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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. @Recursoinominado I personally believe that Hotez believes in everything he thinks and says as RFK does too. Even if you don't agree with RFK stance on vaccines. It's undeniable that chemicals laced in plants is not safe which Kennedy brings up.
  2. @Recursoinominado He seems like a legitimate journalist. Are you calling him a fool because you don't agree with the stuff he covers?
  3. @Recursoinominado @zurew Joe also mentioned that Peter could have someone else more equip to debate. Glenn Greenwald makes some good points. Glen is a fair actor and pushed hard against RFK on his stance with Isreal and Palestine.
  4. @Recursoinominado To be fair Joe Rogan offered Peter Hotez to go on his show or another long-form show against RFK to debate and Peter Hotez seems to have rejected the offer. I believe Jon Stewart even joined in on the tweet to encourage a debate.
  5. @Philipp You cant blame them because the reality is there are institutions that own everything and lobby the government. Those friends of yours are probably not anti-government rather people that just want those in power to be fair and honest. These types of people that are "anti" government are the people that push society forward. Not too long ago it was illegal for blacks to be treated by doctors in hospitals and if a medical doctor were to get caught treating a colored person they would go to jail and lose their license. Back then the only care a black person could have gotten for medical and dental care was from a veterinarian. The people that were opposed to such rules back then were "anti" government. The people today that you mentioned could be wrong on certain points and others may be point on and as of now its hard to determine which rules in society will be deemed as just and unjust moving into the future. Democracy is part of the evolutionary process and not one really has a crystal ball.
  6. @charlie cho The shadiest thing Tate did in his webcam business was trick lonely men into giving the girls money. I am not sure how illegal that is or isn't but it was certainly immoral to toy with someones heart for profit. Sometimes I wonder if Tate is working with the "Matrix" to distract young men and think perhaps the jail thing was fabricated to create an adversary to validate his claims that the Matrix is attacking him.
  7. @VictorB02 You are right to have your views and so are the people that say you are wrong. Reality is wonky and at the end of the day, all that matters is everyone's personal reality. At the least, most people see things this way. Truth is a nonlinear thing and many things can true at once including contrasting views. People are willing to die and defend their views at all costs without understanding that God is a trickster.
  8. First you need to recognize that the self is a construct of your mind, then you have to realize you are a construct of a different mind you were never aware was you, then you will realize that existence can only be from imagination.
  9. Some people on youtube have been talking about their disappointment with the inconsistency of Musk claiming to be anti-establishment and for "free speech" yet bringing in someone that rubs a lot of elbows with rich powerful people.
  10. If you feel there are area's in your life that are more important then you should focus on those things. ie survival, making money, developing healthy relationships
  11. I mentioned on page 2, they are all part of the same club Carlin said. It's really funny how one of them is glorified by a group of people while there is disdain for another while the other groupies have opposing sentiments. But then if you investigate further you realized they are all backed by the same people and they all party together.
  12. @DocWatts Those are good points but do you really think the dems and rep really want to implement rank choice voting and then move in the direction of 3rd, 4th party? The citizens need to believe in the possibility or be enraged enough to push for change. Imagine if Cornell West becomes so loved by the nation and ends up losing anyways, how would the citizens react? It took MLK getting capped in the face for people to force change to happen, I really don't want to see anything violent or horrific for change to catalyze. Failure to the point of rage traditionally creates the most change and I'm afraid that maybe the only way for long-term change.
  13. @Danioover9000 The majority of Americans do not feel the politicians represent them. If the citizens demand 4-7 parties there will be a wider array of voices for all the citizens. Switzerland has 16 parties, and Sweden has 8 to name a few. In these respective countries, a balanced distribution within parliament has to be represented by each party. Its asinine that America isn't even moving in that direction and the worst part is Americans keep themselves enslaved by 2 parties to create the rules. Trump pushed operation warp speed and produced a vaccine in less than a year, to create a fair system of governing should not be hard. Oh wait! the vaccine was produced to enrich big pharma billions of billlions. Creating democracy will cost them money.. OOOOOOooooooo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Sweden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Switzerland
  14. The biggest advantage of closing your eyes is it opens your ability to see and feel things you wouldn't so easily experience if you eyes are open. This is why most people that have psychedelic experiences naturally close their eyes. When meditating properly your body starts producing or you become more sensitive to the natural psychedelics your body produces. It's normal to get sleepy from a technical standpoint because you are slowing your brain waves down and when you get closer to delta sleepiness starts to kick in. I recommend meditating with your eyes closed, if you drift in and out of sleep it's totally fine the better you get at meditation the less time it will take you to enter that deep state which means you wont get sleepy
  15. Gabor Mate has done a good analysis of world leaders from Obama to Trump on narcissists. Tim Cook, Bezos, Musk, Gates, Jobs all fall under the same category.
  16. MLM criticism is fair but the reality is, our version of capitalism is a GIANT MLM. All the problems people have of MLM are the same problems only much much larger to American corporatism that is infecting the entire world.
  17. Come on. The democratic party is supposed to be progressive. From Obama to Hillary was a huge downgrade and people just didn't feel like voting. Imagine coming from Chris Hemsworth to Elliott Page. One minute you are dating a tall handsome gorgeous man the next one you are dating a man with a strap on. Thats what progressives felt about Obama to Hillary. Trumps out of power now and the country isn't even 1 percent better which means he wasn't the major problem Blaming Jill for Trump isn't looking inward The democrats just know they just don't want the other side but in a vacuum, there isn't any candidate on the left that is capable of bringing the country together that they can honestly stand behind.
  18. @abundance The problem is people on the right view left as fascist and in their eyes and values the left is. This 2 party system creates polarity so we need more parties to prevent culture wars. If it was Trump vs Biden vs West you think all people on the right will vote for Trump? Just like people on the left would prefer West there will be some but probably fewer that would prefer him over Trump.
  19. That statement holds for everyone on this planet. The way the system works is, the incentivization system is built on lies and deception. Any reasonable-minded person would leave their party once they have any conscience. The reason why people were so tolerant of Epstein was because of what he could offer them even when knowing he was pimping teenage girls. The same thing happens (s) in Hollywood and the only solution will be to limit their power by distributing it. There is no way to fix both parties until there is more competition for them. The ego also looks for things in others to put itself in a higher moral position, this alleviates its transgressions.
  20. They are just planting a seed to try to get more funding to where they want the money to be spent. The government has long punished whistleblowers so I find it suspicious they are allowing ex-government and military people to just speak freely on classified info
  21. At least he's putting himself out there to serve and try to change the country
  22. That's the wrong mentality to have because nothing will change and both parties will just keep on doing the least as possible to keep their voters. In the long run, moving towards a system that distributes power will help the country move forward, 20, 30, 40, 50 years into the future. Voting blue no matter who will lead to a future like Starwars, Altered Carbon, or Foundation where the same group of people controls the entire galaxy for thousands of years. There's a good number of Americans that do not vote at all because they don't feel any politician represents them. Since they arent participating in democracy they are more likely to break the law or do whatever they feel they have to do to survive. A majority of Americans are losing faith in themselves and others, Cornel West can be a path forward to heal those wounds. Both parties are bought by the same people, if there were 4-7 parties out there like some socialist European countries buying all the parties will be much more difficult.
  23. Im super pumped about his announcement, I've been following him for years and saddened to hear that he wasn't treated at Harvard with enough respect. Even if he doesn't win, its going to be important for America to move in the direction of a 3rd, 4th party.
  24. It's a slippery slope when you start talking about sensitive things that parents should be talking to their kids. This whole thing and the trans movement are designed to distract people from more significant problems, many problems that most people would agree with like cleaning up money in politics. The politicians on both sides design controversial un-important topics in relationship to society on a mass scale so we don't fight them with the things everyone agrees with