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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. @AdamDiC try to purchase this test kit to see if the product you got is legit... in fact if you didnt test it and tried it on faith you are rolling the dice.. https://testkitplus.com/product/lsd-test-kit
  2. @Schahin Things are the way they are so you can transcend yourself and realize its all LOVE. Another way to look at it is: The world only sucks because you suck. You failed to imagine yourself into something greater than the things you judge.... If you do enough work on yourself you will realize those things you judge are from your own doing instead of the world you think is outside of you.
  3. My own answer is, its a lot more enjoyable creating possibilities for myself and others. Elevating yourself and others around you creates more interesting things.
  4. @Jkris I get your point but he comes off as someone that knows everything and inauthentically at times never says I dont know how to answer that question but perhaps you can. Or do you have the answer for the question you ask? Perhaps you can teach me. Or "ill have to think about that question, ill let you know when the answer comes to me" The minute a man proclaims himself as a guru, he puts himself in a tight corner and feels his ego must know everything to please the audience.... this is what I have against people that claim they are enlightened they cant admit their own shortcomings or limitations.
  5. The work you do spiritually does not have to interfere with your materialistic pursuits. All you have to do is think in a transcendent way. The internet brought the world a wave of enlightenment without knowing or intending...Instead those that were in power had power in mind, those with the money just wanted to make as much money as possible regardless of the cost... imagine if those that created the technology were more awaken? I am doing something I love and raise consciousness in the people I serve, its on a city scale...I earn a good living that I am proud of but i havent scaled to the world but I am trying and thinking of ways all the time...and I have my own family to take care of. Its not binary and it doesnt have to be one or the other.... however it takes a lot more creativity and guts to create a life you want live on your own terms.... At 24 you are still a young person and still on your path don't separate and limit any possibility you may possess.
  6. I can see the value and the utility in his work. His ability to bring words together to help people understand the mystical is world-class. But he doesnt address things like politics and technology, along with what direction humanity should head in on a micro level... A weakness in spiritualism and religion is it requires the material world to survive. The donors are from the very institutions that suppress human consciousness are powering our society. No one is everything even through they may claim so.... I havent met anyone that truly embodies that. A spiritual man needs the billionaire to exist to give him money. The billionaire needs the spiritual man to tell him everything will be fine. A man that is the answer will provide us with the answers without opening his or her mouth. The world has not beholden such a being. Do we have any takers here?
  7. @Matt8800 Im talking about the enemy being a metaphor to the ego and the idea of separation.
  8. EVERYTHING has a function. It does not mean that people should not try to transcend past that function or evolution does not need to happen. Acknowledging the existence and pointing out its function doesn't mean you have to condone it but it is a means of transcendence that in my opinion needs to be done. In order to defeat the enemy, you must be willing to understand the empathize enemy and willing to become the enemy intellectually and even better make the realization that you are not that different than them to begin with.
  9. Thank you for sharing your authentic experience. Great work!
  10. To comment on the general coaching thing, those that can't do, teach Tony Robbins is probably the best public speaker in the world, he can communicate and sell anything. There is a function for his work and a lot of people get introduced into personal growth knowing about him first. After that some people start getting into deeper stuff like Eckhart or Byron Katie, Buddhist Philosophy and so on. Many people need motivation because they dont have confidence. This is why most coaches are needed.
  11. He offers good value and insights but he doesn't have all the answers especially when it comes to social, economic, technology and where humanity is headed or should head in. He gives people answers to the destination you should head in but like lots of spiritual men, they haven't mastered everything inbetween. None the less, I enjoy listening to him and hes brought value to my life, just be sure not to idolize or idealize him as with anyone else. The deep truths can only be experienced.
  12. God is always in contact but it all depends on the world that you interact within your everyday life on the amount of expansiveness you allow yourself to be opened up to.
  13. I wish for joy in his life Suffering from another persons thoughts is not a healthy way of living
  14. I work hard to serve others. There is joy in doing it but also pain. If you have kids can it be painful? Most people that have them find them worth it.
  15. Joe Rogan would be a great platform for Leo and I would love to see it but I have a feeling Joe may not want Leo on the show...Unless enough of his audience ask for it.
  16. Richard Wolff has a few books and he's all over youtube, he's a very green and maybe a bit of yellow economist This guy talks a lot about micro and macroeconomic policies in US https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngq92xrmmsfEgGdfAJ6giQ
  17. Before the Buddha reached enlightment the demon mara kept trying to stop him until he realized the demon was himself the entire time.
  18. He's been unstable for the last year based on some of his lectures and interviews. I believe he didn't really believed in everything he said on a deep unconscious level which tore him to pieces. He kept convincing himself he was doing it for the highest good. His intentions were good but he was all distorted..On some level his whole public run was him finding purpose in a world he's losing hope from. I hope he gets better soon and comes back a better man and finds a new hope in himself and humanity.
  19. Life is always fair. Whatever things you want to fix or change will require you to expand beyond your limits and transcend yourself. As you go through the journey you will begin to develop more compassion for the things you used to judge.
  20. As of now Trump is the favorite to win. Bernie, Yang, and maybe Tulsi can take him out but the establishment dems might prefer Trump over any of those three and put in Warren, Biden, or Mayor Pete just so they can lose to Trump
  21. LOL, yang gave a good answer on legalizing drugs. Hopefully legalizing psychedelics?
  22. Its a good question and my answer is NO. The self is a construct created by the ego. God is no where, no one, no thing, no place
  23. I took 5meo for my first psychedelic but before that I have been doing meditation and mindfulness work for decades, kundalini yoga for a year and was ready to try it. Nothing will ever get you ready for 5meo, you will know that when you try it for the first time.
  24. I havent tried Psilohuasca but I have tried 5meo-dmt. 5meo was an amazing experience. Have any of you guys tried Psilohuasca? I heard Oliver Martin talk about Psilohuasca and how amazing it is and he also talked about the overhype of 5meo.