hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. To any car enthusiasts on this forum, this is basically how ridiculous the anti-vaxxer/anti-masker brain works:
  2. I would say yes except it affects us all We still want them to participate in society and live long healthy lives. But this is just stupid. Like Leo's recently closed Omicron thread? It started off normal and informative in the 1st page, people were discussing the boosters, vaccines and how it could be handled to mitigate spread. And then the deranged brainworms crowd got in and just fucked it all up. I was actually looking forward to discuss the topic at hand!
  3. This is so boring, dude you fucked up by being incredibly persistent in threads about this, that now we're laughing at you and not engaging lol
  4. I slept with a 33 year old hot ass woman when I was 21. Best decision ever and I will forever cherish those memories Do it!!! Women are beautiful
  5. It's always the same posters. No avatar havin' asses posting deranged cherry-picked studies that have no merit in the grand scheme of things. I'm starting to suspect some of them are the same person with different alts. It really makes using this forum a huge drag since it's such a low IQ take.
  6. Agree but also be aware that there are some mentally mature women in their 20s too. Probably more common than a woman in her 30s without any baggage
  7. Okay, that was the answer I was looking for. If you’re able to get with 27 year olds and younger, then I say continue living your life as you please. (a little blackpill here) It seems that you are one of the few men in their 30s that doesn’t look like shit or someone’s dad. I’m guessing you had a baby face when you were in your 20s and now years later, it’s paying you in dividends lol. Most men in their 30s can’t get with women in their 20s without flashing money one way or another. Or being incredibly predatory in nature. If these women like YOU for YOU— then it’s a no brainer. Live life man, we have one life to live. Just don’t break hearts for no reason and be clear with your intentions and have fun! Let me put it this way: Say you settled down now with someone out of fear of being alone for example—when you’re in your 50s and realize you still love women—you would KILL to be 35 again and single. The icing on the cake is having the freedom to do what you want AND you can take your time finding the one woman you truly want to be with emotionally. “Settling down” is such a risky move since most couples end up getting divorced or cheating on each other. You want to live that life for 20+ years? Take it from someone who’s single and gets laid and my married friends are fucking miserable and tell me how lucky I am lol.
  8. OP, are you feeling guilt/emptiness about having casual relationships with women at 35? Or are you actually enjoying your time and are just asking this out of curiosity to make sure you don’t make any mistakes as the years pass by?
  9. Facts. People who eat all his BS up are fools.
  10. Okay, say I’m just an average, normal, ignorant, normie, person living in these times of a pandemic and I’m unvaccinated. What happens to me if I decide to get the vaccine?
  11. Lmfao. ‘Dude… wake up that death you’re talking about is fake, now MY death… oh yeah you need to be scared of that! I’m not a sheep!’
  12. You don’t know DICK about what you’re talking about. Neither do you, I can’t believe you typed up that giant fail of a wall of text.
  13. Okay Morpheus from the Matrix I hope you can wake up these hypothetical people in the weirdo scenarios you’re making up in your own mind. Absolutely normal.
  14. Thank you for your anecdotal evidence and your personal prerequisites for getting this mysterious hypothetical vaccine that you’ve come up with in your head. These posts are just what we need. Just pure white noise.
  15. He's the greatest con man in recent times! I'd be honored if I were him to swindle people out of their money with empty promises and constantly moving goal posts
  16. yet, your post helps with nothing at all. zero value. nothing was gained at all except time lost reading that. truly, a worse fate than a vaccine injection.
  17. Yes and no. It’s a make-believe value system that exists in society today, so while it doesn’t matter— it actually does matter currently. It’s like asking a woman if the height of a man matters. It doesn’t truly matter but it most definitely does.
  18. I’ll have to try this OP! I had a similar realization by looking into my own eyes in a mirror, like an inch away from the mirror, on shrooms. All of a sudden, I realized that the person in the mirror was just looking at nothingness—which was me. It was actually incredible shocking to realize I was the ‘void’ that allowed a mirrored image to think I was looking into a mirror ? Like it made me panic for a quick second when the “shift” happened and I wasn’t there. That was the damn truth.
  19. Gaslighting vaccinated/pro-vaxx people because we aren’t bending backwards and making it super comfy for people who—for hilarious reasons—refuse to get vaccinated during a pandemic? God I love this forum. Lmfao.
  20. Who cares. Society will leave them behind.
  21. Not at all actually. In fact, it’s more attractive to a woman/girl if you DONT have social media. It’s a paradox. You might think: “damn she’s going to think I’m weird or like I’m a serial killer or something.” Or “she probably thinks I have no friends”. Lmao. No no, it allows her mind to stop coming up with assumptions about you based on lurking your social media. Just think of what you do when you creep someone’s profile—you’re making up stories or your impression of them based on their digital self. Just because your pictures and profile looks “good” she can easily skim your profile and come up with a negative assumption about you based on something she read or saw. Then you’re stuck doing damage control by being her simp trying to get on her good side. digital self ≠ your real (ego) self BUT good luck deleting all the apps people are addicted to though. ? It’s like crack to people.