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Everything posted by PenguinPablo

  1. Societally speaking, I always feel like I'm behind. Society moves too fucking quickly for me. In order for me to be grounded, I need to slow down about 90%. If I try to move at societies pace, my energy becomes frenetic and I become full of cortisol and bitter. I need more time than this to process my energy, to process my emotions. I'm not sure if this has to do with CPTSD or whatever but people have told me that I am an "empath" and "energy sensitive". I'm tired of having to move at an overclocked pace in order to keep up with society at the expense of my true self. I got one more semester I tell myself over and over. But then it'll be the next thing and I'll never come off this damned conveyor belt. Any advice. Few weeks left
  2. yes, that's what im used to doing but since "i have less time" i stopped doing it as much. will continue to again (:
  3. thanks man. this is the real answer, or rather reminder I needed
  4. this man serotonins
  5. Recently I got a job in sales and I have been doing badly. I notice when I'm just grounded in being, people are quite receptive, but then I go into my scripted "pitch" and my buyer's interest wanes entirely. I want to do well in this job since it will help me financially if I can do well (6+ figures). However something inside won't allow me to be fake and manipulative the way my boss constantly says we need to be to attain results. I guess partially I haven't been given the tools to succeed at this job yet. I know nothing about the company and all I have is a generic sales script. Also I just started recently. I've made considerable progress in terms of the Buddhist path. Thanks to Leo first and foremost. Don't know if these sort of attainments make it nearly impossible to excel in these fields of orange trees. Similar to trying to imagine Buddha being a pickup artist or money hungry business man or maybe something less dramatic since I probably cannot fathom his level of attainment. Mods: pls. excuse me if I put this in the wrong subforum. Move it if necessary. Sorry for my absent mindedness.
  6. @Raptorsin7 go little by little and see how you feel. Maybe start off with 14 hours. Then over time 24 hours. Then eventually something like 3 days, up to a week or so. I'll he honest, I don't think I have gone 3 full days even. And yes I mainly do it for the mental/enlightenment reasons, although the physical health benefits are there too. I dont know all the research but 2 day fasts and stuff like that are spectacular for health. Pls speak to a doctor before trying. Personally, 2 days is the sweet spot for me currently.
  7. I really like this post. Maybe we can just share certain things that tend to trigger them for us. Here's my list: -Fasting -Mini retreats -Walks in nature [Combining those^ (ooof!)] -Doing something out of your comfort zone -Meditation retreats -Cocaine (just kidding)
  8. @universe actually, its a good product. but the approach is very low consciousness, and overtly manipulative... this tends to be the case in orange america. at the end of the day, even high consciousness products are produced, marketed, and sold with money in mind at the expense of everything else.
  9. @Meta-Man i think ive been dealing with something similar for a couple years. either way. Will stay until they fire me or till the end of the year. Except i still want girls sometimes lol.
  10. @Meta-Man thanks. I will stick it out till the end of the year and reevaluate after that.
  11. @ethanb121 That statement presumes that you are enlightened, correct?
  12. @Meta-Man id argue i feel a lot more energetically POTENT when i fast
  13. @Key Elements i see. we are actually on the same page then.
  14. @Key Elements if you persoanlly feel that way that is perfectly fine. However, consider a young 18-20ish year old male that is severely undersocialized and has NO friends. Depressed and perhaps suicidal. Pua companies have to implement tons of raunchy over the top marketing stuff to draw people in, but in pratice most guys just want to be able to connect with a woman. While theres some narcicistic and psychopathic tendencies used by some people in this field, most of the theory being taught is to catch up on the near 2 decades of severely stunted social development using proven psychotherepeutic techniques like systematic desensitization. Society has failed these men. Their parents have failed them. I see it as rather courageous and heroic to try to overcome these shortcomings. No blaming anyone or playing victim and instead doing whatever is needed to become who they shouldve been all this time. The aim at the heart of it all is not to hurt, creep out, or bother women, its to feel like a human being worthy of female connection and companionship. A lot of it may be very misguided but please try to understand this perspective. Personally, I dont even think this is the best way to resolve these issues but thats a much deeper topic than "I wouldn't hookup with a stranger"
  15. @Key Elements the logic here is very simplistic. If you were single, and he ran good game/ swept you off your feet so to speak you would not think "why is this person talking to me?" for more than a few seconds and instead might unconsiously or consciously hope that something comes of it.
  16. you havent gone deep enough if you're unaware of the the depth of suffering and the subtlety of the coping mechanisms we use. its very manipulative and yes its all love
  17. Seduction is inherently manipulative imo.
  18. You were enlightened before ever having sex?
  19. I think Derek is super orange actually He's my favorite RSD instructor. All that technical shit, Mystery Method sorta shit will only make everything 10x harder and fake. However I do feel ALOT of resentment and tension in him that you won't feel from someone like Sadghuru or other spiritual dudes. Personally something like Johnny Soporno x Derek hybrid would be ideal game.
  20. there are some things I agree with you, but surely Leo releases them weekly for good reason. second, just go through his catalog and watch what resonates most with you. no need to watch EVERYTHING.