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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. I believe determinism applies more in those that are unconscious. But even then, many conscious people have died prematurely from some kind of illness or accident.
  2. This virus is certainly a problem but looking at the people that are skeptical, you cant blame them as well because of the exploitative nature of people in power. Life is unfair and the middle class is shrinking dramatically. The US government and the greedy corporations have not earned a lot of peoples trust and that is why they are paranoid.
  3. @ilja I think people are just brainwashed and its from the religiosity of science and technology that's making people lazy to actually think. ie people thinking Elon Musk will save humanity.
  4. It would be naive to think such a technology would not be abused. The crazy thing is most people are not even worried about it.
  5. I dont really follow him, but there are somethings that he says that can be valuable. If you look hard enough you can find plenty of holes or incongruencies in someones teachings. Its so hard to truly embody ones work.
  6. Self-help and spirituality are very niche. Garyvee does often say Depth over Width. Most people are still in stage orange so personal success and motivation by the likes of Tony Robbins are still in trend. Being pretty and having big breast does affect view count. I personally believe the channel is doing as good as it can. The only other way to get dynamic content is to do podcast-style content like a Rogan but then it takes away from how the channel works.
  7. 23 is still young. Don't get caught up on living with family at 23. In most places around the world people live with the families until they get married. https://youtu.be/TFGAvPud80A There are lots of youtube channels on making money for creative people. Once you have a deep love for life. You will succeed in anything you do.
  8. This farm is creating positive carbon. There are ethical ways of both eating meat and maintaining a balance between nature. Consume less and buy quality ethical products.
  9. Snowden is an insider and he's a valid and reliable source based on how the US government treated/treats him
  10. @BipolarGrowth It certainly takes money to make money and to be used as a catalyst to initiate change. I am confident that the transformation won't be catalyzed by someone like Bill Gates child, Elon Musk child or any other child of a billionaire, mainly because they are handicapped from the start. Their egos would not allow them to awaken to universal truths, which is why the Buddha renounced his wealth and empire to obtained enlightened. I personally work with people in all walks of life and can say there is something very different in people that come from generational wealth that makes their obstacles so severe that their extreme abundance is a hindrance. The matrix of their physical bodies and their brains are so dense its hard for them to awaken, which is why something like yoga and a vegetarian diet is often used to increase the plasticity of their bodies and minds, but even then for such people, they would have to kill themselves millions of times to have a chance in their present lifetime. I believe the base entry point to move in any direction does start off in the middle class and starts weaning off dramatically when you start getting into the centry millionaire level I believe the precursor is now and in the coming decades. The person is present, they are waiting for the world to be ready.
  11. There is a lot of truth in it but can't is a strong word. There just has not been anyone in history that has grown astronomically without bending the knee. Before the Buddha died he did mention that there will be another that will supersede him and lift humanity to heights never known referred as Maitreya Buddha. I believe this person is coming to us but it wont be a singular person but rather a consciousness within us all, however, I believe there will be a person that will create a spark that will light an inferno.
  12. @twoosees When they grow and get involved with companies that also invest in war and defense then that company would indirectly be involved in war too. Furthermore, the entire stock exchange has been profiting from all the injection of wealth brought to the markets during this pandemic rather than government investing into the citizens. In hard times the institutions that fund the machine will naturally get fed first. You want to do something tremendous for humanity. Start your own company, find a way to get resources ie cash without having to need to be publicly listed. Grow your company to the level where it can revival those companies that are listed. The gangster thing is, doing that is near impossible as those companies get FREE money from the system. For every dollar you earn, they will get 10 dollars for doing nothing. (not exact figures but you get the idea, how hard it is to scale yourself to serve the masses) To be fair the way things are right now isn't completely evil, there are lots of funding of universities and higher learning that elevate humanity.
  13. What's more important is what they are not doing. They are not talking about what is health and well-being at a time where if people were healthier they would not be dying of covid. They do not give an open platform for anyone that wants to get into politics for the right reason. Instead, they plant in their donors and the candidates that they wish to do their bidding. Furthermore, they instigate and propagate news to create enemies out of other countries to start wars.
  14. There are more elevated and conscious solutions but first, you have to be both conscious and intelligent enough to offer the world a solution. The markets is one of the causes for political and corporate corruption, it is exploitative in nature because the people that created it is that. If you have a solution, please share a method or methods
  15. Sorry to hear from your loss. There's a time to mourn and there is a time to step forward. Now is definitely a time to mourn. Byron Katie has some great stuff on loss. Its worth checking out.
  16. Meat and animal fats contain a lot of information, energy, and nutrients. 3D Reality would not exist without condensed information. Eating meat was necessary for human survival for at least 4.4 million years but now with technology, there are ways of supplementing through other means. Its very hard to break that 4 million year of programming and if you include life before humanoids, the same rules apply so we are talking about 100s of millions of years at least... it's not so easy to break that which is why the craving is so hard to break. The only thing that might be more difficult is sexual drive. Lets say you live off the land, killing an old animal can be considered an act of compassion. Otherwise the animal would be subjected to being eaten alive by an apex predator or starving to death.
  17. @Leo Gura There are not a lot of ways to store your money and have liquidity. Holding onto cash gets slammed by inflation. Unfortunately, the easiest way is through equities which at the end of the day is a zero sum game-driven vehicle. Hopefully, in the future, there will be an asset that brings out the better part of human nature.
  18. @Husseinisdoingfine Ironically the same people the shorted Telsa is going long, at during the pandemic. A period of mass poverty and death, his company, along with other tech company is receiving the largest transfer of wealth in human history. How many of them are going to use their wealth to transform and elevate humanity? (mostly wealth they did not earn but received from insane money injection from the public in the past year)
  19. @vladorion You never know what foreign object can cause damage or none to your body. Processed food, pre-made sauces, eating at a restaurant. At certain points your life you are going to have to have some faith. Otherwise, you'd have to buy some land, live off of it, then you'll know exactly what goes in your body. It would be impossible to know if the new vaccine is dangerous or not unless you are a scientist in biochemistry and pharmacology. All of medical science is experimental and 50 or 100 yrs from now all medical procedures maybe considered voodoo or primitive. Personally, I go under the intention of putting least in my body that is made in a lab but that choice is more philosophical and spiritual than logical.
  20. @Hardkill If you want to bring duality and beyond in it, then something can be many things at once. There can be many "right" ways to go about problems and situations. He is equally right in his views as much as anyone who has opposite views than his.
  21. @Lyubov You should not make assumptions about where I come from. My family are refugees from war, my father fought in one and we grew up poor immigrating to a new country. The conditions that my parents went through are more severe than someone from Mexico. All of my siblings are educated and we have two doctors in the family. We grew up with welfare and I am grateful but I am not blind to see the bigger picture of why America wants immigrants. There is a symbiotic relationship however generally its skewed to those that follow their rules. I am a byproduct of the war machine but it doesn't make it right. I would not exist without war but if you asked me, would I forsake my life and all of the lives of the people I know and created, I would trade all the destruction for peace in the nation of my ancestors. The knowledge I possess is beyond any text or documentary because I have lived through hell. This is from someone that lives a very good life today.
  22. There have been Asian actors speaking up for discrimination against Asians. Andrew Yang has spoken about it many times. Harvard was sued for discriminating Asians. JOE F'in Biden dropped the Yale lawsuit recently for discriminating against Asians. Both Ivy League schools rejected applications from Asians despite their scores being much higher than Whites, Blacks, and Latinos. There need to be more influential people that are of Asian descent in order to make enough noise and its not appropriate to ask another race to fight someone else's battle. They can stand beside but the outspoken leaders need to be those that represent the discrimination. Honestly, there is not much sympathy for Asian-related problems especially since Asians tend to be more educated and have higher median incomes compared to other races.
  23. @Lyubov Money runs the country and the president is not as big of a deal as people think. You are in denial, Biden just bombed Syria, Trump never took down the military-industrial complex as he said he would, Obama threw drones which started from Bush-Clinton-Bush era.
  24. Both parties are funded by the same people that control the money. They are both bought by the same group of people that benefit the most. Both Obama and Trump printed money and the same institutions have made and will continue to make an insane amount of money. It doesn't matter who is the president because they are merely representatives of their donors.