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Everything posted by M4sti

  1. https://open.spotify.com/album/6SUMl8L4l91N2igInZsGMO?si=SpUrZStjQ2WGiYHSLiVuEg Radical, from Every Time I Die. , need to listen with lyrics, i would bet this band knows about Leo and actualized.org lol.
  2. @tatsumaru Some people are never meant to thrive on discipline and routine, some external factors can also effect this though, like creating a reliability account with someone, like when you have a job , or when i was at the army, but if you can not do it internally and do not want to do it for yourelf there might be good reasons for feeling that way. Some personality types like INTP, and an Enneagram type i do not remember which, will be programmed to function differently. INTP generally values freedom for example and hates pressure and schedule, so that makes sense with what you said. What you need is systems and trust on yourself, have the things you have to do in mind, create your programm and the things you want to do but do them in your own terms, sometimes i start the day with excercise, other days i might do it later, sometimes i meditate after i wake up sometimes before i sleep or in the middle of the day, adapting to the situation, to the way i feel and think, to my energy levels,having my long term goals in the back of my mind and a vision for the future ,but analyzing and taking desicions in the moment not following it like a robot , if i have a random urge of going to run at midnight i might as well do it, when you have that fire inside you put it to good use, it is a calling,when you feel down to other less energy draining activity , you might be that way too. It works for me but you also need the plan to guide you, like a journal. Do yourself not what random influencers or society norms tell you what you must do to succeed.
  3. Lol who the hell does this mistake??
  4. I am sorry for the incovinience but it is not my fault really, Leo should have put an option to display your birth date at your profile, but you were lucky i happened to pass by this threat and see your comment, i was born at 20/01/1992.
  5. I bet my bankroll that somebody is gonna screenshot this title and put it on a video saying, look what is happening in this forum with this cult leader Leo.
  6. So a dude like CR7 eating fish for breakfast for the last 15 years? and is inside 0.00001% of human fitness. He looks healthy to me. What is going to happen to him? I did not know detox was a serious thing, in my community, those who talk about detox and stuff are those who have fallen for every conspiracy theory they ever heard off and for many other scams, and if i were to talk about their intelect level and consciousness level.....no
  7. @Forestluv So your only problem is the language he used or that he did not clarify from which perspective he was making his claim.
  8. I am so confused with MBTI, is there a legit test anyway? Whatever test i do i take 80-95% Introvert 90-100% Intuitive, and the rest is hell depending on how i feel, and always with little percentage on preference. Most times it is INFJ and INTP. I see the funtion stacks of INTP and INFJ and i cant even say which 4 i am using like wtf.
  9. @Persipnei Yeah i have seen it too, somebody stole a lolilop from the market, this shit happens everywhere. I guess if lolipop stealing happens that means 9/11 was an inside job.
  10. Hello people, happy to be here again with you after finishing my military duty. I am looking forward at being very active from now on, man it feels good to be free again. A bit dissapointed with the level of discussion in this post to be honest, i was expecting a better reward after having to deal with insanely close-minded people for 9 months. So i am not gonna go easy on you. Introverted intuition produces magic with this topic i am excited. so many paradigms you can explore this from , and a heavy percentage of them has the NoFap antiporn movement losing bigtime. And you lose not because you do not watch or do not masturbate. This could easily be a win as easy as i wont ever challenge you for not liking chocolate the way do. You lose because : 1) You push your paradigm as a global undeniable truth that we all must follow when you have absolutely no real evidence for your claims. 2) You have zero tolerence and respect for any in-between situation when that in-between range is HUGE. ( consuming massive or very low or mediocre amounts, reasons for consuming, psychological states when consuming, purpose of consuming, quality of consuming, subject of consuming(age,health,culture, etc) ). Quality porn reveals to you a game, it is like you watch an advertise for a paradise-like place, but if you have 10$ in your pocket and can not buy the trip you might start rationalising, it is a bad place to go because ? And maybe you can not tame the dragon, can not go to the magic islands and all you do is well, what most people always do, wanting others to fail too so you wont feel as bad, or just you not being confident enough and the way you feel more confident is by having masses agree with you,but do you respect the truth that way? And there is so much at porn to put it all together in one category, for example i never watch other men banging ladies, i feel that it is not art, and i can not produce higher consciousness from it. Audio with guided hands free orgasm while in trance is art. Nudity is art, sweet angel telling you how to masturbate is art, and these stuff produce insanely good orgasms if you let go and do not have negative beliefs, and you can do all of them with real partners too. Your dopamine tank refreshes pretty good within a few days if you are healthy sleep well. And meditation is the ultimate tool. If you have all these negative beliefs around porn sex or masturbation hey , can you imagine how you gonna feel after taking the action? Maybe the same way you feel after eating a whole cake when you are on a diet? You are self sabotaging, mentaly harassing your own selves. Devil so smart, always one level ahead that little bastard. Here in Greece we have this saying "Drugs are not bad, you are the junkie." We all here know the Positive use and powers of drugs yeah? We all know what happens when we consume just to consume ,and doing it daily, without being mindfull without any purpose any preparation, and we all know the difference of quality. The worse drugs just kill you slowly and do nothing more nothing less. Porn can be the same. Of course overconsuming mindlessly will make you a zompie like low consciousness existence.And of course there are ways to experiment and enjoy it to the maximum. Big ego's always want to polarize everything, the same way it wants a fake duality god just for it, you hear "Balance maybe? " and a little voice inside you goes, "ARGH NOOOOO,......... me full max super ultra conscious GOD"
  11. When i first saw that it F me up, i got suspicious of the whole spiritual community as a whole and stalked the commitment i originally had into joining and being an active member of forums like this one for example.I started thinking that if this is true ,man, spitiuality is like the "new religion" and is all stuff we make out of our heads so we can feel better or have more power and feel superior to others. Do not get me wrong i still take a lot from here from what i read and from the videos of Leo and others but this thing is F up , millions of people idolize this man without ever wondering how legit he is, but there is a shady story, Check the second answer in particular. https://www.quora.com/Is-Jaggi-Vasudev-a-fraud.
  12. @Krisena i think your mind is trying to verify somehow if Leo is a great teacher and good person or he has some secret agenda like boiling kittens when home alone, and through that dream you are trying to release doupt towards him, it is very normal for this happen if you got an overload of information from him recently and then you are starting to apply these information and practices in your life and making long-term plans towards self-actualization. Your mind and ego are resisting it, you are thinking, is all his saying really truth? is it beneficial for me? will this really work? Is it gonna be worth it? why not stay as i was before? That is what i think this dream means , so, what you gonna do?? I think you should always do what Leo says, and that is to find out for yourself if what he teaches is truth, there is no other way actually. And maybe just relax this attatchment a little bit.
  13. It is unbeliavable for me that this """"""issue"""" can arise in such a place, and people spend time with this instead of real work or something more important. You really need to have big personal issues to decide to rant about the forum hierarchy, thread starter and @remember are projecting a lot of insecurities and false realities towards the moderators , and as every other topic i read it is always clear to me that the mods deserve their place and i guess Leo chose them wisely. Their intent is clear, and it is to push our orange asses forward , only that they put it more kindly and sophisticated and this is how it has greater chanse of making an impact.
  14. When people talk stuff like this inside this Forum this is where i start to believe that you are just making stuff out of your A** (plurar not personal) and present them as it is a reality , what you said makes zero or maybe negative sense to me. If it is that way you present it it just means that i can do whatever i want and still be Godhead consciousness, after all if eating meat is only physical aspect why would not murder be too, or anything i want in any amount and frequency i want, if this 2 aspects of physicallity and meta do not interact with each other when and how does that energy change ? I mean what are we doing here , we say meditation changes your consciousness , drugs changes it also alcohol changes it , but food does not because that is how i like it to be? Why the first have metaphysicall impact and second does not and who will define that?
  15. After contemplating a lot i decided it is about time i should move All in, i joined this forum and cried a bit about my past but now its time to let that go, i got the advise i needed multiple times, and i feel confident in myself and my skills and i believe i know what i have to do from now on, so i decided to create this journal, i am extremely motivated to do this for myself, and also give motivation to other people who might think change or moving from the bottom to the top is impossible. I envision a great story will be available here for readers as the time passes. I made a programm which is designed to help me form some good habbits and achieve my goals. I wake up early, i cold shower, i meditate, i read, i work out like CR7, i lift weights, i investigate, i use my conscious feedback rather than ego feedback, i eat like CR7, i grind and grind, i observe my emotions and thoughts mindfully and not act recklessly upon them, i fix my relationships,i create new relationships and friends, i just DO without expecting results and being entitled to them , i stop self-sabotage once and for all, i open my mind to new ideas , i relax, i stop fear, i heal my addiction,i do the 90 days no PMO with no expectations or wanting something specific to happen and get the insight of it with no placebo effects, i try different spiritual techniques and set long-term goals to self-actualize , i commit to moving at higher stakes at Poker, i learn new languange, i study about whatever i find interesting or usefull. And you might think that this is awfully of a lot of things to do , but it is not even 10% of what i have into my mind, and in this current moment, it might be the case that i am so low on every single of this qualities.But still my main point of focus is my spirituality, after all everything else is just a category inside of it. I will go absolutely nuts baby, and this is not lame not joke it is an ultimate commitment, i am starting as poor as it can get with 100$ bankroll, with a weak 27 years old body, with no skills to do any serious real life job at this current moment , something i never intented to do actually, with a mind that was attached to the past and is giving me more trouble than help, until now+ i guess. The rest of it, we will have to wait and see, but i Am All In.
  16. @tenta Yes that makes complete sense, and maybe it is just too early for this to happen in our ages
  17. I am reffering to people who have mastered a certain craft, no matter what this might be, and they spend hours and hours devoting their life on their work needed to achieve this, Like C.Ronaldo is at soccer, or J.Bold at sprinting, or Eminem at Rap, or it could be anybody, but how could a person like that, given that he has to spend so much time on work, also do conscious work like meditation and all the other techniques, or even bothering to learn about what they are. What would happen if somebody of them was enlightened in top of his duality skills lets say. Is it even possible? Are there examples of enlightened people who do something else instead of the cliche "simple stuff". Someone enlightened who is competing profesionnaly at some area or something like that?
  18. This happened 2 days ago, At 28th of October Greece celebrates the Big NO against the Italian Government who wanted to use Greek territory for traveling occupying strategic locations etc. Greece replying No to this request meant the introduction of the country to the World war 2. These girls reacted this way at the anniversary of this year, explaining that it is an artistic intervantion and that militarism and patriotism has nothing in common with true freedom. I for sure know my country is Blue, and a bad Blue mixed with low IQ and intelligence and a huge stupid Ego for the vast majority of people here, but i have mixed feelings that this is the right way to make progress. This video has gone viral and created chaos at our social media, internet and TV with mixed reactions. What do you think.
  19. @Hansu Yes you are right, this is why it is confosing for me. I do not know if you people look the whole video but the key thing is at 1:40 - 1:50 . The "few" people who watch from the stand are the major of the city, people with high ranks in goverment and military.
  20. Days with a lot of work, and i feel i am growing steadily and slow, my meditations are smooth and i can sit down for 30 minutes more easily than before, i sleep way easier than before and when i go to bed i always feel extremely relaxed even if the events of the day were negative. i Got new student and i am commited to help him, without charge at first, i met this person online and he told me he had no money to live, his parents stole his money(wtf). He wanted to try Poker and i will try to make him able to pay the 100$ rent before they throw him out, crazy stuff i hope this goes well. The negative things that happened is that i relapsed at NoFap, and i won only 120$ in like 10 days. But my mind feels calm and positive and that is the most important change so far,i also feel way healthier with the streak of hitting the gym and eating well for many days.
  21. @PretentiousHuman Thats good to hear, wish you the best pal, we will check up in this forum sometime i am sure.
  22. @PretentiousHuman i suffered from panic attacks and depresion most of my life, but i snapped out of it and i am moving forward, the whole story is a bit too long. Care to not fight yourself though, be yourselfs best friend, do your work and observe how other people change , you will see how they react to your changes, this is the best way to rip the mask off of fake people.If you are mindfull enough and notice what is happening.
  23. @Bill W Thank you Bill, nice to see you are here. It has been 3 days since i started this. Nothing important happened, i just follow my new routine and doing some work. It is very hard when you try to make a 360o change,i try to wake up very early, and my goal is to wake up at 4:45 but i cant get down from 9.00 but i am doing pretty well otherwise , all this days i meditated for 40 minutes + each, hit the gym, study, eat lean, work, And repeat. There are many distractions to this project and they already made their appearances, they do not miss a chance to take a shot , as much as i do not want to mention this things here it is also impossible. Example = going for lunch, grandpa is there watching politics on TV and mumbles "they should all be thrown to garbage", me enters the room " who should be thrown to garbage?" grandpa = "YOU STFU YOU ARE STUPID YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT POLITICS". Dad comes for lunch, to reinforce his dad opinion. And then starts saying random things like " You should have completed your army duties by now and should not have postponed them , when you go there you will call us crying and ask for help so we can get you back". Making this story completely out of his ass, this is the most normal day to have here not even a sick day . Dad is walking dead Zompie with no idendity carrying his narcissistic mistress agenda,he does not get involved with anything until she complains to him about a fictitious situation and then he snaps all mad, i think even God cringes when he experiences this shit, and they are so ignorant of all of what they doing and the forces that drive their actions that i believe a dog can learn quantum physics easier than them realising it. I managed to grow my bankroll by 40$ this 3 days , i am also coaching a student for 6$/hour for 10hours and maybe more, soon i will be challenging a higher limit at Poker, expecting to show a win/rate and save some bucks before Army. Army is in about 4 months. If my progress is great by then i might even join the elite of the special forces, i wont take this desicion recklessly i will have to feel like a monster both mentally and physically. Greek army is stage Blue and you can not expect anything but a non productive time there , i will try to make the best of it obviously. You have the option to go for Cyprus and get paid 270E/month, either as a plain soldier or at the special forces, also the food is a lot better, i will gor for this.
  24. What was the main reason for returning to your country? you had a job and already had an insight that it was better at France,
  25. Same sitaution, basically my first post on this forum is a huge story explaining my life with parents, and if you read it you will say that i am prolly the most F up person on this Forum. We are the narssistic familly with everyone being in denial and pretending that this is ultimately normal and nothing is happening, this goes very deep. They shape what you think you are, your Ego, so much that you do not even know who or what you are anymore, this is why i came here. My best advice is to go full Grey Rock, use your intelligence and play the best game you can, the best game is to not let them effect your mind in any way, i advice against what has been said by @possibilities my brother is seriously underestimating the devil itself, personalities, narcissistc ego, limited perspective and intelligence of certain people of your enviroment can only drag you down, any interaction you have with them is there to mess you up and make you lose progress and a step backwards, you can make the consequences of what he said will happen afterwards by using a different door than making a mess with them, the way i am purposing will never have you second guess if you did something wrong, because you will get as less involved as possible with them and only involved with your progress, work on yourself behind the scenes, work as hard as you can, make your plans, and focus on them, this is what i want to achieve and manifest, start looking for the truth of what you are and not the story everyone including you has constructed for you. Again, you are making an exit, as quiet as possible. Next time they say something to you, use your mind, what their persona wants to hear and will get you out of this shit so in the next second you can focus again on yourself and only, as calm as you can, with no attachments or emotions, and if you have to lie, lie without giving an F. And as you keep making real progress, just notice the possibility that every time, they will find something negative to focus, that is these people perspective, you think they mad because of something particular that you not doing great, nah, this perspective does not change from the outside, they will always find something negative to focus, maybe if you get a better job the problem will be that you are fat, maybe if you get lean they will start talking about how much they dont like your new girl, or notice how they will try to get credit for what you did all by yourself when they can not deny the success anymoe, open your mind and see how phony some people can be, wake up, they do it all for their Ego. I do not know your case and maybe i am too harsh with pojection from my own case, but i guess nobody come to seek help in a forum and talks with phrases like "pushing me down" if the situation is mild. I am planning my "escape" too and i am tottaly invested. I invite you to follow me on my journal here if you like. P.S hope is allowed to "advertise' an inside the forum thread if not let me know so i can edit this out.