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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. He's done videos on pseudoscience and operates very much from western "evidence" based things. He's about 1 or 2 notches below Sam Harris. I like Kyle but even then I wouldn't recommend Leo to do anything with him.
  2. I haven't seen any political commentator that is there yet. If they were they would not be commentating or talking about news or politics anymore. Russell Brand was doing Trews then evolved out of it because he's dynamic and gifted enough to adapt. Pakman? the dude is still orange and green
  3. He lived a full life. Bless him. A lot of people are mourning for his loss which shows us how much a difference a person can make in their lives.
  4. Every nano of the nanosecond to the nth power is a brand new moment. The ego doesn't want to let go of the illusionary self so it creates a construct like a personality.
  5. You have a fair analysis and common sense logic should create a 5-10 year bear market. However America is in charge of everything and can make up whatever rules it wants. Most Americans are not woke enough to see they are being fooled and the citizens of the country less needed by the machine.
  6. Sit on a chair instead sometimes. General exercise like yoga, wieght training to strengthen your body to handle the mechanical stress. There is no point to torcher your body in the process of awakening and deep insight. The Buddha realized fasting to the point of near death defeated the purpose of enlightenment. Having an able body and filling it's cravings when needed makes the universe you created meaningful. Walking meditation, laying down meditation, sitting on the floor, a chair and eventually acting out life while being more conscious is the point of meditation in the first place.
  7. The journey itself is the purpose. From microbe struggling in extreme hot and cold to becoming organized life, destruction, life, destruction, newer life, to now, to the emergence of the real self to non self, repeat, repeat
  8. Its possible but the only way you can discover for yourself is to experience a nondual experience. You are assuming or entertaining there are separate universes. The sheer act of looking outside instantaneously creates another universe. Its the ego that is looking ahead that is the creator. It will be a never-ending loop until you realize in full circle its you. Sure there might be aliens, and if they ever get in contact with us, despite them being more technologically advanced than us they will be more primitive compared to a human that has awakened. If they never woken up to the importance of the observer then they can be considered less advanced metaphysically and spiritually. This will hold true even if the alien race created earth and humans eons ago.
  9. Because even if it were true and somehow there are higher dimensional beings. They can't exist without you, the observer is the central "object" When you created the universe you create a silly cheat code called Ego that created a desire to chase the unknown and to create the unknown. Its an infinite loop. The dog is chasing its tail into infinity. Even if you miraculously discovered multidimensional beings or planes of existence, you will come to realize, motherfucker, its me too. This by default makes the discovery of awakening to oneself the only one that matters. Anything else is trivial and childish in comparison.
  10. You can't get any higher than realizing you are everything and nothing. You are the only show in town.
  11. What makes you think he is orange/green? His muscles? His attractive girlfriend and ex-girl friends?
  12. Thanks for the share. He makes me smile and laugh in a delightful way
  13. The ideal world is already here. It's now
  14. If you waken up, you will recognize everything is love. Even if the protest and riots melt down America and chaos happens that dissolves the country completely. Love is unconditional, which includes destruction, creation and everything in between. Even if a asteroid hits us and wipes out all of life. My ego would not like that but as God it's just as good as the creation of children. Extinction is as much love as creation of life.
  15. @Aaron p There is no way to know how much awaken someone is in this forum. They may or may not be awake more than Leo. Two possibilties that Leo is trying to pull off. One he is trying to push people's buttons to test their own ego and the other is Leo is biased. Someone can be completely awakened and may not be able to articulate it as well as someone like Leo or a great salesman like Tony Robbins.
  16. It is in a way a shortcut but totally boring and a pointless way of going about existence
  17. There is a HUGE distinction between Christianity and Christ. Christianity will ultimately never bring you to Christ because the institution made sure that the only path to salvation is to worship Christ. Staring at the man pointing to the moon rather than to the moon within you.
  18. No but he's a wonderful representation of someone who has had a tremendous amount of love in his life the entire time and never knew it until he had his experience with the toad.
  19. There is no human being in the last several hundred years that has given anything new, groundbreaking, or game-changing. Only a regurgitation of ideas since Ancient India times. Presently 5meo and NN seems like the biggest game-changing hack, that can save a person decades of self-reflection, self-surrender, and meditation, which will need to be done in conjuncture. Allan Watts has started many people on the path but ultimately there is no teacher that can break people past the ceiling that they cast on themselves. Teachers cast about 5% of the path. Psychs maybe 15-30%, and the rest is based on sheer will and willingness to obtain it all and be willing to let go of it all.
  20. I have tried. I dont get much out of it. I get more out of meditating and it's free but if you had a wonderful experience keep on doing it.
  21. @TheHealer I am not sure where you are going but living in the future and creating your hell is not inaccurate. By thinking about the weekend when its Monday is robbing you of being present in Monday. In the context of ET. If you are not in the now, you are robbing yourself of joy. There is a difference of being the future in the now and thinking about how much better your life will be in the future.
  22. @LfcCharlie4 Not really, I have no reason to justify myself not convert anyone from vegan, vegetarian to eating meat. I am just pointing out to hypocrisy that we all live in our lives. There is very little value in having a debate on who is more moralistic than another. Even the idea of spiritualism is misunderstood. As much as a admire people like Buddha, Jesus, Sadhguru, Rupert, Adyashanti I can identify the limitations of them along with myself to transform my own suffering or another own suffering through spirituality. The person that invented the filtering of water. How many lives did they save? One can argue that they alleviated more suffering than those spiritual men. Still speaking in the context of greater or more spiritual is an exercise of the ego. There is no way to measure how far an act of kindness can go vs how far an unintentional act can go. I am not familiar with Advaita.
  23. @Dutch guy You are weighing the value of a tree or plant less than an animal by making assumptions on things. Producing solar panels which are clean energy hurts the earth making them. Rocks, minerals, and the soil have been around much longer than animals. If you can solve this consumption issue with an end product of little to no suffering you will win the noble peace prize and do something, Jesus, Buddha, Einstein or anyone in history was not able to do. You'd have to literally create food and goods from thin air. I'm not trying to get you to convert to eating meat in fact it's better not to but entertaining your train of thought. Your ideas of greater or lesser can get in the way of your development.
  24. Wow I learned something new today, thanks. Nice piggyback to the point I made earlier. Its nearly impossible to consume something without exploitation involved. Unless you live in the woods and make everything yourself from scratch + don't use electricity. I would also like to add in, that rocks and metals taken from the earth are conscious and may enjoy where they are at before humans stick dynamite and blow them up. A well-compensated worker in the mines is risking their life while their boss whom comes from generational wealth is sitting at home banging underaged girls. One was born in the "right" family, and the other born "normal"
  25. @Dutch guy haha I love food and I love to cook and appreciate ingredients. If I had more time and resources I would sail in various places around the world to fish and catch crab and lobster. I am trying my best to do my part in the world Its intriguing that food and sex can feel so good. I am married and monogamous but sex and woman are beautiful inventions as much as tasting food.