hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. Nah dude I got what you were trying to say lol but you might be more of a tough love type of person and that also works too even if it comes off as crude to some people. And @Applegarden8 that's awesome that you made progress like that and you're right on the money. It gets even better because it's kind of contagious because others start opening up to you and becoming comfortable with who they really are around you, since they see that you're being authentic and saying fuck it. It's weird how that works, like Leo says life is counter intuitive lol
  2. Let's not jerk ourselves off here, but some people come in different shades of naive or depending on their upbringing--they've got good intentions but have been royally burned by manipulative people throughout their life and that becomes "normal" from their perspective. Sometimes life pummels good people into a pulp. I came from a loving family, I've always received love, had an amazing childhood, great public school life--I got out unscathed and easy. But I noticed with some friends that they didn't have this, so I pointed it out to them in a friendly way without gas lighting them to not 'let so and so walk all over you' and to do what they wanted to do, and they slowly began to understand what I was pointing at. It's like a mechanic telling someone that doesn't know shit about cars that they're an idiot for not changing their own oil, brakes, coolant, spark plugs, coil packs, etc because it's basic shit--and it is but that person never had a father that showed them how to do it on the weekends growing up!
  3. Are ya'll really that scared to post about toxic behavior in women? Lmao. OP, I'll spare you the cowardly 'tHoSe aRe tWo SiDeS oF tHe SaMe cOiN' and I'll give you an actual example: Women that will string you along. These are harder to spot because they use Nice Guy tactics but in the form of femininity and beauty. They're like the Nice Guy version of a woman where they'll touch your arm, smile and laugh at your jokes to get something out of you, which isn't actual physical/emotional interest--which already has been laid out on the table that you're interested and not at all a secret to her. She knows. If you don't have much experience with women you're going to get absolutely destroyed with this. Now, this is ONLY if you literally have a genuine interest in this person and aren't in it just to get your dick wet or you're a needy bitch. This is when you like someone and that someone pretends to like you and you're eventually running errands for her like a fucking fool. It's extremely toxic because you then think that something is wrong with you, you'll go on this forum and they'll say all women are angels and it's YOU who's at fault and to improve yourself by [insert cliche self improvement advice]. It's a never ending cycle. I've got friends who jump through thousands of hoops and are a dancing monkeys to these chicks and don't even realize that they're doing it. I call them out on it and they get mad. Months later they're updating their social medias with sad memes and weirdo incel ideology posts about how women are trash or whatever. It's stupid. The kryptonite to this is to be an authentic, kind, asshole. Just playfully be a dick. Be yourself! It weeds out any women who wants you to change the oil on her car or to get her stuff or just wants attention. How do you do that? Watch Leo's video about why women love assholes or something like that. He's right on the money with it. You're not changing who you are, you're becoming who you really are. Don't be afraid to walk away or say no to shit you don't want to do or don't like. I see you posted that you've got problems being needy. That's a huge unattractive trait that women see in men. The only way to get "rid" of it is to continue meditation daily and do the spiritual work to find out who "you" really are. The neediness will slowly melt away until you realize you don't give a fuck in a good way. You actually attain what the paragraph above this one says. At this point, you'll realize how easy it is to spot toxicity & baggage but you won't judge them on it because we're all conditioned one way or another. Just peel back the layers homie.
  4. Trump definitely did have the best balance IMO. He balanced letting people get infected and die and keeping the artificially inflated stock market above water successfully for a few short weeks before the stock market took a shit. Thats my President!!! :MAGAdrool:
  5. Ironically, the guy in the video looks like the type of guy to date single mothers lmfao
  6. Ah yes, half of America is trembling at the thought of NPC right wing overweight sexless Call of Duty cosplayers with Walmart assault rifles will fight to take over the country. This means war…. Brought to you by Dunkin Donuts! America runs on Dunkin.
  7. It's wild how the more evil and reprehensible you are as a human being, the more you are rewarded and just given a slap on the wrist. And good people get shit on 24/7 in most cases.
  8. Thank you for saying what I was going to post! I agree. It's wild to me that teachers think they're an authority figure. They aren't even getting paid enough to feel that way so it's obviously coming from a different area of concern aka their beliefs.
  9. 2 years ago I went on vacation to my parents home country and spent almost 2 months there in the jungle. No internet, no wifi. Bugs, mosquitos, random animals, no luxury of running water, no nice cars, nice climate, lots of crime, extreme poverty etc. I had to bathe and wash my ass with a bucket of water lmao I actually got used to it fairly quickly and I realized how "physical" their society is there. It's like you're in the now/in the moment since you don't have the luxury of vegging out on your phone every 3 minutes. Or reading about the rights of a squirrel are being violated or something. Or hearing about some rich fuckhead doing something zany like going to space. But you pay the price in feeling more tired since you're always focusing on something with your senses more. When I came back, it was jarring how weird it was to assimilate back into a 1st world society. Everyone is in their mind going crazy 24/7. Looking from the outside in and actually seeing it it's incredibly weird. Of course, I'm back to "normal" and I now identify with everyone else but I'll always have that experience of finally seeing society for what it is from the perspective of looking from the outside in. It's all an illusion that's being served to us but we actually have it incredibly good here. It's almost like we're being lied to about how terrible this place is yet it's not but the wheels of society need to keep turning and keep that illusion going and us little workers are what ultimately turns the wheels.
  10. 6 dates no sex means she's getting her fill by another dude in the meantime.
  11. It’s broscience.
  12. This was beautifully said and resonates with me deeply, thank you. I've always had my suspicions of this but it's like almost a blindspot or a thing I'm actively ignoring. The modern smartphone really is a vampire it seems. Yet here we are...
  13. It's more important to be the best looking, tallest and having the most "status" in the room but being strong/dangerous with fighting skill is a cherry on top--not the whole sundae. If a woman knows you can literally easily kill other men with your bare hands, it's very nice to them on a similar plane as being tall--but it's not the exact same thing. It definitely helps though! Just don't be an aggro douche with it and you'll be alright. It's the silent confidence aspect about it that makes it awesome to have.
  14. A subreddit full of 5'2" women talking about being alpha. Ahahahaha. Look out men! She's going to ask you to pay!!!
  15. I don't know if I could live with myself when I'm 50 and look back and realized I had zero fun having sex when I was younger tbh. Life is so damn short and nothing is permanent or promised tomorrow.
  16. Everybody's gangster until they have a toothache.
  17. I don't want you to begin to "do" this but: some people have become enlightened or awakened when they threw all the spiritual bullshit away. Like completely gave up and it hit them. I believe Mooji realized it this way too
  18. It would be silly to not go for an M1 MacBook or Mac at this point in time. They're so much more powerful than anything else on the market by a HUGE margin. A $2K laptop is like having a powerful battle station thats more future proof than a cheaper laptop, so there's that. Also, you can do virtually anything with a laptop at that price so it opens many doors. Do it! You can't take money with you when you die so why not.
  19. That's just Leo going on a night walk!
  20. That’s the thing: it can’t. Humans can’t. This thing defies the laws of physics. Now, who’s not to say it’s not man made but from our current understanding of our modern technology so far on earth—we can’t do that right now. I know the USA has been pumping trillions of dollars into the military for decades and decades… perhaps it’s that? Personally, I’m not sure what trillions of dollars spanning decades gets you. If it is that, the magnitude of the technological jump would be astonishing. Some people say it’s faulty sensors (like the Degrass/Rogan convo) but getting multiple confirmed readings by multiple ships/planes etc is pretty telling.
  21. That is fucking wild. Holy hell. Very exciting stuff! So there’s basically things on our planet “flying” that defy our understanding of physics and propulsion in ways that boggles our minds in comparison to the modern technology we currently have? And we’re clueless as to the who, what, where, when and why? Epic lol
  22. Because it was either these emergency vaccines or full on economic/global collapse and the collapse of the Western world due to the implications of the COVID-19 virus hitting virtually every avenue of prosperity of the USA. It already has been a shit show but it would’ve been FAR FAR worse than what happened—even with 500,000+ dead. A few side effects out of millions of shots vs a full blown economic collapse and catastrophe? Hmmm, easy call. It was rushed because it was desperately needed. This wasn’t like Ebola, MERS, or SARS. This one had scientists saying ‘oh shit’. Because of these vaccines; things are actually finally starting to go back to some resemblance of normalcy in the USA. Just like how Australia managed to get back to normal last year. You gotta pick your poison in life or you’ll get left behind.
  23. Update: holy hell lol, I just felt tired after the 2nd Moderna shot I got yesterday. Then around midnight I got chills, headaches, fever and all of my joints felt like they had arthritis. Not fun at all, I couldn’t sleep. I thought I would wake up today feeling better but I got another wave of the chills/fever/aches combo again. Its around 5PM now and I feel a bit better now but I’m not sure if another wave of illness will come again. I’d much prefer this over COVID or getting permanent COVID side effects though.