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Everything posted by cwispe

  1. Carmen Wispe, vegan, New Jersey 51, single,unemployed mom of a teen Self/truth seeker who has felt eternal and loving since about age 5, but soon realized that most people don't know how to act human or they act too human. Consequently, I felt like an alien. Came to Actualized via law of attraction videos my sister insisted I watch. I then read a bit of The Seth Books. Many years ago I came to the conclusion, on my own, that we are all a facet of god's personality , and when we die we "go back" to "him." There was once at a point where I thought that hell was this earth and it's ridiculousness. Soon realized this went against my loving grain. I became vegan for ethical reasons. Mostly a loner, yet I like being around others, and tend to analyze them while trying not to judge (hey, I'm only fucking human). Single because I'm a loner who's realized most men don't really want to get to know me, and I'm gonna buzz cut my hair to piss them all off, and go against society's "norms." In addition, having little hair will help me focus more on my inner work, instead of how I look. Have had dreams of past lives. Have seen shadow people. Things like that just run in my family. Presently, looking for my true passions. Hopefully, it'll lead to a niche where "work" feels like being in love, instead of feeling like a time-constrained puppet. Leo is hot, harsh and loving.