hi there
so i have been trying this kriya yoga technic (please do know ask me the name beause i dont remember im really horrible at remembering names)
so anyways..the thecnic consist in pushing though out of your mind and focusing on a spesific point inside your scull. right inbetween your eyes. by doing this for 1hr you would get the benefits of sleeping for hrs.
so i began doing this technic before bed. not for one hr but for 10 to 15 min... and every night since i have been doing that. my inner clock has been waking me up, early in the morning… mosthly around 5am the day before yesturday was even 3am... when i woke up i jumped out of bed.. i felt so rested that i was sure i must have overslept and didnt hear my alarm the panic voice in my mind was telling me that it must be around 10am and i was already super late for work.
to my suprise it was never past 5am
(stupidly enough when i saw this I laid back down to sleep when i should have stood up, i know…)
so this had happend for like 4 nights on a row… everysingle time i have done this technic..now last night i was wondering if me waking up so early really had something to do with this technic..so last night i didnt do it... and i didnt experince what i have been experincing the last couple of days.. no refresh feeling in the morning.. no my body waking me up when it was ready to start functioning….
is the first time im doing kriya and i dont know why my mind is being so sceptical about it... it doesnt want to believe and puts it as coincidence...
Hey, man this guys stuff helped me. I had panic attacks up until a few months ago.
Let me know how it goes for you. Try it out even if you don't fully believe it at the beginning. Implement and take time on it.
stuff My personal spiral dynamics rankings for enlightened beings
Stage coral
Note: peter ralston's explanation of de-enlightenment is top notch! explaining it directly, can your metaphysics and mystical experiential knowledge resonate with it?