hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. Redpill just makes low quality men think they're hot shit and become unnecessarily aggressive towards women. All they do is scare all the hoes away. Redpill men are so fucking annoying lol.
  2. Makes me feel safe that Joe Rogan--the zenith of masculinity--is here to protect straight men from all the evils in the world like referring to someone as she or something.
  3. I know an avid gun owner who goes to target ranges, collects guns and mods them. He told me he'd have no problem turning his guns in if it means less people dying, less provocation and less mass shootings. He said it's a cool hobby but ultimately it IS a weapon to hurt another person or animal.
  4. lol, this means your true size is closer to 7 inches, not 6. The average penis size backed up by science, is 5.1" erect. That's measured by pushing in the fatpad with a ruler all the to the pelvic bone, and measuring to the tip while erect. That's the only scientific way of measurement because people vary by weight--which can visually shrink or elongate your dick but your actual penis size remains unchanged (from pelvic bone to tip). This is how scientists/urologists get the average measurement accurately. If you're measuring visually what you see to the tip--you're absolutely going to mentally hurt yourselves lmao because that's not accurate.
  5. No, it’s not that deep. He’s not a big brain genius playing 4D chess using ironic humor with a Trojan horse in the form of a lame 4chan graph meme. Nor is it a bad joke from an attempt at humor from his terrible comedic value. It’s just a stupid fail post he publicly posted on Instagram and he’s getting absolutely ROASTED by everyone. People post dumb shit with a straight face sometimes. Unfortunately, this dude’s rap sheet has been increasingly ‘stupid-shit after stupid-shit’ for the past like 4 years. It’s like he stumbled upon redpill garbage recently and has been vomiting it out of his mouth
  6. I don't want to get another 3 Warning Points added to my account, so I am sitting this one out and very much enjoying these paragraphs being written ITT, dissecting Joe Rogan's unironic unfunny Instagram fail post. Lmao.
  7. 'Shitposting' has a prerequisite, which is to be funny about whatever the shitpost is. Joe Rogan posted that graph unironically. There's literally nothing funny in that post, and someone actually riffed off that graph in a much funnier way. Edit: Also, Joe Rogan is a shit comedian.
  8. Rogan is just changing his persona to survive in his new surroundings....
  9. Absolutely. The line between reality and the internet has been blurred considerably these past few years.
  10. Like everything in life, there's no free lunch. Clubbing will age you rapidly and give you health problems if you don't do it in moderation. Doing it in your 20s is MUCH less taxing on the body & mind but you're sacrificing mental and physical health. If you club all of your 20s and into your 30s at the same rate--hoooooo boy, you're going to look 55 at 35. Which will defeat the purpose of going to clubs in the first place.
  11. For me it started in middle school (I was like 12-13 years old) when a group of girls approached me and one of them said I was cute. In that moment, I was faced with the decision of a) freaking out, getting nervous and shy and not reply or do anything, or b) to play along with it. I chose to play along with it. It helped that a friend of mine was sitting next to me so I didn’t want to look like a pussy lol. I remember this day vividly because it was shocking to me as a kid to be approached and then complimented by a girl and have to reply in some way. Since then, it’s always been easy peasy. It’s innate to me and I’ve always been a funny guy without being a comedian if that makes any sense. Women make it very clear when they like you. It’s a feeling you get that’s unmistakable when you know and if you oblige, she will know that you know. Then it’s smooth sailing from there. If you’ve never built up this innate feeling, I can see how many men have trouble knowing how to attract women or know when a woman is into them without asking somebody. Logic is a fail in this area, since there are way too many variables.
  12. Wouldn’t their spaceship be their Rolex?
  13. The deflation is going to be very interesting. I'm curious to see how it affects the used car market specifically. People with regular sedans are ballin out of control right now with how much their value has skyrocketed!
  14. It's like the people who yell snowflakes, are the actual snowflakes themselves
  15. I absolutely love it. You either progress forward or get left behind in your tiny dark room with your conspiracy theories and online echo chambers. We need this in the USA, ASAP. We can't be fucking around and coddling these idiots any longer tbh.
  16. Maybe, maybe not. Experts/analysts are often wrong, however; we should take their concerns with a careful eye. I'm quite sure that if they can see this is a possibility, the world governments can as well. You should've seen the alternative, if nobody did anything to mitigate and a vaccine wasn't developed. Absolute collapse.
  17. I paid $3.40 for eggs today and I spent $3.10 for eggs a few years ago. We're doomed.
  18. Them letting you shine as the person you are
  19. How does it feel to write two whole paragraphs with absolutely nothing of value? Scientists really need to study this level of brain worms caused by being terminally online.
  20. Lol, you don't say?! It's hyperbole used in the same manner as saying the pandemic is a trojan horse to gain control over the population.
  21. I’ve got a bad feeling Youngkin is going to win. Especially with the majority of Youngkin’s ammo is the school situation. Ironically, the uneducated are voting about education. I’ve also noticed Youngkin basically LARPed his campaign to look eerily similar to a Democratic nominee campaign aesthetic. If someone who wasn’t tuned into politics watched his campaign and commercials—they’d think Youngkin was a democrat.
  22. Dude, teen pregnancies are down in record numbers. Obama didn’t want more single mothers raising more bastard children because of lack of sex education. You framing this in that particular way, is very creepy.
  23. Lmao, don’t worry—most of us are pointing and laughing at these hogs. I just feel bad for the sane people who are engaging with those idiots online in arguments. They’re never going to win playing pigeon chess. I honestly don’t really listen to people who got a D+ in Science during high school, tell me that I’m brainwashed, science/statistics are wrong and that my rights are being infringed on. Oh word? Taking this vaccine in a pandemic is a method of control? Lmao, got it thanks buddy. ? If you made the vaccine injection mandatory to access the internet—you’d be surprised how fast these fucking morons would take the “jab” to get another dopamine hit of their echo chambers. ?
  24. So cuckservatives are too scared to say "Fuck Joe Biden" now?