hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. That was chilling to watch. I’m a little worried about Inauguration Day. Hopefully since this entire disaster happened, their security will be Fort Knox for Inauguration Day.
  2. I wonder what Rogan would do if Trump wants to be on his podcast. He’s got a huge similar-ish thinking fan base. Joe Rogan has been awfully kind to conservatives/MAGA, even when on Spotify.
  3. As a person who grew up on unregulated forums/message boards of the early 2000s with an insane amount of trolling and different types of humor: I've also realized a lot of people (for example, "Normies") have never had or used the internet in a forum-style in their entire lives. They never had that line drawn between reality and virtual, that distinction never existed when they first logged onto Facebook. When the smartphone became mainstream, a lot of people went head first into these things, compiled with the algorithms looking for more money from ads = exactly what we're seeing these days. Back when I was on forums, most knew what forums were and what was trolling and what was bullshit and irony. Flamewars used to be a term reserved for absolutely shitting on random people online on forums but now flamewars have turned into reality. Pretty crazy IMO.
  4. You’re triggered and projecting at me! I hope you can calm down and open your chakras. Do some meditation and reflect, my dude.
  5. Protesting for the undeserved deaths of black men at the hands of the police vs having a meltdown due to losing an election are two completely different things, dumbass.
  6. Logging in to say holy shit this is insane lol. I can't wait to see in a few years when they investigate this past decade and see how much the internet had to do with all of this. I've always suspected it's propane tank to a fire but small documentaries are already starting to talk about it (The Social Dilemma for example). Algorithms baby.
  7. A cheater that cheated and still lost is even more embarrassing
  8. OP, you're not going to get the brutal truth that you want to hear on this forum lol. Almost all of the replies are just blaming you for not taking initiative or not being "confident enough" lmao. It's crazy to me the obvious blindspot of lookism that exists in our society yet it's much easier to just blame the person themselves for not having "confidence" lol. In this illusory dream world we all live in, (speaking in the 1st world perspective here) women tend to like immutable traits in men that are impossible or difficult to change or fraud. Height, hair, face, dick size, etc--stuff that's set in stone by your genetics. Women have a lot more to lose in the dating game because they can get pregnant and that's a huge fucking deal because the consequence is massively life-changing. The stuff you can change like body, hairstyle, money, etc? Who really cares, just don't go too extreme with it as a coping mechanism because you will stand out far more in a bad way. (like being hilariously muscular and ripped, or having 40 yachts or like wearing ridiculous clothes, wearing a silly toupee etc). Just embrace that and it will set you free. Then you have nothing to lose once you understand this and THEN you can approach and just take it easy and have more success without that burden on the back of your mind. Luck is also a massive component that no one talks about too. You have to destroy that paradigm and also the "be more confident!!!" paradigm at the same time, so you don't end up going in circles in a dark, twisted, self fulfilling prophecy. Good luck.
  9. Escapism? The use of this word is based on the assumption that there’s someone here, wanting to exit somewhere “out there” to end “suffering”. Spirituality/meditation is used merely to stay here and question our use of thoughts, words and labels as gospel, and begin questioning this “reality” you speak about. You’re not going anywhere, “reality” is inescapable. I get what you’re saying and it makes total sense but I think (lol) what’s really happening, it the opposite of what you’re saying. Leo made a good metaphor of the movie The Matrix. Most people think that spirituality is breaking out of The Matrix/reality because it’s an illusion like a dream, right? It’s actually the inverse—The Matrix/reality is real—but YOU aren’t. The whole time the entity trying to escape the matrix wasn’t there the entire time lol
  10. Go to the doctor and explain what you're experiencing. You don't know for sure and posting on a forum won't get you the correct answer. You could have a heart problem, even if you're healthy and young--it's the luck of the draw with these bodies. It's best to catch it early if that's the case.
  11. I think it's fair to close those high risk areas down due to the uh, unprecedented 1-in-100 year global pandemic. Personally, I really miss going to bars/clubs not going to lie. It'll be back when things go back to "normal" but a lot of those businesses are going to crash and burn. They will pop up again because humans have always loved dancing and partying since the dawn of time but if you're in that business right now--it'll be wise to start side hustles to keep you afloat and change professions if you can--that industry is taking a massive hit, much more than the restaurant business.
  12. Thats amazing! You definitely did get a peak of what's really happening. Same thing happened to me except it was a potent edible. When I would watch Leo's and Spira's videos, everything made complete sense in the most simple way possible. It was obvious and almost laughably so. It was almost like the mind eventually would butt in and begin to do the mind things it does and it's completely wrong. Thanks for sharing!
  13. I've been on the other side of your situation OP. I was the best friend hanging out with my best friend's ex. I wanted to bang her so bad and that was basically our reason for hanging out--the exciting slow back and fourth of it being a naughty taboo thing to be doing and also being chill with each other since our personalities were similar. We were just flirting while being friends and maybe if we felt ballsy enough we'd end up fucking. Ultimately, we didn't do it out of respect to my best friend--the weight of guilt that started looming over me slowly, was far too much--that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to look him directly in his eyes if I did it and tried to keep it a secret. It's a classic situation that happens very commonly actually. it's not really a "love triangle" but more of a "hmmm we totally want to bang but I have loyalty to someone" problem. It is very scummy and I felt dirty about it.
  14. When I tripped with a FWB, we didn't even fuck because it would've been too weird. We weren't even in the same headspace to do that. Not like the sex would be bad, it's just it would probably look like some weird alien-fleshbody action and it could weird you out. I know someone that it kind of ruined sex for them because they saw it for what it really was.
  15. You know what I meant
  16. That girl looks like she wants to kill herself listening to that
  17. Apparently the game is incredibly buggy and causing brickings of PS4/PS5s that Sony actually pulled Cyberpunk off the online store and is issuing refunds. I don't think that has ever been done before. It was definitely rushed.
  18. Goes to show you how trash the GOP is. Conned by Donald fucking Trump?! Lmfao. I wouldn’t be surprised if some Republicans switch to being Democrats after all this shit. It’s absolutely embarrassing and the whole world is watching the GOP with a raised eyebrow. Does Trump have dirt on all these people in the GOP who are blindly having his back?