hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. Imagine a Harris Newsom combo. Harris as President and Newsom as VP.
  2. ‘Preciate it bruh! 👍
  3. Trump suddenly looking hella old up there now
  4. Gotta strike while the iron is hot. If we can figure this out on this forum, I hope the Democratic Party can see this as well
  5. Personally, I think Kamala running as President has the same “throwing a monkey wrench into the system” effect as Trump running for President in 2016 and him ending up winning IMHO Also, Trump should be worried Kamala has insane internet memeable potential as he does. Crazy times we’re living in you guys!
  6. This is true! I think Kamala is up. She might be a monster in this race, she’s no Hillary Clinton!
  7. Trump blew it big time at the RNC. That was a god awful speech lmfao He basically handed it over to Biden or Harris it’s a wrap
  8. I also disagree. You got it backwards. Let’s be real here lol: He would never pick a woman or minority. Not for his base. If he did that, that would be considered bold and would send an earthquake though the political sphere and get him elected lol. Guaranteed win if he appointed a Russian.
  9. I’m not saying it isn’t on brand, it’s just too weak and safe of a choice. Coming from the already boring snoozefest that was Mike Pence, he needed someone more radical. It couldn’t be Vivek because the GOP is racist as fuck. JD Vance has an Indian wife so you know some people there absolutely hate it — he’s been getting roasted about it on social media by actual right wingers What a shitshow lol
  10. Gavin will probably run in 2028. Or VP if Kamala takes over. Kamala would beat Trump IMO. She’s too memeable and is equally as “silly” as Trump, just in the opposite direction. Trump took an L in choosing JD Vance as his VP. Trump’s line up looks anemic and washed up. Even with his assassination attempt boost lol
  11. It’s going to be even more funny if Trump loses and Elon’s whole thing was a stupid waste of time and money and he showed his hand on who he truly is lol Tesla paperweights incoming
  12. Today feels like things are more back to normal with all of this lol. We’ve been brushing so much violence under the rug in America than this is just another one to the pile. And from the outside looking in, Trump rallies now seem ghetto as hell since he got shot at. Yuck. Other than that iconic fist in the air photo, everything else looks like a terrible time
  13. Almost getting murked by your own hubris is so crazy to me lol
  14. The day after… I’m starting to think this doesn’t look that good for Trump. Sans fist in the air photo, he’s just a bloodied old man that almost got his head popped off by (allegedly) one of his own These optics look messy af
  15. I wouldn’t trust NYPost at all lmao But yes. He was trolling. Edit: or he’s trolling by pretending he’s that same guy because he looks alike this is hilarious
  16. Things are moving too fast It’s not the guy lol
  17. https://x.com/jewgazing/status/1812343769301164226?s=46
  18. 🤫 It is. You won’t get it from mainstream right now but that is the dude
  19. Hmmm was Destiny spittin’ or nah?
  20. This attempt, whether it failed or didn’t — is very bad.
  21. Remember you guys… this is all a dream and we’re all one including Trump