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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. Sex trafficking is a serious issue around the world and should not be politicized. There are also so many people who have been sexually assaulted or molested as children. The media doesn't really like to talk about serious issues that are universally agreed that it should be addressed. @Danioover9000 So many care so much about the movie and who made it rather than the problem itself.
  2. @ryandesreu All of us need to change from the inside out til most people get the point it's not the external environment that makes people, it is more conscious people taking action. There isn't a church, government body, or any political ideology that can save people. The very nature of organizations is to justify power.
  3. The people on the right never had a problem with it until the people on the left had more of it. Now they are crying about censorship and the decaying of society while the people on the left are becoming obliviously ignorant. This is quite amusing to see this because people haven't realized the problem was never a system or even an ideological one. Rather a problem within. Kyle is unable to realize this and he keeps talking about "policy"
  4. Th men that like him they feel he is the voice for the unheard, unloved parts of their psyche. In the deepest part of their souls, they want to be loud and "rich" like him and not feel sorry to be like that. There are a lot more intelligent and compassionate voices to address these men but they are not willing to actually do the work themselves so they consider Tate a quick solution for their shortcomings. Its not hard to create a movement around people's insecurities, all you have to do is identify the group that feels oppressed and make that your campaign. Here are some examples that could work. "I'm not sorry for being a white man" "I'm sorry for being born a man" "I'm white" "The Oppressed Vagina" "I don't want your dick" "Trans are people too" "I'm not my dick" Tate's identified a problem and created an adversary People love falling for narcissists. AOC, Trump, Tate, Obama, Don Lemon, Tucker Carlson, and fictional characters like Tony Stark "Iron Man", and Dr. Strange. They all have something in common, an unshakable belief of self-importance.
  5. Im making a point about how he's using people's frustrations and using them for his own benefit. How he makes money is an example of what kind of person he is.
  6. Tate's tactics of hooking in people is to point out people's inadequacies and project them to an external force or entity. It is used in religion, medicine, politics, self-help, and pretty much everything else. The dude talks about weak men yet he benefits financially from them.
  7. This will explain it all. Conceptionally money is a useful idea but the way it is ran makes it a ponzi scheme.
  8. Most of what the video says is not true. Singapore is a country worth visiting and talking to the local people. The gap between rich and poor is a problem in every single country but compared to a country like America, China, India, the gap isn't as wide in comparison. The mortgage of a government-subsidized house is only $1200-1600 per month and the home sells for 350K and up. I don't think many places in the world have such a living situation. If someone cant afford $1600/month to own a place, they are considered lazy fucks. The monthly rental of a place like in California is at least $2500++ and that's paying someone else's mortgage Also there are homeless people in Singapore and all over the world... I haven't been to one country that doesn't with the exception of a place like Dubai or Qatar
  9. That isnt that mindset at all, the mindset is nothing is going to change until people are willing to do the work together. If that is not done, the donor class will continue to have their way. It's a fact that they fund both sides. Except its for the few that create the choices for the people. There is just an illusion of choice. When I do vote its usually an independent that's not funded by special interest
  10. I wouldn't say Ben Shapiro is really spiritual, instead, he practices cultural dogma and has biases that conflict with the actual teachings. Like many people, Ben thinks knowing something is the same as practicing or embodying the actual teachings by putting in knowledge thru action. If he acted out of compassion he would support things like universal healthcare or think of ways of making things more fair, rather than having a health system that can bankrupt someone. His version of kindness is to create more individual responsibility and when someone doesn't act responsibly, we must give them serious consequences. For the most part most people on the right, particularly libertarians think this way. There is a level of kindness in thinking this way, sort of like allowing your child to figure things on their own but if someone like Christ thought like that, he would not have stood up and said anything.
  11. Voting won't matter until the people figure out a way to have candidates that they were involved with build-up from the grassroots. Giving both parties a pass to select individuals for the citizens to vote for is not democracy. It's like asking someone if they want to eat shit or drink pee for dinner.
  12. Existence happens the second you are aware that you exist to observe existence. This can only be proven and validated by realizing this through your own awareness. Any other conclusion that is not along those lines is an assumption. Going to a lecture from Sean Carol, Sam Harris, Neils Degrass Tyson, or any other clown convincing you that is not the case is just mind fucking yourself. You are going to have to do the work yourself, no one is going to tell you the truth even Leo.
  13. China relies on North Korea for minerals, resources, and supplies to build stuff in their factories to then sell the goods to America and other developed countries. Western companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla to name a few to make money and give people jobs. Americans thrive from North Korea and China's questionable ethics. We are as guilty as Xi Jin Ping, Kim Jong Un, Putin, and whomever you want to add to the list.
  14. @ardacigin You can be aware that you exist and at the same time another mind of you exist which doesn't negate the first premise. The very thought that anything can exist outside of you is a pure logical assumption and sounds reasonable but its not. You are also projecting on what it means to be GOD which is a general problem that many religious people face. God made itself limited thru you so it can understand what infinity is when you awaken. Walking thru walls and flying are what you are projecting on what it should be if you are unlimited.
  15. @SQAAD Lets assume Andrew treats all of the ladies who has worked with him great and he's made tons of money for them and himself, that still does not make him a good model to follow because a majority of men would not be able to make money doing the same thing and if they did, there would be a low probability of creating a healthy working environment for these ladies. Tate is great at riling up frustrating emotions and he uses that to fish men into him. Tate's followers are unlikely to have love, success, and most importantly happiness following him. The most disturbing thing is they probably know that deep down inside and love to follow him just to validate their feeling of lack and to be fair with Tate he even says it out loud to his audience.
  16. TYT was never really relevant and they grew during Bush Jr' reign when it was easy being a lefty. TYT never evolved once Obama came into power and then people began to see that it was never a partisan problem, but rather a money and a distribution of power problem. I'm not fully convinced by her saying how much she's changed. All of these youtube commentators like Kyle, Breaking Points, Ben Shapiro etc lean to partisan because it makes them money when they lean to one side more than the other. Ana, Cenk, Kyle, and Krystal are good examples of what happens when you have compassion, yellow-green stage thinking without any spirituality.
  17. Idealisticaly teachers would empower students to learn, ask questions, and create future leaders. School creates an environment for kids to learn social skills. The system doesn't want to create competition just a workforce and foolish people that will vote for them.
  18. The education system was never relevant, it is designed to create workers and stimulate GDP. Its hard to say how much it will cost but there are solutions to cut costs in the areas of administration. I just know that teachers need to double and even triple their salaries. This will attract more competition and improve the teaching level across the board. There are some affluent public schools in America that receive no funding from the government, instead, they are completely funded by the community, which allows them not to be influenced by the government. I have graduate-level education, if a school wanted to hire me, they would have to pay me at least 300k a year and still that would be considered a pay cut for me. Poor kids dont have environments with structure so if you leave them at home, they won't be learning. Also, whos going to watch them if both parents are working? Home-schooling works and kids become very independent because one or both parents are around. I send my kids to private school, monetary wise, its a waste of money because I can do a better job than the teachers but I send my kids to school because of the social environment it offers. My graduate-level education was also bullshit but I needed it to get the job because society doesn't have any other way of measuring competence
  19. Many psychotherapists have troubled lives as well, not as troubled as a porn star or a prostitute may have. You can name other professions and look at someone's past that explains why people choose those vocations. UFC fighters, policemen, people that do dangerous sports, and even chefs. Chefs like Anthony Bourdain had a history of drug abuse and depression that ended his life. Many chefs have drug and alcohol problems. Rich people don't become chefs, the work is way too hard and they can't have a social or family life. A rich person will go to a nice restaurant, they may even invest in one but they don't usually become chefs and work their way up. If you ask any of these people if they could grow up in loving homes with financial power and a good education they would say yes but the reality is, not many people are lucky enough to have those things. There's research that talks about the dangers of watching porn but the truth of the matter is, most people do not have healthy sex lives in a stable relationship. Even married couples with happy kids do not have healthy sex lives. There is an argument in these situations that porn is saving their marriage. Not all porn stars have troubled past lives, some of them just love having sex and love knowing people are watching them. If you get into the heart of the matter and into a woman's heart, most of the time they want love, marriage and kids. Even the women that get into these fields want that but often feel they are not worthy of that.
  20. @mr_engineer Yuval Noah Harari wrote a popular book but doesn't have a strong belief in the human spirit. He believes people are too tainted to govern. Instead an emotion less centralized system should control the entire world. His thoughts are ignorantly dangerous because he wants to eliminate freewill. He's either a fool or purposely trying to create a world controlled by the few.
  21. Poor kids during the lock down online learning phase during the were not using it. Rich people were okie during this time but the poor people lost 2 years of education for their kids. They either didn't have reliable internet connection or lacked parental supervision to overlook things. Online learning works best when parents come from an educated background and he able to be present. The poor kids lack foundation and resources just giving them equal online learning wont work. The poor neighborhoods need both education and community connection. These things are costly and the nation will have to choose to not pump the stock market and wage war or fund war. Building a community doesn't make money but fucking up people's lives and getting people sucked in materialism does. Without a consumer based society the world we live in won't work. Heaven forbid should we focus on empowering people and true happiness. The thought of a world like that would give a polician nightmares
  22. I would say systemically Asians have it more challenging in America but culturally Blacks have a disadvantage. On the other hand, if they based applications purely on merit, there will be more Asians and rich white kids. I would say at the end of the day it's a class difference. If a black person came from a well-to-do family and both parents are together their path to higher education is much easier than any other race, except native Americans which ironically have it worst than the Blacks because there are less rich Native Americans than Blacks. If they want to fix systemic racism, they need to put more money into education in poor neighborhoods because at the end of the day its more about income than race. The crime problem in poor places can also be linked to a lack of education.
  23. Trump's operation "warp-speed" allowed Biden to push the vaccine in America and the rest of the world. If you are going to give Biden credit on his handling of the pandemic then Trump deserves at portion of the credit you are giving to Biden.
  24. This is some fair criticism of Obama and what created an opening for Trump to come in. Cornell West predicted the future by mentioning getting into a war with Russia 12 years ago! I started it at 11:25 but it's worth going back and watching it from the start. Sabby is a well-educated Black woman and teaches at Boston University if I am not mistaken. Here is the original interview:
  25. @Leo Gura Personally I prefer Dr. Cornel West but if I had to choose between Trump, Biden, Williamson, and RFK, I would choose RFK.... If Trump loses to any of them except RFK, the people on the right are going to go crazy and protest. If some crazy miraculous reason Trump pulls off a win, the people on the left are going to go crazy. RFK and especially if Dr. West wins thru the green party, the nation will be less divided. It's not like we will get people like Rupert Spira or Adyashanti running for president. The world isn't ready for real spiritual leaders and countries would not be able to function without having to be cruel. People can be "spiritual" because there are men willing to do cruel things to people, other animals, and the planet. Viciousness is outsourced to the bold so we can live in harmony... this is the biggest shadow the left can't acknowledge.