hoodrow trillson

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Everything posted by hoodrow trillson

  1. Hmm, must be location. My experiences have been opposite of what you're describing.
  2. Personally in my experience, I think how you were raised matters more. (If both parents were there for you with a lot of love) There are intelligent people out there that had an awful upbringing and there are dumb people who were loved by their parents and had a normal fun childhood. The high IQ person could be an insufferable douchewad, who has to correct you and always be right (even when they're wrong) while the dumb idiot could be a happy dumb idiot and could spar and learn new things from you in interesting discussions (assuming you are smart). And then there's trauma as a child compounded into that but we won't go into that.
  3. Interestingly, I had an awakening experience from a weed edible. It all made sense immediately, all the teachings, life, people. Very humbling. I meditate daily (a missed day here or there) but for the most part I'm consistent. I've had of non-duality while sober, when meditating. They were for like a split second but that split second felt scary, like I died because "I" disappeared.
  4. Lmfao. This thread is even funnier now looking back (and very very sad).
  5. His stupid ass just got banned from most of the large platforms. dA mAiNsTrEaM MeDiA iS eViL bRo.. they couldn’t handle the Truth. BaSeD. ?
  6. Andrew Tate is just an incel with money. Ain’t no woman getting wet at the thought of Andrew Tate lmfao
  7. Lowkey it’s getting a little scary for ol’ Donny out there… It’s some serious violations and the USA don’t play with top secret leaks like that
  8. Trust me, me too. Many gurus and Leo for example have stated how sneaky the brain/ego can get and slipping into a spiritual ego. Some people fall for it and end up being seekers until they die of old age. Meanwhile, the person who said 'fuck this spiritual bullshit' after exhausting every corner can get enlightenment out of pure surrender. Crazy
  9. Have any of you ever befriended a trans person in your life? They are literally just like every other person. You won't think twice about it when they open up to you just like another human being. Some people need to leave their bubble and experience more walks of life because these threads just reek of someone who is terminally online, most of the time. No offense OP.
  10. Notice that that is all happening in your head. You may actually be manufacturing a spiritual ego so be careful. I've heard that when it really happens and you 'pop' and have the aha moment, it might get a little weird but you would end up eventually integrating on an even deeper level, since you'll become aware there's no you, and everyone and everything is you. Having a beer with a buddy would be even better because you are your buddy!! You can listen to them even deeper and connect with everyone almost to the root level. No judgements from you. And if there are, that's not you. Of course, I don't think everyone will love you, just like how it is in this waking life but that's part of life. I wouldn't dwell on it much personally.
  11. If you see the "rat race" and "social city life" as a game, you could totally have fun with it. Unwind and relax and have fun! Drink some beer, eat some food, laugh with your friends! And when nature calls you, just pick up the phone and go out in it! Best of both worlds and you'll appreciate the other when you get used to one of them at a time!
  12. If you have ulterior motives and you are being calculated, you’re gonna come across as a big ass creep.
  13. "He's anti-Christ... BUT he sure does hate them illegals like we do... maybe it aint so bad.."
  14. So… they found various SCI documents… which goes beyond “regular” Top Secret documents. This is new to me, I had no idea a tier above Top Secret existed. What would SCI consist of? Nuclear stuff? Secret weapons? Wild stuff!
  15. I appreciate the input, Mr. Typed out like 7 whole paragraphs in this thread.
  16. Sorry buddy, but it’s a huge facet. Welcome to life. Enjoy your MLM scheme and “good personality” Keep coping! God bless.
  17. Thanks! I wanna keep guys from falling into this trap door of misery!
  18. Because if you get invited to a party with girls around, you won’t be standing there like a petrified simp. if you couldn’t naturally attract women by being who you are without resorting to “PUA”, then unfortunately for you… you gotta do PUA to at least have some social skills in your back pocket. Nothing dries up a pussy faster than a guy who can’t keep a casual, chill conversation going.
  19. Don't worry dude, to sane people that didn't come across as egotistical lol. Those replies towards you were most definitely the house of cards shaking underneath that shallow belief system (BOOGATI, BITCHES, MONAAAY) so of course it would seem you that they were being hostile; you questioned their rickety belief system. You ain't going to help them get out of it, they're going to have to get repeatedly cucked and cucked again by people like Andrew Tate. Let them believe what they want since they are ultimately you, me, us. It's easy to want to troll them for being so fucking dumb about this but that won't do shit except make them worse. Hell, a chill sesh at the beach with a pina colada and merging into God would be worth quadrillion Bugattis IMO.
  20. It's so pathetic lol. Trust me, I'm having a big ol' laugh on this forum. I don't even @ these guys anymore. Too much of a low hanging fruit.
  21. Exactly, China don't like that shit because they've been eyeing Taiwan like <__<
  22. Andrew Tate will be the President of the United States in 2024.
  23. Also the US owes China HELLA money and to go to war would mean to lose and to also lose those loans. Absolute decimation would happen to that country and China definitely doesn't want that. They're also closely watching the Russia/Ukraine war unfolding and seeing how America can proxy war it's way by giving out 2023 weapons to smaller countries... scary.
  24. Bookmarked to watch later because redpill is a cancer in low value guy's heads in 2022.