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Everything posted by PenguinPablo

  1. Because people gravitate towards "good" energy. "I want some of that!"
  2. I like this idea. Doing it for others will compromise the quality
  3. I have a pretty paper chasing job. I’m not particularly good at it and I don’t find it too engaging. Sales. though it’s certainly a challenge for those reasons alone. Pretty confused as to what I should do. need help. I know I need to sustain myself somehow. Apartment and so forth. I would like it as well. It most career options don’t make sense for me. I enjoy expressing my ideas through video form, music. I’ve pushed the boundary with the spirituality stuff pretty far over the years further and further. Because of suffering and also simply out of sheer curiosity. I’ve pulled the curtain back pretty far. im not scared but most people would definitely think I lost it at this point if I shared my current perception of how reality operates. That was certainly the case years back when I disclosed some of my insights with my therapist which I considered far less radical I want to make 3 music albums in the future. I want everyone in the world to listen to it as well. To make at least 1 album that the whole world loves. kinda like Pink Floyd back in the day
  4. What's the difference?? Seek and ye shall receive
  5. @Michael Jackson he’s the homie. Makes sense why he was so misunderstood and attacked in his later years
  6. To be fair living under this presumption is actually quite liberating, though it does feel like others are trying to reel me back into their dreamscape. The notion that all my shitty relationships, victimhood, depression, and sadness are simply projections and I can create whatever narrative I want is hilarious amazing to me. Not having to get caught up in all that anymore. Not having to be that character with a terrible upbringing and carry with me everywhere. It's amazing. Not having to become anything either. The need for validation drops. But how do I know that I'm not just losing touch with reality... To be fair, it does feel better to simply enjoy the dream for what it is... instead of getting caught up in it. Being reactive to the dream, instead of being conscious of the fact that I am the creator of the dream. Haven't done too many psychs... just a lot of introspection, meditation, and watching a lot of Leo recently.
  7. @Michael Jackson Oliver Tree Dont know much about mj but I suspect he as well
  8. @Michael Jackson check this one out too. aways knew this kid was special
  9. @Adodd That's cool man but I can get a $10 a month gym membership and get there way faster. Could be something good to do outside the gym to strengthen mind-muscle connection. MORE IMPORTANTLY! Get some proper creatine and dat Der cell-tech
  10. Interestingly salvia was the first psychedelic I tried when it was still legal over a decade ago. We tried the second strongest one the smoke shop by my house sold. I was extremely excited to try it. Hit it out of a large ice bong. I was taken somewhere else. Very dissociative. But we all had a good time. iirc, I took it on two separate occasions That’s why I’m very surprised when I hear all these concerns. Maybe my ignorance, excitement of youth made for smoother sailing. before all the trauma of young adulthood
  11. Adyashanti I can definitely vouch for. Leo holds his own pretty well -- he's pretty damn advanced. The thing is... there's actually a lot of great teachers out there but you won't realize it until sometime awakens within you within the same territory. Maybe try going towards whatever you currently resonate most with and build a strong foundation from there.
  12. Lay off the acid kid. Clean your room. Do something worthwhile. Build a cabin.
  13. Raising your consciousness will always be of more value than anything else when it comes to relating to other humans, either romantically or as friends!
  14. @Breakingthewall attachment causes separation causes suffering
  15. @Leo Gura @Inliytened1 Very much the case for me. the idea that psychedelics are an excuse to realize things makes sense and, the distinction between everyday experience and the spiritual side of things is blurred. still struggle with things. But for sure inquiry and practice have been my main staples. on marijuana I found out I was the universe experiencing itself. I typed the realization on google and Bingo!!! — people been saying that apparently. Been able to re-access, open it wider so to speak through inquiry intermittently, and by explaining to other people. Always mindfucking to do so anxiety, stress and so on pulls me back towards separation obviously
  16. Back to square one with Eckhart Tolle u might be right but I’m not drawn to this right now.
  17. ” in silhouettes, we’ve been on the same page before… together, forever as one” <3
  18. There’s this idea in Buddhism that the end of suffering is when you stop clinging. I believe this is very much the case. Not clinging to anything, including god consciousness
  19. @Breakingthewall I think that’s what happened. I broke through thanks to Leo and it felt so good but now that I regressed or fell back to ignorance, I’m grasping for that again.
  20. I’d rather be close friends with a homeless crack addict before I went anywhere near Leo or any of his acid head friends /s You can do better. The comparison isn’t close bro. There is little evidence that many psychedelics (LSD) have anything similar in neurotoxicity, addiction, and overall potential to destroy you life like something like meth can do. not saying don’t be cautious. Absolutely be cautious with psychedelics but I think it’s a different conversation
  21. @Carl-Richard Hmm.. Falling in love with the dream, while recognizing it's just a dream.
  22. @Carl-Richard I agree but that's not really my personality to let this type of stuff goes, even if it's too my detriment at times. High openess I think. Also my mind has always been more on the third-eye type, deconstructing reality so on and so forth. Comes pretty naturally to me so when Leo brought it up it was right down my lane. Probably was an easier coping strategy for me to detach in a sense. And I mean from the beginning with Buddhist meditation years ago I definitely struggle more with awakening at the heart level too. I get glimpses every once in a while (it's been a damn while t00) but it's easier for me to play between the borders of the reality. Tearing reality apart But Im sure Im missing something(s). Lot's of.