hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. “Stuck” with him? You are a fool lol
  2. If Trump loses and Kamala wins I’m going to lol so hard at the extreme wasted effort by elon to ride trump’s and the right wing’s dick and burning of money
  3. Bro is getting bodied up there and getting baited non-stop and is looking like a crazy old man at times. Yikes
  4. It seems that Russian propaganda is already hitting this very forum lol
  5. This right here is what’s going on. People are tired of this WWE-style garbage since 2016. Plus, we’re all quite a bit older now since 2016. It’s just sad now.
  6. I was the one that said Vance was a shitty pick and you disagreed but now you know what I meant
  7. I mean, to be fair... they are weird and creepy
  8. You ain’t joking lol
  9. I don’t know man… that shit went kind of hard tbh. France got the balls to put art out there regardless of whatever religion or ideology people abide by. Pretty gangster imo. Did you see the rockband on the castle with all the fire?? Pretty badass. There’s so many snowflakes out there these days!
  10. Yeah but when the iPhone went live to customers, all the features worked great.
  11. Biden is officially out of the presidential race. The plot thickens!
  12. Last time I did that a month ago, I was being caressed by two latinas all night. DO IT!! Highly recommended.
  13. No but yes. The risk is always there but that's why you take the risk -- because you love that person unconditionally. If you can't stomach those odds, then don't marry at all. I will say though, almost all of my married friends eventually fess up that they're miserable and that life kind of sucks. This is after a few beers though, they'll never bring it up all sober. Even with a hot wife, some of these dudes are doing the dancing monkey dance to keep the relationship passion alive. And some of these ladies are putting up with some stupid ass men. No hate against marriage personally though, I do really love seeing people giving it a shot. However, do not be fooled by what Instagram and Facebook shows you
  14. When I had an “awakening”, it’s as if my usual 3D perspective became flat or 2D in a way. There was still the recognition of it being 3D, since I could walk forwards and reach over for things but it was also flat because everything is one whole thing, including me! It’s like it became a dynamic painting of sorts. Anyways, I’m back asleep but I remember that very vividly and I wish I could snap my fingers and be there/here again.
  15. Actually, you know what? Musk is a visionary and did make Tesla the way it is today from his vision and work ethic.
  16. Steve was not a conman is my point lol
  17. I think they’re true. Elon is a con man and he promises things that never come to fruition (ie: vaporware) using government funds. He’s a wannabe Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was an actual visionary and genius. Elon is a fragmented cheap emulation. It’s a shame that so many of you have totally bought into Elon’s PR and marketing. Different strokes for different folks I guess. 🤷‍♂️
  18. It’s becoming glaringly obvious that the RNC had not prepared for this switch at all and oh boy are they panicking
  19. He even looks like what a president should look like lol, very presidential looking guy almost like from a movie or something.
  20. He’s too old! He’s too old! He’s too old!
  21. I hope the emoji gave it away lol Harris/Buttigeg would work but the average American cannot pronounce his name correctly and they will think of “Butt” every time they see his name
  22. Kamala Harris / Michelle Obama