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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. Of course its too late for many of those people, my point is, the culture has created this mess by not being conscious enough to focus on important things. If the news was more focused on bringing people together instead of focusing on a stupid tweet trump made, they could have created marathon charity events all over the country. Trumptards and Woke could have transformed their communities together. There is no one in media conscious enough to admit they created the problems that exist in society by not being conscious enough. At the same time, I'm also guilty of not creating any media that is going across the world. We all created covid by either not being conscious enough and or tenacious enough by exceeding our limitations.
  2. Both left and right pick small little problems and make them a HUGE thing to distract people from bigger issues. The abortion issue is a little tinder and has created a wild fire that people go berserk on, the left chooses BLM, trans issues and people go crazy over those things. All those problems are real but the left and right inflate them while both sides continue to point the finger, divide and conquer Clowns like Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Candice Owens, TYT people, Kyle, the Hill, all fall for it and create division despite having what they think, good intentions.
  3. Come on' man if you asked anyone which they would rather be fit, healthy and unvaccinated or obese and vaxed most would rather be the healthy person. I think most people should be taking it but at the same time, your immune system plays a bigger role in immunity. Most of the idiots that are hospitalized made bad decisions in their lives way before covid even happened. The general problem with TV and media is the low-quality content they put out. They rarely talk about nutrition, being happy, exercise EVER. The biggest problem with hyper-capitalist America is its consumerism, creating obese people, materialistic, scared of the world, popping pills left and right is how they keep the machine moving. I hold CNN and other media outlets on a higher standard than some podcasters because I know if they wanted to, their power to change the world is tremendous and yet they waste it all away focusing on problems and creating them.
  4. The best defense for any sickness and disease is to take good care of yourself and your body. Even if you take the vaccine you should do those things. There is a HUGE correlation of those that died from covid and obesity. It's a no-brainer if you put crap into your body and treat yourself like shit mentally and physically that you would get sick one way or the other. I don't know if Joe is right or wrong but the difference with the MSM and Joe is they definitely have more weight on truth than Joe does. That makes them more arrogant and more certain when they speak which can be more dangerous. Honestly by now most people have made up their minds and either go against taking vax or not. People with certain personalities are more gravitated to listen to CNN and those who are more gravitated to listen to Joe have a different personality profile. Reality renders itself from the observer and that makes us all crazy
  5. Its good that he did that to them. They are bad actors that gave Trump free marketing by talking about him so much because they wanted ratings. They also take a lot of advertising money from the same fools that lobby both parties. I think CNN asked him to go talk them Rogan for damage control. I listened to the whole interview and Joe asked some pretty valid questions and the Gupta dude didn't throw his network under the bus by being completely honest.
  6. The dude is not even a scientist, he's just a representative for science just like a pharmaceutical rep.
  7. Much better interview and content than the one with the Chrisma dude.
  8. It would be nice to have Leo on his show but I don't see him doing it frankly speaking. Unless somehow him and Leo come in contact in person by chance and talk, then get invited by him personally. I think you guys are expecting too much from Joe. He's just a regular dude trying his best in life. He's not spiritually inclined because he doesn't feel like he needs it in his life. He's not into the spiritual part of yoga even though he does it often for its physical benefits. He calls the other part woo woo.
  9. fake news listen to her speak The research you looked into is funded by the same people such as bill gates that invest in impossible meat. Animals that feed off the plants give back more than they take. Fungi grow from their feces and their dead carcasses, circle of life
  10. @PurpleTree she definitely would have done a better job than Biden in Afghanistan and would not have left weapons, tanks, and helicopters behind for terrorist to use. She would have beat Trump more easily than Biden because of her cross-appeal and there would not have been the capitol hill incident. Personally, I liked Marianne Williamson the most but she had no chance, Tulsi and Andrew Yang were next on my list. Just because someone goes on fox doesn't make them conservative. She's in support of drones because she was a medic or is medic and saw a lot of soldiers injured from battle... The drones minimize the need for soldiers. The better alternative which is more costly is to spend money and build up these countries where you extract resources from but why would they do that when they can just take it?
  11. Its a matter in which they are farmed. If they were 100% free range they would be carbon positive because they fertilize the soil and eat all the vegetation that would die out and catch on fire which ironically will be far more devastating for the environment. Having them all congested in cages is what's impacting the environment. If any animal including humans were farmed that way it would do the same thing to the environment.
  12. Its not true. I live in a place where people are over 80% vaxxed. People are still getting infected and the hospitals are getting filled. The mortality rate is very low but the infected rate is going up. Everyone goes outside wearing mask and only 5 or less people can eat out together in one table. Still infections are raising... Another country that has just about all of its citizens vaxxed is Isreal. Their infected rate is going up
  13. The vaccine works on saving lives but vax or not, you can still spread it to someone who either has the vax or doesn't. I don't believe people should be forced to take it but at the same time, I feel most people should be taking it in America.
  14. haha, America is very slow to learn, apparently, Trump wasn't enough and Biden is doing a terrible job to give the right more fuel to point. Thanks to TV and social media people have been easily manipulated into feeling a disconnect rather than a sense of commonality. With Elder in charge, it will get both sides to realize it's time to create a 3rd party that holds real liberal ideas. Its obvious that Elder has lots of self-hate and anger within him that he projects outward like a Ben Shapiro or Candice Owens. I think the idiots that follow them need to see them for what they really are.
  15. It will be good to see Elder make it so people can see it doesn't matter whos in charge. The problems will still exist and prevail.
  16. Direct experience is the only trustworthy method but that takes a lot of money and time. Matt Taibbi Abby Martin
  17. The title instigates severe judgment. You are less likely to change someones thinking by judging them. Its going to take a lot of healing and loving for problems like this to no longer arise. As long as people don't respect the view of others, there will be the creation of an opposing force against your own.
  18. @Blackhawk Excuse me, I was making a sweeping generalization because of push back either way. It should be someone right now to take something they do not want to. Personally, I would like to ban cigarettes, sports cars that drive wayyy beyond the speed limit, assault riffles, shitty food products that kill people slowly but if all of a sudden I had the power to ban them, that would make me a tyrant. This vaccine is very different than a vaccine like the one for polio, tuberculosis because you just need to take it once and it protects you for life, this covid one is not like that at all, they are talking about a 3rd booster shot, and even another version of it for the mutated ones. You can also still be a carrier and spread it to another person who is vaccinated or non-vaccinated. The only evidence they can claim is that, having it will lower your odds of dying. Unvax = carrier that can spread it to the community Vax= carrier that can spread it to the community unvax= higher odds of dying from an infection vax= higher odds of living from an infection If they are paranoid and want to risk dying its their own business just like someone that smokes
  19. It doesnt have to be one or the other, Ivermectin has shown some evidence for people tested positive in early stages of a covid infection. After you have had covid already the vaccine doesn't do anything... its used to take before you have covid 19. The side effects for human pharma quality invermectin are extremely low as long as you don't overdose. A person that has taken the vaccine and has tested positive for covid should take ivermectin because even if taking it only helps you incrementally You idiots in this forum are as absolutes as the right-leaning antivax people. Simple, take the vaccine, and test every few days with a home test kit for covid 19. If you are tested positive, go to the doctor, monitor your temp, vitals and take ivermectin, along with a bunch of vitamins, and get some sunlight. Or if you are in good health don't take anything and continue to eat right, exercise, rest well, meditate, and you'll be fine. If you look at most of the videos with covid patients most of them are in shitty health. Obesity isn't political. You tools are falling for the media and making this a political thing.
  20. There has not been an official study done in a lab to test this. They have done social experiments way before covid where they found if you put hand sanitizer at a workers desk, that they have an increased likelihood of voting conservative. If people perceive a threat they are going to vote for someone safe compared to choosing a radical alternative. Bush won the second election because America was in the middle of a war. Many people question the government when they are asking people to be considerate to other people while most of their actions in the past and present show they are considerate to often the wealthy and powerful. Covid has been one of the largest if not the largest transfer of wealth in history, so its easy for someone to be conspiratorial. Its like a father that is beating a mother all the time while asking his son to be nice and kind to his sister. Vaccines, heard immunity even without vaccines, we will all be fine given time. Our species is too clever and selfish to lose to nature. Our biggest threat is and has been ourselves. Personally, I wear a mask outside, not because I am scared of spreading the virus or getting covid, but because it just makes people around me feel safe. Its better to entertain a hysterical person than to create a confrontation with them or challenge them in any way. The authorities arent giving us useful data like the average age of mortality and underlying conditions with those that died, more information would be a way to develop trust and reduce any anxiety or increase caution if there is any.
  21. If you treat your body like shit get the vaccine. If you are old get the vaccine. If you are scared of dying from covid get the vaccine. There have been people I know of that took it can still got tested positive with covid with mild symptoms, there are people I know of that had covid and never had symptoms at all and were okie and didn't take the vaccine. Theoretically, you can still spread covid after getting the vaccine, especially if it's a new variant in which the vaccines were designed for the older one. Forget about conspiracy theories, the fact of the matter is humans adapt and within 2 years this virus is going to be less and less lethal. Doctors have a good treatment protocol by now and people are dying less compared when it was new. You can always do an antibody test to see if you already have natural immunity.