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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. @r0ckyreed The problem lies in all of us. We all like to look at better-looking people. Look at the Avengers, Robert Downing Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson. There are also evolutionary elements of wanting to pass on better genes. As a man, I'm going to mate with the best-looking person I can be compatible with and can mate with.
  2. @StarStruck Very simple don't deny your intentions. Just tell her I just think you are very pretty, "so I forced myself to talk to you", I'm sorry to make you feel put off but at least you can start/end your day with someone noticed your beauty. Spend your day walking to random women and men and tell them something you like about them in a neutral way with no interest to get anything from them, you'd be surprised by how well people receive you.
  3. @abundance lol they are all owned by the same group of people https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=NWS&subView=institutional https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=CMCSA&subView=institutional https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=FOX&subView=institutional
  4. If world leaders and their masters were forced to fight eachother to the death instead of the mindless soldiers, there would be world peace REAL fast.
  5. @lizz_luna @Ulax I checked out that lecture a day ago. I wouldn't call him news, he gives his history and points which are valid. He's an intelligent man and to the point on Hillary, even if she won she would not fix the problems he talked about. Definitely Biden isn't doing anything now too. I don't think you can find proper news. Most of the alternative news and mainstream news are done by heresay. It takes a lot of money and physical time doing one story and even then if it's done properly people will reject it or support it and you will get confused. The best news are done by people that do ground work and then writes a book on one subject. Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibi both are legitimate journalist. They've done field work. Glenn with snowden and Matt actually went to Trump rallies on his first run against Hillary. The best news is you and your own backpack traveling and talking to regular people
  6. There are easy safer ways like cold plunges, breathework, dark room meditation. They trick the body into thinking it's dead. I suppose physical torture does the same thing but it's just stupid to put yourself in a position of permanent disability for enlightenment. Buddha realized this when he nearly killed himself several times fasting
  7. @abundance @zurew Pfizer has stated publicly that they never tested their vaccine for sterilization. Which means they never tested the people that took the vaccine weather or not they can transmit covid to another person. Isreal and Singapore were both countries that had a very high population of vaccination rates. Both countries had a spike in transmission because people thought they weren't spreaders after they took the vaccination. The death rate in Singapore was extremely low thanks to the health care system and the high vaccination rate but infections spiked up after the vaccination. If people want to die and not take the vaccine that's their problem. But companies and restaurants preventing people in their premises didn't matter because everyone was a spreader. If you look at the chart I attached, you will see the spike in cases around the same time people got the vaccine. Singapore was one of the most strict country in the 3 three years. You can even conclude that actually taking the vaccine increases transmission rate based on the chart even. This may not be true but it's something that can warrant proper investigation. Most people in Singapore took 3 doses. Pfizer was not transparent at the time of releasing the vaccine. I took it personally out of personal responsibility for the people around me even though I already had natural immunity since I got it early. With all honesty I knew I didn't need to take it because I tested myself for antibodies before taking it and I did have natural immunity which is a natural vaccine but I took it anyway to make people around me feel easy since I personally see alot of people in my job. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/singapore/
  8. @Jodistrict lol the part with the monk kissing them on the lips was funny. At least he didn't try to molest them. Sounds to me like the parents were probably well-intentioned but a bit crazy. The parents had a problem embodying the teachings and probably tried to inject and project too much onto them. Kids don't listen to you; they observe how you act and become both your light and your shadow if you don't address them. I grew up in a Buddhist household that wasn't too much into it. All of my siblings were never into it. I was the only one interested and read books because I wanted to. I took the saying, "If you see the Buddha, Kill him" literally and stopped reading books, and listening to lectures, and strived towards obtaining the thing no monk, no teacher, no anything can give you. Eventually, I killed the Buddha.
  9. @Ninja_pig People that want to be happy do not chase after enlightenment or awakening even though the end product will bring you everything a being can ever wish for. Once you awaken, you can understand why people want to stay asleep. Awakening requires you to give up so much. Becoming the mind of God grants you the power to feel and become everything. Feeling "alone" or "by yourself" is one of the things you experience. Become more comfortable with it and do the work because if you do so, it will require you to be with others in a much more authentic and loving way because there is nothing they can give you that you don't have.
  10. @aurum @aurum Come on man, you are being hysterical now. It's not about if the government forced people to do anything or not that is the main issue. The issue is people allowed such petty ideas to get them to hate each other so much. I suppose if you somehow over powered me to take the vaccine that would make you worst than the virus you think is trying to kill me. It's very clear the covid vaccine is light years a failure compared to polio, or tuberculosis vaccines which completely sterilizes the person taking it. The minute it did not sterilize is when they should give people a choice without shaming them or firing them. I actually live in a place where 95% of the population got vaccinated and the number of infections after the vaccine actually went up. The way I look at it is if someone does not want to get it, they are free to not get it and risk their lives. And for your information, I did get it and yet I still believe not everyone has to take it. If it did sterilize the host, then I would think very differently. On the topic of Russia. So far they show no sign of wanting to invade the rest of Europe. For now I rather not have the American government fund them anymore and actually take care of their own people. It is a pretty reasonable idea. Your logic with Putin is based on speculation. Are you watching too much Rachel Maddow or something?
  11. "Misguided" is assuming that you are absolutely correct? We live in a society where evolution has created variety, and the fact that people see things differently than others shows that evolution has done a good job of not making us the same. The way people think leads them to make different decisions in life, and perhaps 200 or 300 years from now, the offspring of those people may do something great for humanity. Hitler gifted America with Albert Einstein, and another great scientist made America the #1 country because he was freaking nuts. There is a higher order to the universe, and when things seem "wrong" "off" or "misguided" there's actually a thread of higher order and intelligence that is actually guiding those things. Taking this in mind, I believe we should allow people to be themselves and not inject their views onto others. People like Wim Hoff never took the vaccine, and because he has lived the way he has lived, he's been able to inspire people all over the world. You do gain something when you do not rely on anything but yourself. Should people overnight just suddenly stop taking medicine and vaccines? Or course not; most of them would not be healthy and evolved enough to do such a thing, and people would be dropping like flies if they decided not to rely on medicine. Russell never told anyone not to take the vaccine; he's been leaning more toward giving people a choice. I am in the health profession, and I tell people that most people need to take the vaccine, but since the start, I never agreed with making people take it because the long-term price of not allowing people to live their lives is greater. I also feel that people that spend a lot of time on their health have earned the right not to take the covid vaccine because they would fight off covid if they were to get it without the vaccine in fact, a lot of my long-term clients that did were not severely ill at all.
  12. They have fabricated a war in Iraq and it cost so many people's lives including the soldiers that defend the United States. While Americans are suffering the government that is meant to serve them spends 100 billion dollars in a foreign country. Politicians around the world have done enough for people to be suspicious even if those suspicions are not true. Just like you have every right to be suspicious of Russell Brand, he has the right to be suspicious of people in power. We are living in a world where it is harder to know what is true and what people's intentions are and it cost too much money and time to find truth from direct experience.
  13. Bill Gates recently admitted the vaccine was a failure against the new strands. You don't have to agree with everything Brand says and thinks. You will never meet a person with the same values as you. My point is Brand is not a grifter. The way he thinks and does is consistent. People like AOC who create New York policies and break them by partying in Florida aren't consistent. Even though you don't like Brand's stance on vaccines, most likely, you would get along with him better than any democratic politician because he probably has more values that are similar to yours and than anyone in this forum. Because of online culture and optics, people easily judge each other based on ideology, but in reality, if you spend physical time with most people, you would find out that you probably like them. Plenty of hippies out there do not believe in taking any medicine, including tried and tested through time vaccines, so their default is not even to take a new vaccine. I also know Buddhists that do not take any medication because of the way drugs are made at tested on animals. One person's singular view does not encompass the entirety of that person. We should not continue to live this way society will never move forward and work towards higher shared interest.
  14. @aurum brand is not anti vax he's pro choice and freedom. His stance on legalizing drug and offering treatment makes his stance on giving people a choice to vaccine consistant with his idiology. He's always been suspicious with power even 10 or 15 yrs ago if you watch his interviews
  15. Its an idiotic thing to do. There is an MAOI inhibitor in Ayahuasca, if that inhibitor is still in your body the result can be fatal. Doesn't Bufo contain 5 MEO in it?
  16. Jimmy Dore and Russell Brand are the most fairest voices out there. They call bs on both sides while Kyle and especially Dave still want to believe the democratic party is salvagable.
  17. Well, anything funded by Bill Gates is going to get lots of hype. He owns the media space.
  18. The bigger conversation is the healthcare crisis. If there were universal health care in America then he would not have an opportunity to make money off of something that should be a given right for someone to have. At least people like him are trying to warm people's hearts when compared to other influencers that only care about themselves.
  19. If you exist in this dimension, you are an active creator of everything. Everything conceivable and not is you.
  20. There isn't any other way but to face your fears because you put yourself asleep the minute you created your being
  21. The best way to combat his ignorance is to ignore him. He's doing all of what he is doing to get attention. Him and his ex-wife are masters of attention, that's all they really care about.
  22. In short if the "left" claims to be more conscious, they must be more tolerant and allow people to find their way. Freewill is the gift you gave life when you created the world. I don't hit my children because they didn't listen to me. Both sides are guilty of "hitting their child", that is the major problem. The right believes they are more conscious, and so does the left, so it justifies their actions.