Avi Tal

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About Avi Tal

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  1. Where is the 3 hour video on solipsism that Leo uploaded yesterday (14/02/2022) ? It was available for a few hours and then disappeared... :-(
  2. @kieranperez Thank you for your answer. I guess you've got a good point here.
  3. @Nahm Thanks allot for your wonderful answers! I will try and do my best...
  4. @Nahm @Aaron p I guess you are both correct. I need to do allot of hard work. Believe me, I am trying, but it is hard for me. Every time something happens, or I hear some story or remember something from the past, my instinct is to think badly about it. I am aware from the intellect level that my thoughts are bad, and I am able to observe my ego and understand that I am making a mistake, but this is in the aftermath... Not in real time. Any suggestions of how to get better at this?
  5. @zeroISinfinity I get it from the intellect. Not at all fully from the being level. How can one live this way all of the time from the being level, and get there fast without drugs or other such methods? Thanks.
  6. @Nahm This is definitely a great post! Unfortunately, as I mentioned, I myself find it difficult to fully experience in the being level, even though I am concisely aware of these ideas. I am hopeful that it will come before my body demolishes.
  7. @RendHeaven Sure. I agree with you on that. Nevertheless, I assume that if one is "fully enlightened" before his body demolishes, than negative thoughts are no longer experienced. Is my assumption correct?
  8. @ajasatya Thank you for your answer. Concisely, I know you are right. But it seems like that the implementation is extremely difficult for me. I often get emotional and stressed, and then the ego is in control and changing that is practically impossible...
  9. @Serotoninluv Thank you very much for all your help and support, and also thanks for sharing your own personal story. I am sure it is not easy. I hope your dad is well now. I think I got the picture, and I think I understand now why the professional who is helping my relative has not exposed her to any ideas that would create negative impact.
  10. @zeroISinfinity, @Serotoninluv: Thank you both for your excellent answers. I guess you are both correct. I do love her and want to help. So do you say just drop the idea of discussing this with her? Do you mean stop trying to expose her to Leo's videos? Thanks
  11. Dear friends, I have a (very close) relative which is (hopefully) recovering from high grade cancer. I would like to help her get enlightened, mainly (but not only) because I assume it will help her recover quicker. A little about my (objective model) self: I am a software engineer, 51 years old. I consider myself "mostly enlightened", since I still have negative thoughts from time to time, mostly around financial issues (which I concisely know they are fictitious). My relative is 47 and has a BA in mathematics and computer programming, so I assume she is capable of understanding your model of conciseness. Nevertheless, whenever I try to mention this issue, all in good will of course, she gets mad, says that I try to humiliate her with things she cannot understand, says that she is a simple person, and believes that external events are what make her happy, sad, angry, stresses, frightened and so on. As far as I understand, she has not yet transcended beyond ego. She is being treated by a professional which (I assume from stories) is an enlightened person, but there are no signs that this person has gone with her beyond the cliché of "you decide to feel stressed, frightened... and you interpret things like this and that". I am willing to try and take the challenge of helping her, but how? So far I completely failed reaching her in these levels. Your help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  12. Why does conciseness create my experiences? Should I decide this? Is "why" an 'imaginary' question?