hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. I need a little help here, maybe you can help me. Say I'm sitting down looking straight ahead, eyes open. I see a perspective of a room and a little bit of my hands and knees. Where am I? Behind the eyes? That "invisible" perspective behind "my" eyes and in my "peripheral vision"? Or am I the very thing that the perspective I am seeing is made out of? Am I the entire view and everything in it? I realized i'm a visual learner and I don't do well with riddles and subtle pointers, I hope others can relate with me.
  2. In a paradoxical way, you bringing it up to her will probably make her think you're inferior to her colleague by default. Because now the forbidden fruit is even juicier to her. Basically, it's over unless you can deal with the jealousy, cheating, trust issues that come about if you decide to stick with it.
  3. OP, you are 100% on the money. I posted something similar to this in another thread but no one listened lol. But what you describe IS truth in this illusory monkey on a rock experience. My confirmation stems from realizations of real life experiences, psychedelics (I could easily see the strings and how that all works, also going meta while on it even more clearly showed me), my own experience, my friends/acquaintances' experiences, etc. It's a tough pill to swallow for the majority of men though, and yes I am saying I am good looking and tall. It's very easy. In a funny way, "incels" are the ones who have been yelling this stuff (or similar) from the mountains in what they call the 'blackpill'. Of course, once incels gained a substantial amount of traction and they had permeated internet culture, they were automatically labeled as bad people and shoved to the side as lepers. It's tragic because they do cite scientific proof of this crap and it is true. I found that your face is paramount to your social survival and ESPECIALLY sexual survival. Being a living, breathing piece and an article of reality--you're subjected to judgement based on your looks automatically without your doing. THIS is the bulk of the work that literally mostly out of your hands lmao. Your masculine core is the other facet but you'd have to be some extremely weird awkward guy to fuck it up. It's very interesting seeing people on this forum deny this or not see they have a huge blindspot--similar to believing the "I" is real.
  4. IMHO, I think it's much more of a curse. I grew up as a kid with a good child life, playing with my friends, playing video games, going to the pool, spending time playing outside all day, etc--all the normal fun things kids should have fun doing. When I became a teen, I got the internet in the form of AOL/AIM chatrooms, etc. It was still somewhat in it's infancy. Everyone was anonymous and only had a screen name. Websites weren't very advanced and I remember thinking as a kid: the internet is kind of like an interactive video game. Way different than like my Nintendo 64 but still really cool. I used to troll forums a lot. Only because I got a kick out of it and it was funny to me because it's not real. I'll never meet these people in real life and it was very enjoyable literally saying ANYTHING online without real life repercussions (the internet isn't real life!). I know/knew the distinction between REALITY (ie: present moment, REAL LIFE) and the Internet (ie: this virtual world of information and entertainment). The problem NOW is that we are no longer anonymous. The line between reality and virtual world has been blurred considerably. And this isn't an opinion: I've seen the trajectory of this and I actually prophesied that people were going to emerge with mental problems, have anxiety, be weird in person, have social problems, believe the echo chambers they'd be in, etc. It's like the fake self in us, has used the internet to maximize it's potential. It's absolutely insane. It's almost like the small self has made another tinier self but for online purposes if that makes any sense. When the smartphone became mainstream, is when it all went to hell. Anybody can have an opinion and put it online as fact. Nowadays, social media/forums are filled with people who never experienced early day forums/message boards filled with trolling, bannings, flame wars etc. People back then knew ultimately it was all in good fun just to get a kick out of it. So nowadays, most people sit on FB, IG, Twitter and argue ALL DAY and EVERY DAY about inane shit that isn't even REAL LIFE. If a troll comes along, everybody goes ape shit much more severely than before. They've NEVER had that luxury of witnessing trolling online almost as an art form. It's serious business to most people now. Of course, there are HUGE strides in technology because of the internet that allows current luxuries to flourish--I get that. But I think at one point we're going to have to abandon this social media conglomerate into something more useful to get back to Offline Life I remember adults having when I was a kid. However, the insidious pull of these apps and games nowadays are much more powerful and tap into and trigger those dopamine hits we start to crave. It's super interesting, because I will remember THIS version of the internet fondly later on in life and laugh at how absurd it was at people arguing about shit that didn't really matter and they can't get that time back EVER.
  5. I've had about 5 people in my family test positive for COVID-19 and all but 1 ended up in the hospital under intensive care. Two of them almost didn't make it out alive. Very scary times for my family. What a dumb thread.
  6. A good night life is a lot deeper than most people see on the surface.
  7. One thing is I noticed: I feel like there has to be some 'spiritual handbook' or manual out there available underground to make a business out of spirituality, because when he became "awakened", his videos are exactly word for word describing enlightenment or awakening in an almost almost too good fashion. Almost came out sounding like Leo out the gates. Without prior investment in spirituality, how did he cough up all that info in a short amount of time without referring to something? I hope some of you see right through this facade because you might have to dive deeper into your spiritual work if you find this convincing or real lol.
  8. I’m just going to say this: don’t fall for this guys shit lol.
  9. This is the correct answer here
  10. Lol, it only feels like that because having a family and getting married is only nice on the surface most of the time--you don't know what happens behind closed doors. Half the time, they want you to be miserable like them by doing the same thing they did. Crabs in a barrel. Consider yourself lucky that you didn't settle out of desperation and are just riding the cool wave of life PS: FREEDOM IS PARAMOUNT
  11. Lol, ironically--one time I had a partial awakening on alcohol. One time I got so drunk at a club with my friends once, I was watching one of my acquaintances vomit in the club's toilet. I knew I was very drunk too as I watched this person throw up, but I then realized that there was still this "something" still there watching me be drunk as hell. I clearly saw the distinction between drunk as hell me and the thing present there watching drunk as hell me--like a witness. It was super trippy and I'll never forget it.
  12. Women are just as horny as men. We are horny in different ways but the energy is the same. The key difference is, they act on it when it's a person that they find physically attractive. It's very simple, yet overlooked. It seems shallow but it is biology, unfortunately; for the majority of men. Saying women aren't as horny as men is just lying to yourself--because you do not get that reciprocation back. I was blessed with being good-looking and trust me; the average women are always horny, just as much as men--unless they have a condition where their libido is compromised. I also realized that women treat me differently and are super nice to me and I can get sex a million times "easier" in comparison to my friends and other men. I did nothing internally, it was all external when I grew into my looks as I got older. It takes a lot to fuck that up, unless you're purposely being a douchebag but counter-inuitively, that sometimes pulls in some women even harder. It's almost paradoxical (!!!) Though, that paradox is a very toxic and addicting road to go down for both women and men but some people enjoy it so I cannot judge. The biology is written into your genes in this illusory life and that biology for men is displayed with our faces and height. It's a tangible thing for women--it's just how it is. To refute this is to be asleep to reality (akin to still believing there is an "I" ). It's not necessarily that it's ripped guys that have it easy--it's a man with a good looking face. Muscles, money, great personality, big dick, nice full hair and hairline, etc. are all just bonuses on top of the good substance that's already there (an attractive face, attractive to woman). The reason women don't go to a "prostitute for sex" is because the majority of women (not all) can actually get sex quite easily. It's just not their prerogative to fuck just ANY guy, he has to be cute to them at least. They are the gatekeepers of primal raw reproduction--not all men can get through. Men cannot force their way in through that gate (this is rape) so society has evolved to the point where it can be calm and transactional: good career, nice personality, great with kids, nice house, etc. to avoid any conflict (and to not return back to caveman times ). But this type of relationship isn't as solid as raw sexual attraction between two people for example. The transactional type of relationship is essentially a house of cards and that illusion shatters when one loses their job, gets sick, is working too much, etc. When people first meet; both genders know immediately if they'd sleep with one another within milliseconds--this has been proven in study! It's biology, and biology drives us in this illusion of life, wether we like it or not. Just like other facets of life--it seems unfair but it is what it is. Also, it's important to remember that there are outliers to this--just like with everything else. Pointing out one or three different anecdotal examples refuting certain things isn't actually refuting anything. PS: Take some shrooms if you want to see the truth on this!
  13. The irony of this thread is fascinating. Mentioning that it's all ego-based, yet stroking ones self in satisfaction for being "woke" about it and being judgmental about people panicking by viewing it from an 'enlightened' perspective. Please be empathetic. I've been following the COVID-19 situation way back in early January out of morbid curiosity because I've never seen a modern country (ie: China) take almost draconian measures to shut down the entire country into quarantine for "a flu" that "kills less than influenza". It was very interesting watching the data skyrocket in terms of confirmed cases and deaths--the exponential growth is insane. Not to mention, China was not and has not been truthful in the amount of infected and the amount of deaths. This data was all available on Youtube, reddit, twitter, etc. The part that REALLY made me raise an eyebrow was the beginning of drastic censoring of facts on those places. Things were being taken down by Youtube, Twitter, Reddit, etc about anybody talking about the virus even before it reached the US, South Korea, Iran, etc. People have been yelling from the mountain tops online about this virus, before even the mainstream media caught on. It has been the case of "boy who cried wolf" and now well... it's a bit too late. This virus is an unprecedented curveball into everyday life. As much as you become enlightened, awakened, attain non-duality--you STILL have to live in this reality. Painful or not. This virus will change the world, for the better or for worse? Who knows. But there will be a shift. The panic is people scared about their families well being and they don't want to be without anything in terms of supplies, in case of a serious lockdown like what happened in China. The lockdown will be inevitable. THOUGH I WILL SAY THIS: Meditation during this time is paramount. You'll be bombarded about this virus, understandably so but you must remember who you truly are. The virus is YOU, ME, US. EVERYTHING. But in this little game called life, we gotta pretend it's not and we must work together to be empathetic and compassionate with everyone.
  14. Yeah, this ain't nothing yet. Just wait until the REAL numbers grow and exponential growth takes place. I truly think this virus might change the world. For the better or worse? Who knows. Possibly for the greater good tbh.
  15. Bump. Check out the headlines right now.
  16. Welp, some replies here have aged terribly. Government basically said they can't do shit and good luck. I too, have been following this virus since early January out of curiosity. Some people were deemed "conspiracy theorists" but their math and numbers made sense and also the trajectory of this virus was unprecedented. When a global behemoth like China essentially commits economic suicide in rush to quarantine, shut down, build hospitals in a week and hastily attempt to control this virus--it is NOT "just a flu". https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/25/health/coronavirus-us.html If we're about to be on the cusp of something very very tragic, so please a reminder: practice self love and keep doing your meditations. We're all one and in this together. I really hope this will go on to better days soon.
  17. This is actually my first post here even though I've lurked ever since this website opened and waaaay back when I watched Leo's actualized youtube videos (still do). I just love reading things about experiences. In a funny way, edibles actually made me see "me" once. Moreso than shrooms or LSD. The big I. It wasn't even a relatively high dose either, it was pretty mild and I was very conscious. I was watching Leo's "Shocking truth" video about Enlightenment and then it hit me HARD. He said "Look at your hand, realize that there is no one actually looking at your hand. It's just a hand" and BOOM, I got what he meant. Then all of the teachings, videos, writings, etc made sense all in one big swoop. It was hilarious, because you actually think you're actually real. It was mind-blowing shit. I was shocked yet it made perfect sense and I felt like I knew this already, innately somehow. Now, I don't wanna beat around the bush because I hate language and how people always blueball you with this stuff: Basically what happened, was that the "THING" that's looking at this screen RIGHT NOW reading this, isn't actually there. ZIP. NADA. You're literally hollow lol. The place behind your eyes is void. It's like the opposite of what's in front of your eyes. But, it seems like there's a person there--and there IS, it's just not how you think it actually exists. Think of the back of your eyes as similar as being the darkness of space. Just nothing. If you look straight ahead, you notice you're looking almost like in an "oval orb" of experience--like a round TV. If you keep looking straight ahead, try to realize your peripheral vision. How is it that stuff exists, in front of you right... but the outer edges and behind your eyes it's like this weird invisible void? Almost like a blindspot that you take for granted. Like, almost as if your experience is couched within in this thing. And that thing is YOU. GOD. I realized who my friends, family, coworkers, fuck buddies, etc were: They're the same me that's "watching" this experience but we're playing a game of being a human on earth. We think we're other people--and we ARE...just not that the same way we grew up thinking. The earth is full of phantoms and we believe our little life stories lol. Of course this moment fleeted when I began to sober up... and I've been "chasing" that experience every since with meditation, which is kind of funny lol because I know it's useless. I also jotted down tons of notes while I realized this, to keep me afloat later on in life and remember this experience. I also realized that you can get to this state RIGHT NOW by literally dropping *everything* and staying in the present moment like a laser beam. It made me respect edibles and cannabis in general. It's absolutely insane that a mild piece of chocolate made me realize God far more than the nuclear bombs such as shrooms, LSD, etc. And I wasn't even looking for an answer, I just decided to watch one of Leo's videos after I was watching some video game playthrough while the high was kicking in.