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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. Take the LP course since you dont know where to start. The cost is extremely low and the content should be great even though I have not taken it myself (because I am already living my LP) The best short advice I can think of is to find a skill that you can develop through time that will make you irreplaceable.
  2. Sure why not. Leo has mentioned in a question I had that 4aco stays in the system for a week so if you take it dont mix with the anything and be mindful
  3. Thanks for pointing out. On that note, (dont ask how to) you can extract your own n-dmt if you can get some basic sources which can be found if you search of it
  4. Does not matter because if the dems choose Biden or Bloomberg... they will both lose to Trump. The three that will beat Trump are Bernie, Yang, and Gabbard...I think Castro might too he would get a lot of latino and blacks for him.
  5. @petar8p I never noticed the colors until you mentioned. I do tend to read Leo's comment more than others but I usually do read all other comments if I find them insightful.
  6. @electroBeam I am interested to know why did you choose baby woodrose knowing the possible side effects over something like psilocybin or smoking N-DMT for a first time?
  7. @Display_Name, In theory, it would be possible. But biologically from my experience when you have passionate lovemaking with a woman and you tell her you love her she will go headover heals with you. Try that with multiple women at once and you might get your head or your dick chopped off. The more you sleep with a single woman the more she will love you... especially when its very passionate and intimate. I would imagine the only way it can work without getting messy is if you dont say I love you and you create a boundary and limit the amount of intercourse. But in an all infinate and loving state... you would be lying to yourself if you hold back any piece of yourself. Or be transparent and say you are in infinite being that wants to share your love around and do not believe monogamy. I suppose with the materialism tidbit if you have all of your material needs met the extra money you have left would be used to elevate others would be sensible. Especially when you die all of the wealth and the entire universe collapses with you so it doesn't matter if you hoard or not. If a being is everything already why need excess unless they were not everything, to begin with, and just fooled people. There is also an issue if one were to accumulate mass amount of wealth. What kind of hidden devilry would that money be used to suppress another person. What kind of financial maneuvering would be done to the point that your money is being used without your consent for something wicked. Such as depositing your money in a bank and then the bank will use that to print more money(fractional banking). A fully conscious being will be aware of this and create a way for their money to not be corrupted. Or perhaps your banker uses your wealth to destabilize another bank or country to gain control over them. The easy thing to say is, I am not responsible for what other people think or feel, then it would be easier to fuck around and spend all your money to your heart's content but what how long can a being stay in full state of love if that were the case.....
  8. From my own experience, women want the full spectrum of yourself in order to give you the universe i.e. children I have asked my wife if she wanted to share me, she says no everytime (lol) and I am not willing to go through all the drama of manipulating my way to some fantasy. Physical pleasure with a price becomes rather trivial. But it's interesting for me to see possibilities in a different reality. Personally I do question how much he embodies his work and not really interested to go to any of his workshops but listening to him on youtube is worth my time.
  9. I enjoyed the themes in Cloud Atlas on how a single action can affect another person thousands of years later. Stage orange people never think about consequences and blue just love status quo which is what was holding humanity back through the entire film
  10. @Mel B The mind is non localized. The brain and the spine can be considered antennas or manifestations of the mind or consciousness.
  11. @The Don Obama made most people feel good but bent his knees to Wallstreet. Trump makes people feel bad and also bends his knees to Wallstreet. The US government is printing 190 billion a day under Trump. Left, Right, libs and conservative Politicians in America are all the same devils. Gotta love the charity dinner to the catholic church that already has more money than God.
  12. Thanks for sharing your experience. Were there any visuals? At what point did you develop insights during the trip? How long was the process?
  13. @Dylan Page meaning is the reason the universe was created. The nothingness wanted to become something and birthed creation. Ego created the spark to all this and should not be vilified. The need to create something and add meaning is a beautiful thing when exercised through freewill. If you can facilitate something to offer as much meaning in others as much as possible you then have a movement or movements.
  14. @The Don I don't take any medication. I was just using an example. On a mass scale, if people were to order drugs online from overseas might prove to be dangerous. Medical care such as doctor visits and hospitalizations are probably the most expensive in the world. America is ranked 26th in the world in Healthcare.
  15. You have a point in your country but at the same time its nieve to think the drug companies lowered the price because Romania economy isn't doing as well. In more developed countries like France, Japan, Singapore, Australia the drug prices are less. A big reason why drug prices are inflated in America is to force people to buy health insurance. This is totally okie because the ruling class that has shares in pharma, also have shares in insurance, also have shares in hospitals so either way they get their money back eventually. The system is rigged for slavery. Its great that you guys were able to overthrow a dictator but if he ran communism for what it really is, eventually he would take himself out of power because the nature of marxism is to make a smaller government which ironically people that are labeled "libertarian" want. The North Korean people have the right to overthrow Kim if they like but no country should interfere because usually when they do, they want ALOT in return or control over your country. Imagine if you and your girlfriend or wife get into a fight and have a complete stranger butt in to mitigate. He even convinces your wife to allow him to do it. She says yes then ends up sleeping with her along with the other girls that he picked up on that has a rocky relationship with their boyfriends because he likes to pick up on married women? No one owns another person but a guy like that would be a dickhead.
  16. @The Don Its a good point and it was good that Trump was willing to speak to Kim but what was the result of talking to him? North Korea has been barking and has never done anything for decades. The whole missle incident was a hoax and the media was in on it to create fear in the American people. North Korea as an extremely poor country compared to developed countries like US, Japan, South Korea, China, and so on. Throwing a nuke and having it reach Hawaii or Alaska is a far stretch when considering America has the most advanced satellites and missile detection devices in the world. They really dont want to attack anyone because they cant, rather protect themselves from invasion.
  17. You are still in systems thinking and labeling things without understanding things deep enough and do not have a full understanding of how America's bastardization of capitalism exist. An example is how taxpayers pay for the research of drugs, pharma companies get the research which they didnt pay for and sell the drugs in America back to the American people. The same company sells the same drug in a different country to much less than they sell the drug in the country in which it was made. This kind of thing exist in many different industries where companies pay for nothing for the growth of their business while making profit. This is an oversimplification but imagine I take your hard-earned money, open up a restaurant, you come into the restaurant as a customer then charge you an inflated amount for your meal. America is corporate socialism to the MAX. We do not live in a society where people start from ground zero. Those born into privilege make sure they keep their privilege while suppressing the have nots. It's fair to be born into privilege and have a head start but to abuse that at the detriment of those beneath you is devilry. The blue stage is exploiting the cracks in stage orange. This can be called Corporate Socialism. The people you label on the left do not have a good understanding of all the intricacies of how the system works but they do have compassion. The fact that the government does not put in brilliant people like Noam Chomsky is wasting talent. How about putting someone like Elon Musk in charge of the energy sector? Historically the smartest people do not run anything because those in power are used to using people historically since the beginning of civilization. They rarely hire people much more brilliant than them and often killed them in the past because they are too smart to be controlled. Why do you think the physicist Steven Hawkings rejected his knighthood?
  18. @Matt23 @Leo Gura yup psychedelics particularly if you are referring to man-made ones like synthetic 5meo, dmt would be considered technology for me. If someone came up with a chip in the brain or some kind of glasses to manipulate the brain I'm sure the development would severely damage people so it would not be wise to attempt to produce not to mention once they do create some kind of technology how would they use it... Anything centralized for few to profit from will become corrupt. This forum, YouTube and everything else we have access to is more than enough to catalyze a major shift in consciousness.
  19. Do you guys think it would be possible for a stage turquoise to run for US president? Would it be possible for them to survive the political game without compromising themselves?
  20. I as God which is also you, sayings things will be FINE. We work so hard to create all this only to have it dwindle away? Mark my words, no asteroid or solar flare either. Humanity will be fine. Materialist believes the environment is greater than them so its easy to believe that it will just destroy humanity. They don't realize they are the environment and when you create a tremendous internal environment, the external manifest into that.
  21. @aklacor727 My first experience in Reiki got me sent to space. The table was spinning and my whole body was shaking so much I was hardly able to stand up. For weeks I felt energy surging through my body and I felt transparent. There are energetic blockages that Reiki can break but the physical or mechanical ones need to be broken through either something like yoga and something like chiropractic care. Some people have a strong affinity to Reiki energies and part of it may have to do with your prior experience in things like meditation, bodywork and yoga. The intention, clarity of the Reiki practitioner also matters. You'll know how much your chakra's are open based on what manifests in your life directly, evidence of this would be increased knowledge and preception, great sadness or great happiness, feeling of invincibility, new love, new job, more money etc... The amount they open can vary too... if you are talking about flood gates opening up, it will be too much for your to handle which can result in ego backlash or severe depression.
  22. @Name Infinite is not a unit. There cant be two everythings because everything is EVERYTHING = ONE (but not as a unit either)
  23. It's an interesting problem to address. 1. Should other developed nations intervene and help the people 2. Should other countries stay out of it and allow them to figure it out themselves I tend to lean more on #2 because I am not sure its anyone's business to interfere with their growth as a nation. Historically whenever outsiders intervene there are usually strings attached and a higher cost in lives. Byron Katie always says there are three types of business. Your business, others people business, and Gods business. The only business you should be concerned about is your business.
  24. The feel-good love that you are talking about can only exist in contrast with the opposite. You are also casting an assumption that the person or thing you believe that is suffering is going through that as a bad thing. You don't really know what kind of journey that person is going through and how they will end up to become or even what kind of purpose or role they have in the world. All you have are judgments for things you do not fully understand. From the perspective of the observer called you, the best attempt that you can make in life is to do your best to become an embodiment of LOVE if you wish to alleviate others misperceptions of themselves. Many people bring joy, laughter, hope, compassion which inspires people on what they wish to become. The magical question for all of us is, How do we become an agent of change we wish the world to be? If you want the world to become a certain way you have to show the world how its done through your actions and presence. It's extremely hard and both easy to love unconditionally.
  25. Thanks for sharing your journey. I'm interested to hear how you plan to integrate your life from the awakening. This is something I struggle with. Would love to hear your input.