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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. @Opo The person that created the protest movement needs to do some self-reflection before attacking someone for hate speech as her hate speech on twitter is far worst than anything Dave Chappelle said. She pretty much attacked Gays, Asians, and Latino's
  2. They have done a lot of great things for a society like helping people to reunite with their loved ones, in the example of siblings being separated from a young age. They have done also some really bad things like experiments on people's psychology like purposely trying to make people depressed. The platform is free so its going extract or exploit one way or the other....
  3. Fauci, the US government, and science has been torchering dogs in the name of science, what are your thoughts on the ethics of "science" Human life has been enhanced in the name of experiments that are morally ambiguous. I'm a dog person so I'm horrified but mice and rats I don't have the same emotional charge. Could this pandemic just be karma? despite of the billionaires have multiplied their wealth. What about vegans that support medical science?
  4. Here's a good incite from Sadhguru https://youtu.be/_pddJkF6S9w
  5. When there is an area in our lives that we are not empowered in, someone else takes power in ways we are unaware of. They act out of evil for us.
  6. Thats a good question.... I was thinking it should be a law against this type of treatment to dogs and furthermore, whatever products we consume, there should be a disclaimer on what kind of experiments were conducted to produce it so it is "safe" for us to take. Washington Post and other legitimate news sources covered the story with the puppies so it probably isn't fake news that puppies are being tested on.
  7. Many people on the left support mandates because the narrative has been appealing to people's hearts and liberal people tend to be guided by the best aspects of human nature. The right tends to be more intellectual, individualistic and is more doubtful of human nature. I believe if there weren't so many companies and individuals profiting so much during these mandates the perception of them would not be so negative. Instead of printing money to give it to the rich that money could have been spent for infrastructure to support the sick. The pharma companies should release that patent on the vax and just break even without hurting their wallets. The government could have offered them tax rebates or tax credit for the future. Big tech profited the most during this time and they have little to do with this pandemic as far as the contribution to alleviating covid. Trust needs to be earned and they have done little to do that.
  8. Many comedians talk about intent, I think in Daves case he's earned enough respect from people that are respected in the public to say he's not malicious. Jon Stewart is universally respected by those on the left and right. His stand for the 911 first responders is heartfelt and sad that someone like him had to speak up for the issue to be taken care of Here's a clip with Kyle talking about what Jon said. https://youtu.be/_2O-SNxN3Ts There's actually an interesting show out there now called Y The last Man In this world, all the men die except one and women are running around doing all the things men do. They even have a trans actor that has transitioned and is taking testosterone. In this world, you have the man-hating feminist, the man-loving conservative, women in the middle, women who were incarcerated and act more civilized than women. In this world people like Dave Chapelle died along with every other men that suppress minorities but the problems that existed when they were alive still exist, in fact even more so. There's a character in the show that is a parody to Meghan Mccain that resembles the same traits that many people see as unbearable but within her views on life resides a person that loves family, people and she risk her life to be there for a woman who's her opposite because this woman bears a child within her. Her old fashion ways of preserving the old have given her this strength and she makes it her personal crusade to preserve humanity. This makes her ironically the most progressive person in the show because shes the only one thinking about the future of the human race while mostly everyone else is trying to survive. There is a universal place for everyone in this world including assholes, murderers, rapist. Things exist because they need to exist.
  9. Im not so sure about that... There is a big difference between pharmaceuticals and medical science. Medical science has the do with the doctors doing surgery, body scans and pharma is drugs... Most of the drugs used for crisis care are drugs invented decades ago. Medical doctors do not run the medical profession, its pharma, hospitals, insurance and shareholders of these entities. The MD's are the workers most of the time and they are the real heroes. A majority of the drugs that changed the world were invented prior to the 80s? THe 80s and 90s was a corrupt time where pharma would buy porsche's for the doctors and pay for their trips to hawaii. Thats when the real corruption started. 7-10 drugs get pulled off the shelf after years being approved by FDA every year. There is probably a handful of drugs released out of the ones that are duds. I believed if we didn't have a quick solution to disease, that we would look inside more and develop healthier ways to be healthy and happy. This would create business opportunity for individuals like personal trainers, nutritionist, life coaches etc. People and services cant be commodified but iphones and pills can, which is why the narrative is always external
  10. Well they were asked to release the patent on the vaccine but rejected. They also could have released the merck drug used to treat covid but choose not to because they wanted Trump out of office. Their hate for him was greater than saving lives. Both parties sabotaging eachother needs to end. When Obama was in power the GOP did the same. So going back to your question is big pharma bad? Mostly yes and partly no... I don't think most of the people are malicious and have good intentions. They are just unconsciously selfish
  11. Its important to limit government power and control. Their intentions should always be audited based on their history. Many people in Europe have been protesting against it, vaccinated or not they are skeptical with forced mandates. When it comes to progressive ideas, European countries like Sweden, Switzerland, Finland are for advanced with their politics and how the government should be involved in peoples lives. Portugal eradicated its drug problem have having centers where people can get drugs for free and have a choice to receive therapy. Glenn Greenwald goes into it, he's one of the most if not the most trusted and respected journalist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5GiuWJqYJg&t=357s
  12. I think for the most part bosses are becoming more aware in large organizations but if you are talking about a boss or manager at a place like Target or Costco, Home Depot or any other place like that, won't matter what kind of laws are put in. It will be a roll of the dice for someone, either their boss will be nice or complete assholes. I do hear complaints from my Asian friends that work in big tech of not being heard or not getting a chance for promotion. As long as we live in a hyper capitalistic society people will just instinctively chop each other down. The trans person that got fired from Netflix shared private data in analytics which is against their policy and also they disclosed to the public how much Dave Chapelle got paid for the special which is also a breach of their contract. Certainly, a trans person not being considered or fired because they are trans is absolutely wrong and there should be a law and it's really unfortunate that people even have to bring it up. Thats certainly not appropriate But Biden also dropped a lawsuit on Yale being accused of discriminating against Asians and whites. Since there are more Asian people than there are trans people in America, one can say it impacts the country more negatively. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/02/03/biden-doj-drops-lawsuit-claiming-yale-discriminates-against-white-and-asian-students/?sh=257a8e5d24d2 All applications work university should never contain gender, race, sexual orientation, political affliation. Rather be blind just like lady justice. Character, abilities, and other traits should be the only thing considered for employment By no means am I trying to defend Trump, in fact, I'm glad he's out but it doesn't mean that I support Biden
  13. Im sorry, you werent. What I meant to say was Biden replacing Trump isn't a move forward. Even if we had someone great at speaking and more thoughtful when sharing his thoughts. He made me feel great and many others but black men were getting shot as much as when Trump was prez. Trans status in America was more or less the same too.
  14. Let's not make it an issue on who is worst. I actually don't like either side. I was making a point from a real life example of a person I met that got his company a huge contract to push the agenda of certain people. I was making a point of how levels of unconsciousness on both sides exist. Ultimately in the example I made money was the political party. Obama was a great statesman and loved by many all over the world but we still got George Floyd. If you want to blame it on Trump then America is too fragile. If I was a black man in America I'd move out.
  15. How should it be addressed? America has some serious solution problems. People either hate fox or CNN, so they cant be involved with the solution. Those fools did manufacture a war. The other day I talked with a programmer in California and he was bragging about getting a military contract where he and his buddies work on software used to blow up "bad" people. This is why wokeness culture isn't working because they may care about trans rights but then they don't mind killing another human being on the other side of the planet. Then you have these people going crazy about a statue being brought down yet they don't mind telling a woman what she should do with her body, then you have the left telling everyone they should vax or be excluded from society.. The media has a big part in all this craziness and there is hypocrisy on both sides. I'm sincerely asking for some ideas so perhaps I can learn something other than being told I don't know what I am talking about
  16. Can't deny that. The major problem is how can it be fixed? Media bringing it up doesn't seem to work.
  17. The news hypes the job of the president so much but presidents are used as either cheerleaders or assholes. The real machine is the economic system that is controlled by a handful of people and organizations. Noam Chomsky goes deep on the economics
  18. This where we have to consider the arena of collective change: education, activitism, raising awareness. Why do people say they feel unsafe around trans people? Why do people say they feel unsafe around people of the opposite sex? It's possible to change these things. For the same reason, some women like to go to gyms that are only for women. These women feel insecure with themselves for whatever reason... These reasons could be they were raped or molested or just have confidence issues... People have numerous ways they feel that are sometimes out of our control. I remember there was a situation in California where I man sued a gym that only allowed women and won, rolls eyes. I think after that the gym was no longer allowed to be an all womans gym. Of course in the ideal world people would feel so secure with themselves that they feel comfortable with any gender in the bathroom. Now that I think about it, there was a time when I trans person walked up to me and grabbed my bicep and squeezed it, and said handsome. I didn't punch her in the face or gave her a dirty look, I just smiled and said thank you then walked away. I enjoyed the compliment but can you imagine if I did that to a woman? I think a common problem that many of us face is we think the world should just change overnight or even in our lifetime but we need to be more patient. Here's something ironic, many African Americans that I have spoken to living overseas have often told me, they feel more racism in America than a place like Korea, Japan, Russia, Portugal, Singapore. A possible theory I have thought of is a place like America talks about it so much that it becomes a problem... also there is an underlying issue of violence and aggression in America that many places in the world have less of.
  19. What are these rights you are talking about and how does society take them away? (I'm not being sarcastic, I'm actually interested to understand) If my daughter is a professional fighter and someone that used to be a man is now a woman fights her, I would be opposed to it. If there was someone who was trans for an interview and she listed herself as she, I would say her of course and I would hire her based on her abilities. If my office had 2 bathrooms and she used the females bathroom and some female staff said she felt uncomfortable with a trans person in the bathroom then I would get a 3rd neutral bathroom. All this is so confusing and at any way along the process a person may feel offended for several reasons, HR, managers have to constantly communicate with everyone to cover all the corners. I would hate to run a company like Netflix because with 100,000++ employees, someone is bound to be upset at something.... I have plenty of gay friends but at one time I had none and had to learn things along the way. At one point or the other, we have to be patient and learn on either side. From an intellectual pursuit, I find homophobia, transphobia or any phobia interesting and I don't have any interaction with any trans person nor do I actually make an effort to look for friends at this point in my life unless it happens organically. I have 1 1/2 jobs and a family. The odds of me meeting a trans person is so low because there just arent many of them in society. I'm a straight man, not aggressive and I hardly went out clubbing as a younger person. On the top of my head I probably went out bars or clubs 10 times in my life... out of those 10 times, I have gotten into 2 fights. When you are in a room of drunk people, they tend to do stupid things which is why I stopped going to places with loud music and drunk people. In social places like that, there is bound to be some guy with emotional issues... I can image a trans person going to places like that their odds of a confrontation can be greater because they are in a room with low conscious people... If they went to a meditation retreat the likelihood of them being discriminated is very low. If I can talk to a trans person that has ever been assaulted, I would probably ask them their story, when and where it happened, why etc
  20. I've seen it and read the books, I have a good grasp of the concepts. TERFS is an interesting idea... just because you exclude a certain type of person doesn't mean you hate them. Thinking about how it refers to me on some elements of my life I am a fairly successful person, I'm attracted to women, I have pretty specific criteria when choosing a partner. Good looks, smart, family-oriented, kind are usually what I look for. If a fat lazy person that doesn't like kids is attracted to me and I reject them, does that make me Exclusionary? What if a trans person wants to have sex with me and I reject, does that make me exclusionary? what if I don't like to eat certain foods? am exclusionary? Just by labeling yourself a "feminist" already creates exclusion in many other things.. the term TERFS, Feminist, any IST is an oxymoron How many aspects in our lives do we exclude someone or something?
  21. He's mostly green and some yellow, if you listened to his commentary he makes points that everyone suffers, that statistically black men are treated just as bad if not worst than trans... but its all relative. His general message in the netflix special is we should all love each other. If you listen to his last special he mentioned his good friend a trans comedian defended him because he gave her an opener slot when he came to oakland, not even knowing how good she was. This friend was then harassed and canceled from the trans community, then spiraled into deeper depression and committed suicide. Many people in the trans community have lots of wounds to heal from... in the first place they grew up not loving who they are and their environment as a child wasn't supportive in helping them explore their sexuality and gender.... but really how many parents are equipped to handle such things?? Their wounds prevent them to see and listen to things.... It's not anyone's job to love you but it's your job to find a way to love those that you want love from. Personally, I was a victim of hate crimes which got me fearful, angry, sad, and many other emotions... if I can turn back time, I would have given myself that advice.
  22. It's documented that the same group of companies run other companies... All you have to do is go on yahoo finance and look at who owns shares in all the top listed companies. How organized are they? We probably will never know
  23. He's a nice civilized man so he isn't that type to be disrespectful to Joe. Equally, there are experts with similar credentials that say opposing things, so saying something is scientific and rock-solid doesn't hold much ground. On top of it, you are choosing to trust someone rather than doing the actual science yourself to discover the truth. Personally, I admit that I am lazy and do not care so I choose to trust those experts out of good faith. I suggest for you be intellectually more honest. The FDA also approves junk food and cigarettes all of which give you cancer.
  24. There is already collaboration between both countries and the US does have a base there. China isn't going to attack taiwan even though they want to take it over. America already gave a shit load of money to Isreal, spending more in Taiwan would be a terrible idea. The news is trying to create tension because that's what they like to do....