hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. Lol what?! It's actually quite the opposite. In real life, women will say personality matters and it's the most important aspect and it trumps all. But that is not reality.... the men who fuck the majority of the women are good looking and it's a small percentage. It's a breeze and the women will tell him to his face that it's because they found them attractive/hot or because they perceive them as confident, "alpha", bad boy, etc as a personality trait. In reality, it's because of his looks--it's like an unspoken language--a halo effect. If an ugly or average man tries to be nice, caring, needy, etc--he'll get friend zoned so fast it'll make their head spin. But if they try Red Pill shit like being "alpha" or go with dark triad traits; all the that will happen is that he'll end up being thrown in jail for being a misogynistic creep. People who refute this observation will cherry-pick outliers to prove you wrong or post some fake PUA video with paid actresses. Meanwhile, the majority of average men are working their asses off trying to make millions, doing PUA, soaking in Red Pill bullshit, working on their "self purpose", dressing like a peacock, being flashy, dancing like a monkey, etc - alllll done to get transactional pussy with no real lust from her behind it. It's a farce and it always ends up bad (but good for her because hey free dinner!) It's nature, it's biology. Nature wants us to procreate, that's why sex feels incredible and everyone is driven to fuck and multiply--it is written in our genetic code physically--so women can look and choose who gets to fuck them or who gets to take her out to dinner 5 times in a row before she says no. That being said, you cannot just be a complete fucking idiot wether you're ugly or hot--because women do like to have lots of fun. If they can get both worlds of hot and fun it's a no brainer for them. Jackpot! I will say this though: slowly the veil is unraveling in Western society as to women are having less of a issue of being adamant about having a good looking man by their side. They're finally able to speak their mind because they're becoming more socially "free" in a sense--thus they don't have to put up dating some ugly schmuck anymore with money when they can fuck the cool hot guy if given the chance. Obviously, this is fair and women should be able to say whatever they want but currently the majority of men cannot swallow this dark pill, it's brutal. Which is why you have such an uptick of incel forums, red pill, MGTOW, manosphere stuff in general.
  2. You know what I meant when I say partying, I'm not talking frat parties here. Even monks enjoy some time with friends.
  3. This is a fantasy. If you take care of yourself you can absolutely be the cool guy in his 40s at a party. Depending on how you look like now, your genetics and how you take care of yourself (avoiding drugs for example) some can slay into their 60s. Your assumption is based on going to a party looking for a specific outcome lol nice try. If you're on your spiritual path, you won't give a shit if you're the 100 year old at a party and neither will anyone else.
  4. Then I hope God has a big enough hammer for these balls!
  5. Honestly, I feel like doing it the tourist route and going against the grain in your head (going "pharmahuasca") would be beneficial. It seems counter intuitive but what if you find the last puzzle piece this way?
  6. Honestly, no one knows who will win. In 2016, everyone was certain it would be Clinton but look at how that turned out. This year, because of the 2016 election, people are saying Trump is going to take it. What if he doesn't? What if Biden wins???
  7. It's all about the face.
  8. I've had something similar after a night out at the club. The next morning I went to get coffee at Starbucks I think and I still had a little bit of alcohol in the system (I could tell). Anyways, I noticed my thinking had stopped. It was very calm and ordinary and it was almost shockingly ordinary. Overlooked... and then boom I witnessed it for a split second. I hope it sticks with you because eventually life came by and I "forgot".
  9. IMO he was a diamond in the rough. Although the character Alan Watts still suffered, he saw through that suffering and decided to spread the truth and love and joy in the form of teaching.
  10. Apple is amazing. All of their products are quality. They're slow at releasing competitive features but it's because they wait until the technology can be used reliably without resorting to making the consumers pay as beta testers. I haven't used windows in over 10 years now. Once I realized I don't care about customization, constantly janitoring my computer/phones for viruses or malware and troubleshooting--I just got a MacBook that works flawlessly for many years. Same with iPhone. For me (and many) it's all about the software and hardware merging together seamlessly to make you forget that it's a piece of tech and it's more of a tool. Plus, it's also cool that Apple was basically the result of an LSD trip for Steve Jobs. The man got the message and died delivering said message. Awesome legacy IMO.
  11. Bad Boy/Asshole = attractive (in the face), non-ass kisser, that knows he is in demand by women, and loves to act like it to their faces. If you don't have that "bad boy" or "asshole" phenotype look, it's going to be a massive uphill battle trying to act like like you're that if your genetics didn't gift you with it naturally. Basically, you're screwed.
  12. LMAO!! BOOM, absolutely perfectly worded--much better than even I could've worded it. Yes, same thing happened to me, I went out with some local chicks (with like 5,000 followers or so) that I got to meet because we had mutual friends that introduced me by sheer accident. They were also a "model" and always were promoting these little tiny brands but never seem to make money off it. These girls are actually pretty cool and chill but the whole thing is super sleazy and most definitely a smoke & mirrors thing for ultimately the guys getting their dicks wet from a myriad of fake (well at one point) statuses with popularity, money, vacations, social media, etc. I'm not going to lie--the chimp brain + societal brainwashing really makes it seem very fun, and it probably is. It's gotta be very empty feeling though or not I could be wrong lol
  13. Please post more about those women, smoke and mirrors and elaborate on that, I'm super curious. (because the same has happened to me) I think it's just a brand--they're online brands at this point. It's a snowball effect of 'internet clout' in that if a girl gets tagged in those photos she'll gain more dopamine hits on her IG. Maybe get a little brand endorsement, etc. Maybe get paid to hang out with those guys and just post on social media all day, smoke weed, go to dinners and sleep in a mansion--seems nice enough while they figure themselves out at their peak of their looks. It's not authentic, though there could be authentic relationships that could sprout from that business by meeting other people, etc.
  14. If you grew up as a kid playing outside in the 1990s for example, pre-internet; and are now a full blown adult in the present social media--you damn well know social media is toxic and terrible for the brain. It causes your ego to have a digital ego lmao. The nail in the coffin is the fact that you subconsciously compare yourself to others' posts on social media wether people will admit it or not. Also, creeping on people and looking people up on social media is another problem--most won't admit they do this--but humans are incredibly curious and nosy. I cut out FB and IG many years ago cold turkey. I had people text me if I was okay, why did I delete, did I block them, etc. Even to this day, my friends sometimes shake me down to make an Instagram account when we all hang out and have drinks and chill. I tell them no because then we'd have nothing else to talk about when we hang out in person, I really love the spontaneous stories we tell each other! They love it too they told me. Also, chicks dig guys without social media lol, I've learned this as a byproduct of being social media free. It's really weird because you'd think its the opposite but it really fucks with their brain because it's like "who is this guy"
  15. Woah! Due to lockdown and quarantine I decided to replay some old games just for fun. One of these was MGS2 for the PS2 released in 2001 produced by Hideo Kojima. One of my favorite games ever! When I got to this codec scene and I watched it again almost 20 years later--the resemblance to society right now is... uncanny? Kojima is a creative genius. I will admit, I was actually a little creeped out because when I played this as a teen, this scene just sounded like gibberish to me. Now though, I see parallels? For context, the Colonel on the left is an ally and your boss and helping the guy on the right (Raiden aka you the player) overthrow a group of people known as the PATRIOTS. The Colonel in the codec radio turns out to be an advanced AI the entire damn time. Your boss turns out to be a artificial intelligence and you've been running through all these missions to end up being duped. Raiden turns out to be a pawn all along, and learns the extent of how the AI they used him and how they came to be. It touches on access of information, data, digital life, privacy, human rights, truths and lies, etc. If you have 8 mins of time, check this out! Remember, this was made in 2001!
  16. I could be wrong but I think he means you need to literally do a leap of faith out of concepts and attachments even if it feels like it will kill you like one huge “LET GO!!!!!” of everything
  17. Someone will probably end up creating an advanced AI used to create context, so it can wade through the swamp of useless data online that has accumulated throughout the last 15 years—especially the last 10 years. lol, it’s kind of funny you bring it up because I’ve wondered the same myself and I posted a thread about a crazy part is this video game that came out in 2001 (Metal Gear Solid 2) that eerily talks about this in some sense:
  18. Lmao yeah, they’re probably going to spy with the data too but at least it’s minimal and within the same country it’s made in if that happens
  19. For those asking about Vine: It exists, the app is now called “Byte”. It’s made by the same creators of Vine and it’s been out since earlier this year but the popularity of TikTok overshadowed it. Byte = Vine 2 basically. I wonder if the popularity of Byte will skyrocket after TikTok is officially banned here lol
  20. lol that kind of looks like that room you warp into with the infinity amounts of Godheads when you’re on LSD
  21. India also banned TikTok, as well as other countries before the USA. We’re one of the last ones to even think about doing it. TikTok is actually a big security risk because all the data goes all the way back to the CCP. Huawei was also banned from using Google services/apps on their Android platform. Unfortunately, the entire planet is looking at China with raised eyebrows right now.
  22. I'm going to be honest here: In this reality we're all living in? It matters A LOT. Can you stomach this truth? This forum won't address that giant elephant in the room and that's okay--since it's generally out of your control essentially (genetics) and it's much easier to beat yourself up and keep running on that 'cold approach' hamster wheel 5,000 times. People who refute this truth will point at anecdotal evidence of some fat, bald, short, broke, [insert deficiency here] guy dating a hot girl and go 'SEE!!! THE PROBLEM IS YOU!!' which is counterintuitive and brings much suffering to that person. What if that 5,000 cold approaches gets you no where but dead ends? Saying "looks matter less for women" is such a damn lie and completely underestimates the desire of women wanting a nice handsome, good looking, tall guy of their dreams. It's the same like us wanting a hot woman. This truth is overlooked since it's so obvious but we are conditioned to ignore it and notice the things we CAN change.
  23. OP how tall are you?
  24. I sort of realized this once on edibles... That quote "the great cosmic joke" made 100% sense. unfortunately, I forgot the punchline and I'm back to pretending I am this person here typing this lmao.
  25. lmao I saw this last night. Talk about a train wreck and some of those questions/statements by the interviewer caught him off guard I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything but this is making me wonder what Fox News is up to... it's too.... "real" if you know what I mean.