hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. The Nazi salute being done so publicly and blatantly on that stage, is surprising to me. This is new territory lol
  2. If you don’t think Elon did a nazi salute there and it was a deliberate 4D chess move, you’ve been dropped on your head as a baby. He’s banking on his low IQ defenders to explain what he *really* meant by doing that Nazi salute, yawn 🥱 It’s like when Trump literally says something intentionally and his cockroaches crawl out from under the rocks they hide in and are like “he actually didn’t say ______, what he was really saying was _______, you don’t understand.” Get the fuck out of here with that shit lmao. Retarded.
  3. We got front row seats to the circus.
  4. If I had to choose to either be Elon Musk with his billions of dollars or me, a handsome normal dude with not even one million dollars I would totally choose me every time lol
  5. Finally someone with a brain here. My suspicions about Dave Chappelle are also the same. The question I’m asking myself is, is this facade truly sustainable? I mean, one guy basically has unlimited money and most of them also do too but is that enough? Like would the house of cards it’s all built on eventually buckle soon?
  6. He's like that kid in middle school who would tell us he has a girlfriend but she goes to another school so "you wouldn't know her". LOL
  7. I wouldn't be shocked if it is saved at the last minute. The US only wants it's algorithm. It seems the US-based apps' algorithms aren't as aggressive as TikTok's but maybe Elon's turd Twitter might come the closest.
  8. It’s reads like some hilarious dorky Reddit-tier tradwife LARP fantasy lmao. I’m surprised he didn’t say she should forage for berries in the wilderness barefoot and churn him some butter for his breakfast pancakes.
  9. Never crying is some pussy shit
  10. I hope things like this stresses them out for the next 4 years non-stop. They need to see and feel how stupid they all are.
  11. Well OP, what do you suggest should happen in society for your current grievances to be fixed satisfactorily?
  12. Happy New Year everyone!! Be safe tonight!! If you’re alone this year or feel lonely right now, remember that we’re all one and always will be! Tomorrow will be just another day.
  13. Succinctly put. Would you think it’s also the most valued thing in a man, for women as well?
  14. LOL yes of course absolutely but I worded it in a way to get ahead of the inevitable "but men are also cold!" arguments I wasn't trying to have. Protect your heart by throwing away your heart. But also don't hurt anybody either -- this is where meditation comes into play.
  15. I believe (I think) that you will feel immense guilt and shame if you abandon them in their time of need when they're super old when then eventually pass. Many people end up absolutely devastated because they wish they had just 5 minutes again just sit next to them alive, after the fact. And right now in the present moment you do not see this, so think of it as your future self that has gone back in time to see your parents again: here you are.
  16. You've got to get it in your head that women have the capability of being just as cold as men. Ice cold.
  17. Sometimes I believe that when you hate someone, it's because you see some part yourself in them.
  18. You ever try and concentrate on the "negative" void-like "matter" outside of the snow globe? Like looking beyond the edges of reality without moving your eyes and head and notice there's a negative space that exists beyond your perception but it's inconceivable
  19. Because in reality, that's always been absolute bullshit lol. They say this because they have a lot more to lose if they get pregnant by the wrong guy (they don't actually consciously say this, it makes perfect sense). We are still animals in this dream, no matter how you slice it or how conscious you become. Women know within 2 seconds of meeting you if they'd sleep with you or not. The rest is icing on the cake. A man cannot control this, you can make good first impressions but that guarantees absolutely nothing. You can trick someone with psychopathy or being a sociopath but that's straight up emotional abuse and very manipulative--this will bite you in the ass later. You truly have to be a total insufferable fucking idiot to fuck it up or an absolute coward -- either way, many will still overlook this if the raw attraction is still there.
  20. If "the number one thing valued in women is physical beauty", What is the number one thing valued in men?
  21. At least we now have front row seats to the upcoming Incompetence Olympics
  22. Awesome analogy OP Team Rocket fortunately, are mostly incompetent except for their boss Giovani (Trump)— who was the last gym leader to beat (and also held the “prototype” Mewtwo in the movie) Notice how in the game, you are *not* part of Team Rocket and ALSO your biggest rival Gary Oak (I guess he would be either Red or Blue spending on who you chose) was NOT part of Team Rocket. He became Champion of Kanto after defeating the Elite Four himself. No Team Rocket help to get him there, your biggest “enemy” stayed clear of that trap. A nice surprise IMO because it does show some people who you think would be all about Trump, actually aren’t! I’ve met a few. So ultimately, Team Rocket is but an annoying blip in your path that you have to deal with. Same as MAGA and Trump will be in their final act.