting to reverse things brings up public conversation on why was it done in the first place and what are the risk. That way when the SVB issue come in, the democrats can at least say, see we told you and even tried to fix it, rather than just blame it on Trump. To Obama's credit, he was willing to have intelligent conversations on topics to engage people to think. Joe Biden isn't capable of doing such things
  15. The right needed him and they knew if they put another Bush in power it would ruin the party. Trump cut a lot of deals with the money people and he helped them make a lot of it. The DNC also made a shit load of money from inside trading along with people in the RNC. Trump said a lot of stupid culture shit to get people all riled up while he removed some of Dodd Frank which allowed banks to take more risk, making everyone more money. Biden blamed the whole inflation thing on Trump doing that but he didn't choose to put some of the laws back that were removed from Trump. Even today he hasn't put them back in.
  16. The bar is set extremely low so people's expectations are unreasonable in any direction. If there was such a candidate that had a good laid-out plan for Medicare for all and made it impossible for the people on the left and right to refuse. They would win in a heartbeat and become the greatest president in modern history. I had so much faith in Bernie but the dude fell flat and hasn't even whispered anything about it in a while. RFK seems serious in his attempt but there are so many obstacles that make his democratic seat nearly impossible. The DNC probably prefers Trump over him.
  17. Hiring retired police officers and military vets to protect the schools would get mass support from left and right. Doing this would help solve 2 problems because 10% of homeless people are vets that have no purpose in life after going back to civilian life. The government just bailed out a bank in a heart beat yet they can't even create solutions to protect our children, its fucking disgraceful.
  18. Everyone has nice answers in their head, but somehow, people keep electing narcissists.
  19. She probably doesn't have a mind or the fortitude to become a good president, but she's enough to give people hope even if it's not grounded on anything. People are incredibly shallow, and if there were an actual leader that held people accountable, the people would not like that person. Like the Bush family reigning from Bush senior, Clinton and Bush Jr showed the dangers of power accumulation. If Michelle were to get into power it would be like Barrack being in charge again, but if she just showed up with a smile and a few speeches here and there, the average American could move on with their lives. When an influencer like Logan Paul or Andrew Tate makes more money than a president you know, there are going to be some problems.
  20. In a nutshell, RFK Jr would be better than Trump, Biden, Kamala Harris, Major Pete, Desantis The only person I have in mind who would never run would be Michelle Obama, shes loved even more than her husband.
  21. That statement doesn't mean much, and paying attention to him positively or negatively feeds into his worship. Musk is painstakingly efficient at working and having enough time to mess around in twitter.
  22. It's along the lines of being one but Bernie and AOC have been guilty of not speaking up for the BS that their own party. These kinds of things are similar to police officers protecting each other when knowing their colleagues did the wrong thing. This type of behavior undermines the public trust. has been doing not to mention what they should be doing with the Russia, and Ukraine problem, which is encouraging both nations to talk about a peace treaty and to hear both sides equally instead of just one side. If Naom wasn't working for some agency, why did he meet Epstein several times after he was charged? As someone so smart and so public, why risk your reputation meeting up with a pedophile and sex trafficker? There's a lot we will never find out, and Noam didn't do a very good job making a case for himself after a reporter asked him about it. If there is nothing to hide why not just tell the truth, I went to a few parties and he was in them by chance, I wanted to meet him to ask him not to spread any lies about me or some shit like that. Or I met him a few times just to let him know how big of a piece of shit he is lol Its entirely possible that his rapid decline in aging has deteriorated his brain and judgment
  23. He said many good things when he was younger, but it's entirely possible he was planted by the government to create a "psuedo" movement only not to create one, sorta like how disappointing Bernie has shown to be like AOC. The world does not get its heroes; the rare time it does, they get shot. Institutions such as MIT and Harvard bring lots of influence in the world; perhaps if he was worth something valuable for humanities evolution, he would not have been part of those institutions. I can probably believe that a scientist that graduated from MIT is a humanitarian because there are only a handful of geniuses in the world, and some of them have to be good but a person that studies economics or more soft science does not actually need to be brilliant in the prerequisite. Among the OG activist, Cornel West is the last of them I have faith.
  24. They are more right-leaning than Tucker is, I don't think Tucker will go with them, and frankly speaking, 100 million dollars is too little for Tucker. Despite what people feel about him, his viewership is tremendous.