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Animals are also torchered to create boner medication and other types of medicines that are not even critical to human life. Minks make great exterminators for rats and mice, there is a YouTube channel with a guy that uses Minks for his extermination business. These conversations do not happen on mass media, including cobalt mines for our Electronics and EVs because they don't want people to be aware of the darkest parts of our lives.
This thread is pretty much becoming pointless as the Tate one. Many people have their minds fixed on the whole situation. We will have to all see what the conclusion of the whole situation will be in the next coming weeks to months. Bidens accuser(s) have stepped forward, I wonder how British law works because if these women step forward and expose themselves I can see their lives going for a rollercoaster. Maybe Monica Lewinski sues Bill Clinton and that makes the news too.
Indeed it is relevant but so are the people on the right saying gender is biological. There are also women that enjoy having sex as much if not more than men, all you have to do is watch porn. I'm sure if we look up HIV prevalence in porn actresses during the 80s it probably would have as high as gay men in the 80s. I guess I'm making a point how society hasn't evolved very much from the 80s until now because even educated people aren't tactful enough in their speech. If Fauci was more socially educated and aware being in charge of healthcare, he could have said promiscuous sex and unprotected sex dramatically increases the odds of transmission of AIDS, particularly anal sex where a bleed in the rectum can increase the odds of transmission. Women also have anal sex but most do not of course, so mentioning sexual orientation can lead to misunderstanding. I was misinformed of the whole nuance for a good part of my early life because of lack of insight from a medical professional.
Thats really unfortunate, I hope he gets the treatment to deal with the truama. There is always numerous types of risk when undergoing medical treatments of any kind. In this case he waived a lot of those kinds of complications by agreeing to do the surgery.
That's because they have more sex and more unprotected sex but to say gay men have it more without identifying the problem is misleading and considered homophobic by the gay community. Not to mention the partying and drug use. I used to think that way too until one of my gay friends called me out on it. If a woman were to have that kind of lifestyle they would be equally prevalent to getting AIDS. Women just take care of themselves better than men when it comes to the health department which is one of the reasons they live longer on average.
@Raze If Rumble succeeds, they will lose their audience so I dont think they are going to cave in. They exist because they claim to be unbias and more free than youtube. The people on the left wont go to them so they gain very little doing that to Brand
If this is the case society can have a witch-hunt for anyone just because of an accusation. Its a parents job protect their child, not blow up anyones head that can be suspicious. One in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault. That is a fucking high number and its terrifying but it all boils down the environment. Most people I know whom were assaulted as children were neglected by their parents. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/children-and-teens
They were screenshots rather than messages stored on her phone, it can be photoshoped. They are going to need to procure the messages from apple some how and do an audit of russells numbers and see if what is on her phone is actually him.
Find a woman who was not raised in a western country if so then go to a country like Portugal where the people are very family oriented still.
@Hardkill The 80s had the AIDS epidemic and people like Fauci was the one that spreaded the fake news that gay men get AIDS easier. Socially things were worst back in the 80s and 90s for people but economically better because 5-10 years of hard work would allow someone to pay off their home while now its 30 years. I don't think there has been ever a year where wars don't exist, people were just less exposed so they weren't aware of the injustice in the world. Spiritually there are more awakened people today than the last 30+ years. Now novice meditators can do a week long retreat and actualize. In the 90s and early 00s, only a handful of people awakened. Today a poor kid from a village in India, Vietnam etc can learn to program and get a 6 figure income within 10 years. The opportunities around the world have risen while taking away opportunities for people in a place like America. Big Pharma and companies that sell food around the world have centralized now and what people eat so our food is far dirtier and less pure than before. Cancer rates and chronic disease is on the rise because the stuff people are putting in their bodies isn't helping that. So then it becomes really hard to say if things are better or not.
Kevin Spacy was just found innocent a month or 2 ago for worst crimes. His victums were all underaged men whom didnt even have a relationship with him while the women with Brand had a consensual relationship and slept many times together. The statutes of limitations make it hard to be convicted because its going to be his word against hers and in the court of law, especially since it happened so long ago. As long as there is some doubt, the court will favor Brand. Even Michael Jackson was never convicted for the same reason.
Leo mentioned the reported victim came into a clinic right after the event so that must have been 10 years ago. There's not innocent to proven guilty? Brand was only approached a few days before releasing the documentary so he wasnt even allowed to defend himself before the released it. It looks like very sleezy reporting. Documentaries normally come out after someone is convicted... they even waited for Epstein to be convicted to do one on him and his crime was FAR FAR worst. Heck even R Kelly was given a chance to speak during the whole process. I know you guys don't like him for all the "mis-information" but you are letting your personal feelings get in the way of your judgement. We cant live in a society where people can get canceled just by someone's word. Youtube turned off monetization on his videos and YET they are still running ads which means they are collecting the money and not giving it to him. If they were being authentic to their policies they would turn off ads completely but they are putting money before their so called principles. I personally known women that have been raped by their husbands so I'm well aware that is possible. I have been together with the same woman for more than 12 years and there are occasions we mentally abuse each other in a spur of anger, she could have easily said I verbally abused her and painted a picture of victimhood and I could do the same only the lens of social norms I would be laughed at. I have been used for my body, my money from women but I really don't harbor any ill-will towards them because I have grown past the "trauma" Many people don't have that kind of maturity and come up with all sorts of stories in their heads. Certainly it is under the realm of possibility that he did force himself on her but its equally possible she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with him and have his babies, and then he took that away from her. Women give themselves to you differently when they truly love you and the bastard probably did that a lot to many women. He's certainly a sleez bag, at least back then but rapist doesn't fit the psychological profile. I slept with the same woman for 12 years, its not even fun when she's not in the mood but she's doing it just to shut me up.
If that is true, why did it take so long for the authorities of charging him with such a crime? Didn't they have intercourse a good number of times, to the extent most people would consider them in a relationship? If a man is sleeping with so many women, would it be possible at least one of them would want to get revenge and him by fabricating a lie? lol whats that have to do with anything?
I just spent the second time watching the "trailer" I find it odd and suspicious that they made the video about brand so cinematic and used music to dramatize it. They spent a lot of time and money doing such a video on heresy and the statues of limitations limits Brand being found guilty. Normally the courts holds that against the accuser because memories get convoluted thru time. Kevin Spacey got found innocent for that very reason. A British network that he used to work with mentioned there were never complaints from any employees on Brand. I find it interesting the people that dont like him want him to be guilty we certainly live in a polarized world
Dave Smith brings up strong points on other more powerful people like prince Andrew and whomever was on the Epstien list but didn't get scrutinized for worst crimes
This is a good overview and thoughtful input. She brings up good points about Instagram and how the lead people to be attracted to underaged girls
If another Kennedy gets shot, its safe to say that its some government agency. 2 times is a coincidence, 3 times and the conspiracy theory is becomes closer to fact.
I'm not sure if it is used for positive or not and to what extent. If they had that kind of power, they would be able to find an authentic person whom wants to change things and we would have a better president than Biden. Its safe to say these companies and the government want to keep things the same. I know people in law enforcement, why aren't they getting more calls of people molesting children? If they are going at the velocity of going after Brand why not go after someone worst?
@Danioover9000 I'm making a point to @Jodistrict that its not hard for companies to have data on people and whom they came in contact with. Finding people connected to Brand in the past isn't hard. Surveillance can be helpful but equally that kind of power can be abused by people in power that can do more harm because they have so much power.
He worded his language in a clever way. He never offered his opinion on covid, but more on the minds of how people feel. I don't feel he gave misinformation. If so can you cite a clip with a timestamp? More than likely it took them a while to track everyone down and get enough stuff. Who knows how deep this things goes.... You are pretty naive, data collection is extremely valuable. At the least companies store data and sell them, its not far fetched that companies wont sell that information to data brokers or to the government or give it to them to get tax breaks any many other things. Here is a video of a guy in tech that talks about relationship map
Its easy google, apple and the government have a list of people you've come in contact with. We live in a surveillance state. They have a chain of all people you've met and have contact with, you don't have to be famous.
@Leo Gura @Danioover9000 Russels channel has grown faster than any news channel on the internet and they see it as a threat. The major share holders for major news networks are also own by the same people that have shares in google. Lets say there are angry women writing into youtube to get them to demonetize Brand.... There are gun channels that are monetization on youtube despite of school shootings happening so I dont think it has to do with angry women writing in about Brand because I would see a bunch of angry parents writing to youtube all the time every time there is a shooting.
@Princess Arabia The dude used to be married to Katy Perry and she's super hot. His present wife is just as good looking at Katy. I just saying its less likely to be true but I'm not making any assumptions that it is the case. Just like its foolish to believe that all women tell the truth. Look at what happened to Johnny Depp, the dude is a horrible husband but it didn't give Amber an excuse to lie and try to get him to go to jail for breaking her heart. Russell was an outspoken admittingly womanizer. He created a pathway of emotional destruction thru broken hearts in the women that fell for him its possible they are trying to get revenge on him. There's no history of him being violent or aggressive and it would be interesting to see if Katy Perry will stand up for him or not. Katy seems like a very empowered woman, I don't think she would be the type that would protect him if he ever did anything aggressive or violent to her. He more likely cheated on her and lied to her about it along with some of his known drug addiction.
With someone like Musk who isn't a good talking and not a good looking guy its a little more plausible that he would try to do things, heck Bill Gates has done things like that while being in charge of Microsoft. We can take the extreme case and look at someone like Brad Pitt, most women would be happy he even looks at them. Brand isn't gorgeous like Chris Hemsworth or Brad Pitt but I don't think he needs to go to such lengths to get a woman. Weak men with no game resort to shady activity.
That's like 100% of the men that go to clubs to pick up on girls. Most people that go out at night and drink undoubtingly end up drinking.... the smart and consistent thing for a man to do is never drink on dates and have a policy not to sleep with anyone on a first date to protect himself but how many men actually do that? You are making assumptions as if you were there in person. Of course he can be guilty of such things but there isn't any reason to suspect it other than if you are a person that doesnt like him because of his stance on things like mandates and so on. What did Elon Musk do?