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Everything posted by TheAlchemist

  1. Just saw this movie yesterday, it facilitated so many insights, just bursting into laughter and crying tears of joy/beauty. This scene really hit home for me, it really opens up the opportunity for you to focus in on the "holy moment", along with the characters of the movie. You can have an experience of not only watching the movie, but also recognizing your own role in the experience of the film being created in real time.
  2. For me MDMA is like being showered with love and LSD is like bathing in love. The states of bliss I feel on MDMA feel somewhat fleeting, like they are coming at me and leaving me, whereas with LSD it feels like the gates of love are opening inside me and I realize the love is there, always available. The Love I have felt on LSD is quite different to the MDMA love. 100x more powerful, with a cleaner feel to it. I'm not sure if it is as "reliable" though, I'm just basing this off of my last LSD trip, which was really my first proper dose with it. Mdma is great to do with other people in a calm setting, especially to work on emotional issues or to connect with someone deeper. LSD is like a 10 hour highly intensive consciousness retreat, face to face with reality, insight after insight just pulsing out of you.
  3. That's true, it's a tricky balance. I think being honest with oneself is crucial. Do I actually understand this, or am I just believing it? As Leo talks about with open-mindedness, there's a certain feeling tone to it. Just believing in something when it has not been experienced directly has an uneasiness to it, whereas when it has been truly understood it feels expansive and natural to go along with it. And on the other hand, not being open to a possibility also makes one feel somewhat uneasy and triggered. It's a tricky thing to balance, not blindly believing in something, but still being truly open to it.
  4. Imagine if Leo made an "All of Reality Explained in 100 hours" video series that had 10 parts, each video being 10 hours long, that would get popular just because of the meme value and epicness of it alone
  5. I didn't notice him being triggered. He was just speaking from the POV of someone seeking to understand. Just saying yes to everything even when it doesn't make sense or resonate for you in your mind will not result in any kind of progress. Blind faith is not useful. It needs to resonate with the mind for the mind to then have enough interest to look into it more through 1st person experiential means.
  6. Video will be out tomorrow, save your juices guys.
  7. Or maybe society made us believe femininity is weakness. And spiritual activity has aspects of both the feminine and masculine in it.
  8. Cold countries have cold people, and "colds" spread the most there. Coincidence? I think not Historically virus borne diseases have been a bigger problem in colder countries, whereas warmer countries have struggled more with bacterial and parasitic diseases. Diseases caused by viruses, such as "colds" spread with close contact, whereas parasitic/bacterial diseases from infected water or malaria, don't really disincentivize being warm and close with strangers. So people in cold countries might have become cold as a survival strategy to avoid colds. Then the whole culture developed around that, and since it kept working fine even coming into the industrial and information era, it has lived on. And that could be why we use the same word to refer to these three different things. Just speculating ofc
  9. Towards the end of the Q&A part 2 with Adya. In the Waking Up app conversations
  10. He actually spoke about this openly on Sam Harris' waking up app recently. He said he experimented with psychedelics when he was young, and that was partly what made him so interested in awakening. He also talked about how he recently took 5 grams of mushrooms. So his view have somewhat changed after the making of that video. We also have to keep in mind how taboo it was to talk about using paychedelics at the time when that video was made.
  11. @Johnny Galt Sure, *among others; including very smart, great and good people. It just seems the conspiracy theorists have been the loudest since they have such a strong distaste for the vaccine.
  12. Why bother when there's an effective and safe vaxx available? I looked into this when it was being glorified by all the right wing conspiracy theorists online as the miracle cure for covid. The clinical evidence for this stuff even treating covid is weak to say the least, very small sample sizes in randomized clinical trials, and the antiviral effects have only been observed in vitro, you would need to basically bathe the body inside out in this stuff to affect the viruses. It's possible that it works, but that's not a real option at the governance level to a pandemic where the futures of whole countries are on the line. There you need strong evidence within the framework and with the standards of the current medical paradigm. And the evidence within that framework is strongly on the side of the vaccine.
  13. The UN's impartiality to genocides and wars in the world is precisely what keeps it functioning. It's the largest human institution atm, really the only thing connecting almost all nations at this time, so it can't afford to take sides. The UN has bigger fish to fry, there is a powerful vision there, and I think many people are oblivious to it.
  14. This is it! This is enough. This is where it all happens, right here, right now. To any emotions/sensations that arise: Welcome home. This is complete perfection.
  15. All these new technologies will totally change how we practically live our day to day lives, I am optimistic in regards to that. But I don't have a lot of hope for the near-term restructuring of the economy, all these new technologies and the wealth surplus generated with them will still likely end up largely in the pockets of billionaires. The reformation of the economy will not likely come from these World Economic Forum billionaires at least. So as long as the current economic system is not addressed, these developments will just increase existing inequalities and the billionaires will continue to posture with these statements, with not much walking of the talk. The UN on the other hand in general is a very smart organization, it works at the edge of what is acceptable with the values people currently have and ensures continuing global cooperation and coordination thanks to that. The UN is our future, a couple centuries down the line as it continues to develop, we could possibly have some kind of a global democratic government thanks to it. Edit: A related, interesting piece on naive technocapitalist optimism:
  16. Can vouch for this, incredible book! At least as juicy as all the Spiral stuff
  17. Stumbled upon this gem of a man, it seems he has some very clear nondual insight, in the spirit of the hardcore Christian mystics. Here he speaks on the point of God as Nothingness.
  18. I just mean deaths occur outside the medical care system more commonly and even inside the medical system testing is not done, it's expensive as hell. For a year Tanzania had basically zero cases according to the stats and life seemed normal, but that was just because testing wasn't being done, and facing the reality of the situation would have been too costly. I'm not saying the chill strategy is bad, in some countries it is the only possible choice, the economic burden for lockdowns would be simply too much to take. That doesn't mean, and there's no reason to believe Covid isn't still spreading there just like everywhere else though. And I mean in 3rd world countries in general, not the country or area you are in specifically.
  19. Make a 5 minute video every day about any random topic that comes to mind, it could be a pencil, or some abstract philosophical topic. Just speak nonstop with low expectations (at least at first). Be enthusiastic about the topic, even if it feels fake at first. I did this pretty much every day for over two months and it made a big difference.
  20. Could it also be that those who were more depressed, stressed and psychologically distressed were more likely to skip breakfast, since it is just association/correlation? Edit: from the study discussion section: "The majority of studies included in this systematic review and meta-analysis were cross-sectional, which cannot provide a causal link between skipping breakfast and psychological disorders. As this meta-analysis was conducted on observational studies, it is not possible to rule out the possibility of residual confounding having affected the results in each study and/or the pooled estimates in the meta-analysis." It's an interesting study nonetheless, I'm not trying to poke holes just for the sake of it, I will actually look into this more and reconsider my breakfast skipping habit.
  21. Depends how sensitive your body/brain chemistry is to psychedelics, and how much you have primed yourself with meditation and contemplation for those types of insights.
  22. Many developing countries in Africa and elsewhere have very significant proportions of young people compared to Europe/North America, so it won't be as deadly on average. Also, there is an obvious lack of testing and medical facilities, the hospitals won't get overwhelmed with ICU patients if there is no real ICU that almost any citizen could access. People just die in the villages and streets, as they already do at a way higher rate than in first world countries due to other more common and deadly diseases, so it's not as much of a contrast. You need an actual working medical infrastructure that people can access for it to be overwhelmed (like India and Brazil and the west ofc, 2nd and 1st world countries). The country needs to be at a certain threshold and standard of wellbeing for covid to be a significant contrast to the current state of things. If people are already struggling to stay alive, covid won't make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things within that country. So in the first world countries it is understandably causing much more alarm.
  23. Yeah, it won't actually solve the problem even if 100% of Americans were vaccinated, since new vaccine resistant mutations could likely keep popping up in areas that lack vaccinations. The only real solution is a global one, the local solution (every country for themselves) is not really a solution at all, and this pandemic is forcing us to take note of that.