Alex Trusk

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About Alex Trusk

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  2. If Leo is not gonna do scripted stuff I would like off the cuff videos that he uploads to Vimeo. Btw is the a link to all Leo’s causual non YouTube videos
  3. @Joel3102 is this dpdr do you reckon enlightment or spirtual progression of any sort would fix
  4. What would be healthy blue. What is a healthy atheist blue?
  5. @Husseinisdoingfine this is thing only thing i don't like about vuash. There is a black and white thinking which i think is where healthy orange looks at green and sees no reason to move in there direction. Any higher stage as to say to the lower stage "yes there are some people in are group who do the wrong thing and make us look bad" etc
  6. @Member how can zero consciousness be pure consciousness. How can consciousness be aware of itself without a object as a frame of reference
  7. If consciousness is the foundation of all reality how can it create objects. Also if it can exist without perceiving anything how would it exist without an object to perceive to distinguish itself from the object it is perceiving. Only consciousness sounds like ironically unconsciousness
  8. Ive heard people call spiral dynamic stage yellow teal. I assume you mean teal as in above turquoise and coral