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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. I wouldn't say so, there are so very progressive people in places like Miami and plenty of LGBTQ community there. Just because people there like their freedoms doesn't mean they are right wing. There is some crossover and largely Americans on average everywhere are becoming less religious.
  2. Theo is a funny comedian and ask a lot of good questions in this interview which is a pleasant surprise.
  3. He has trouble controlling his emotions and too impulsive. He would be a horrible president. He won't win. Trump purposely says asshole or dumb things to troll people, while Cenk does it unconsciously.
  4. @Danioover9000 Sabine Hossenfelder doesn't address the pyramid effect caused by capitalism and how the people that are closer to the top socialized money offered to them with little risk because they get loans at near zero percent. When their investments go sour they dont have to pay off the debt because they get saved by the government and the debt is passed onto the power at the bottom of the pyramid. Not to mention the military industrial complex, it appears that capitalism relies on that because there isn't any point in modern capitalism where the economy isn't reliant on it. For the second thought guy he doesn't address human motivation and greed which capitalism exploits. Greed and lust are tools used by capitalism. How do we incentivize people to work and to contribute if we don't make it hard for me to get access to money? Can we run an economy that isn't centered around consumption of goods? If we don't solve this problem than the global warming issue the left seems to care about so much its going to be impossible to slow down, if anything consumption will increase as the poor get richer. Socialist countries heavily rely on countries like US and on the opposite spectrum a country like China where democracy doesn't even exist. All countries rely on African nations for raw materials and China using those raw materials to make goods.
  5. @Danioover9000 now you are sounding right wing antivax conspiracy theory person and think the police are going to cover up someone black mailing me and using their power to control the narrative. Let's take it deeper and assume the media is in on it too and they actually pretend they care about people. I guess that person is as screwed as a homeless Iraq veteran. Going back to these women. They never even tried to go to the police and if they did, it was 10 years later. Anyways I don't know the truth of the whole situation and certainly no one outside of Brand and the 4 women do...
  6. If a person doesn't have any money then there is no money to sue a person from. Some young girl can just try to sleep with a famous person and defame them. This famous person wont sue because there is nothing to sue them with. Sort of like if someone who doesnt have money crashes their car into you and they dont have insurance, there's nothing you can do from there, you'll have to just claim thru your own insurance. Basically if we just make it easy for people to accuse someone anyone can just do it. The only real solution like I said earlier is just have a social rule not to sleep with anyone until you know they are serious about you but how many actually do that?
  7. I didnt say that. They just don't and they definitely do not make a documentary for every rape case they come accross There is no cost to going to the police station and filing a report, this is why we pay taxes. None of these women went to the police right away. If the police do not investigate, then the person would go to the media. Lets say my neighbor blows up my car, I am not going to call CNN and ask them to report on it. I will call the police, and if they dont do anything about it then I will come up with other means.
  8. @mostly harmless The fed prints out the money and gives that money to the banks and the banks give the money to companies like Apple, Tesla, Amazon so forth. This creates no competition at all because a competitor that doesn't have access to that free cash is at a severe disadvantage. For every dollar X company makes, Amazon gets $1000 dollars from the money supply for almost free. Presently we don't even have a clean version of capitalism and its a giant pyramid scheme or MLM that we live in.
  9. @Consept Well in this incident they only care because he's famous and they can make more money off of it. If it were a catholic priest or a teacher at a preschool they would not cover it at all. These things happen every day and people report them, even to the FBI such as Epsteins situation. If the media is the gatekeeper of such things they would be undermining the law and anyone can go to them and attack a famous person because its so easy. Women dont even get arrested when they accuse someone and get caught lying. I have family in law enforcement and they never charge the woman. If the media were involved in EVERY single assault case, our entire society would live in fear. The only real solution is prevention and have strict guidelines social on engagement and ensure that women aren't sleeping around so easily.
  10. @Consept I'm talking about normal standard proceedings when it comes to crimes. When someone is assaulted they should go to the police first. The police then ask him to go to the police department so they can question him. Then the news reports it. The media overrid that and did a documentary right away. Do you expect the media to be the first to report victims and their abusers first before doing any legal procedure?
  11. China does not hide themselves, they are unapologetically tyrannical I could be unfair when judging him but I'm cynical of any democratic or republican person can fix the country. I see them all as dismissive and they have little fear of really being accountable. If he or any politician can really go after corporate corruption, inside trading then I would strongly consider but at this point, its either the citizens of the country ban together and make demands or an actual new party arises there isnt much hope for evolution in the present system. Bernie was my guy until he let the DNC take his chances away from him and stayed silent. I was using the meal example as just a metaphor for the state of california. The crime, the homelessness, the poor management of the forest areas that made the fires worst are much better problems. He also didn't hold the power company accountable enough that was responsible for the fires
  12. @Hatfort Of course its fine eating in nice places but having living in California, the condition of the State is also horrible. I personally know multiple people who got mugged and their cars broken into. Ramped theft and stupid laws that encourage them. Breaking his own rules and eating in California's best restaurant is a metaphor of the state of California and the privilege's that he has. He was sorry he got caught.
  13. @Hatfort He broke his own rules during covid and had an expensive meal at one of the countries best restaurant with 12 people. https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/Newsom-attended-French-Laundry-party-with-more-15725393.php
  14. They need to interview him the minute someone accuses him, well actually the police need to do that first because its their job to do so. The media then needs to talk to the police and Brand if he wants to. They need to show that they tried to communicate with him but refused. If he is not convicted then he is a free man and he should be able to make money off of youtube as long as he meets their guidelines. The world is an unfair place and there are people that have done ALOT worst than Brand, like Bill Cosby whom was found guilty and its a well known fact that he gave women date rape drug and raped them. 60 of them and he didn't even have a relationship with them like Brand did. They free Cosby after a short while after being convicted because of a legal technicality that the judicial system messed up on. The judicial system is still the best system we have and we should not use public opinion to punish people. On a different topic argument with the vaccine and why we have to use health authorities to make decisions rather than "youtubers" is exactly like the same reason we cant just make Brand guilty until the judicial system finds him guilty. Both people on the left and on the right cherry pick and often aren't philosophically consistent in their thought process. This video is a good example of people.
  15. It would be a bad idea for him to talk about the issue online (any lawyer would ask him not to address anything) and since he hasn't broke any guidelines officially yet there isn't anything youtube can do. Honestly a very small percentage of rape cases get convicted (in the UK its like 1%) because the court can't convict someone when there is reasonable doubt. The one woman that reportedly got raped by him never filed a police report which is going to make the accusations hard to prove. His Lawyer is going to give her a very hard time and the most painful part is if he did rape her and Russell doesn't get convicted she's going to fall into extreme depression. The media will win because the successfully slowed down his growth, the girl will lose out because she's going to have to re-enact her trauma and get nothing for it. To put it in perspective Epstein's victims were going to the FBI to file a complaint over 20 years, several of them and when they did try to convict him it they werent successful until the last try. If Russell Brand were to hide in shame, that would make him seem more guilty. Lets say he is guilty, the best thing he can do is continue to talk on his channel about the things that made him famous. His fans will watch his content even more and ironically his channel might even grow. The idiotic media did the same thing for Trump and they helped make him president because of the attention they gave him for free!
  16. I dont think his viewers would have changed their stance on vaccines whether or not he even existed in this world. Aaron Rogers, Novak Djokovic would still end up making the same decisions, even if we were to blast all dissenting voice in existence. One of the hardest things to do is to change people, anyone that is involved in self-help, therapy or anything regarding people know its nearly impossible to actualize people. The people that are attracted to Brand already have their views, watching him only re-enforces them. What gives them strength also weakens them. People in western society can learn about worshipping your craft to the point where you put your all into it while the Japanese people can learn to express their suffering by opening up to people and be outspoken about them. Logan Paul is offly shallow and if he is more mature, he would go back to Japan and do more thoughtful content. For example, talk to some Japanese people and ask them honestly how they felt about him doing such things. He's not capable of doing such things at this time and he can make more money doing what he is doing now. I basically used Paul because he fits into the stereotype that most of the world see's American's as.
  17. They are comparisons is one sin is lack of interest to understand a culture and the other in Brands case if he does get found guilty is lack of understand to an individual. Culturally insensitive actions at the behest of someone's suffering is just bad and feeds into American stereotypes. The reason why I brought up Logan Paul was because he broke clear guidelines that google has explicitly warned content creators while Brand's content did not break any guidelines at all. If you are talking about imperialism, UK, Spain, French, have done a better job conquesting, they took entire continents. The Japanese took Korea, parts of China, and Taiwan. As of date America done a better job than all its processors.
  18. @Alex M advertisers care more about views than anything. Where ever there are eyes they will advertise. Moderna sponsored the US open and even the winning shot from Novak who was denied from entering a country because he didn't want to take the jab. Brand channel is growing so obviously some people like him. Watching a show like Kardashian is trashy but plenty of women love watching them. I don't expect people to not watch it. Clearly it offers them value. As long as companies can make money they will. YouTube is still running ads on his channel by the way. They just aren't sharing the profit with him.
  19. Not at all. He's unconsciously ignorant and not malicious at all. I'm not saying suicide is a nobal thing. Personally it's immature to take your life because you can't please your companies desires. But I must say I respect people that dedicate their lives to one thing. Logans behavior is the problematic problem which reflects to the arrogance of the west. The harm of between 2 people on personal matters is not as bad as a Chinese man going to America and burning a flag in front of the white house. Or going to a Dubai embassy to burn a Koran for example. Had Logan gone to Japan and actually spend time talking about suicide with a Japanese person that would have been different than what he did. He was using people's suffering for views. These problems that I'm talking about reflect larger problems than inflicting harm to one person as the other inflicts harm to a nation.
  20. Such things can give people ideas because it allows people that want to kill themselves am excuse to do so. Japan has insanely high suicide rates. Also a white guy going to an Asian country to point a cultural problem as sensitive as suicide is as wrong as the colonizers that came to other countries trying to change another culture without trying to understand them. Japanese are extremely proud people and rather kill themselves than not to try their absolute best. Toyotas can drive 1 million miles for a reason. Him going to a mass suicide grave yard is shitting on their culture. There's been more violence and death from people not wanting to understand another's culture. Logans so shallow he would never understand the harm he caused even though he's sorry for what he did
  21. No, if they have done their time they should not, or if the legal system found them innocent. It would not be fair for youtube to do deep background checks on all their users for various crimes they have done. If we are talking about something beyond the laws we have to convict someone. If OJ Simpson wanted to do a youtube channel he should be allowed to do so. As should someone who got drunk, killed someone, and did their time. Lets take the extreme and talk about a mass murderer in Norway, Behring Breivik . The dude killed 77 people and got 21 years in jail, in 2033 he will be a free man. Even he should be allowed to have a YouTube channel. Personally I think 21 years in jail is too short and there isn't a single state in America that would give him such a light sentence so we cant hold every country's to the same standard especially since America has the highest incarceration rate and the most people in jail per capita. But the legal system of his country deemed 21 years is enough and we just have to go by that. If we lived in a society where citizens can punish people as they want without checks and balances there would be much more damage than even someone like Alex Jones can do.
  22. His lawyers probably advised him not to speak about it as most lawyers would ask their clients to do so. Just like he has the right to remain silent people have the right to assume whatever they want to about him. In any scenario he doesn't gain anything going to any detail on social media because people can inject their own projections on what he is trying to say. Its also not nice for him to talk about his past because he has a wife and kids. My wife would hate me if I spoke about what I did with women in the past publicly in any kind of detail. His kids may get teased and bullied in school and have a horrible childhood from it also.
  23. Those crimes that you suggest him off does not equal to rape. His accusations and what he says on youtube are two different things. If he was breaking community guidelines regarding youtube then they should suspend him or ban him. Like what Alex Jones did when he said the school shootings were fake. Corporate crime and corruption have been crimes big pharma have done in the past such as the whole opioid epidemic and no one was jailed for it. These types of crimes he has exposed. He has said, if big pharma has done these guilty things how can be trust them? This maybe not a valid point but for some people its enough. Similarly if I had orgies and I was a sex addict, my wife would probably not want to marry me. All of the stuff Russell Brand is guilty of the past, people are holding him against that stuff today. Just like he is accusing big pharma of lying about the vax based on their past. You see how similar your thought process is to him only different stories? Do you see your bias towards him is equivalent to peoples bias over him. Youtubes sales would not be hurt, they punished Logan Paul for filming dead people that committed suicide which is arguably more dangerous than having someone who's possibly committed a crime 15 years ago speak on their platform. Eventually they put him back on their platform because he was making lots of money for them.
  24. They haven’t interviewed him or requested. They allowed the documentary to be released without having his side of the story. They didn't even wait for him to be charged of the crime and they already requested him getting canceled. The recent incident of Johnathan Majors resulted in the same thing. He got fired from marvel only shortly after the woman accused him was the abusive one. The media is trying to create a society based on fear If the media is going to act swiftly there needs to be at least video footage. Text take time for validation and someone's word is definitely not enough to jump to conclusions. In this situation they at least ask several witnesses to testify.
  25. He's had an interview with Brené Brown and they were talking about if people were redeemable or not and Brene ask Russell if he believes whether or not people are trying their best and he said yes, he believes everyone on earth is trying their best. Despite of how people feel about RB, there are some evolved aspects of his being that most people that dislike him think about it. Even before his whole news thing, I would say about half if not more people from the UK do not have a very good perspective of him. I have spent many hours listening to him and even someone like Ben Shapiro which I disagree with on most things just to do an intellectual audit of myself. Most journalist that even dislike him have mostly agreed that youtubes and the BBC treatment of him is excessive for someone that hasn't even been charged of the crime let alone convicted. They also feel that since it was so long ago, they these platforms should not hold against his past. Most of us have been some combination of racist, homophobic and have done questionable things in our past. Its still too early to assume things looking back at the whole Amber Heard, Johnny Depp fiasco. The correct information didn't come out until months after his life got cancelled. If people have been thrown in jail and even wrongfully executed for murder there's always room for doubt.