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Everything posted by aurum

  1. I'd consider a career in academia then. There's lots of lower consciousness ideas in the field of economics that need to be exposed. What about a PhD instead of a Masters?
  2. I really liked Slow Sex by Diana Richardson. She’s been in this field forever and has written a several books. For guys, The Multi-Orgasmic Male by Mantak Chia is a great start. Also check out Nic Warner.
  3. He got in some trouble recently but I still vibe with a lot of his music.
  4. @jj40 Jacob, It's a common thing for people to be experiencing right now. First thing I would ask is do you have a spiritual practice? As in meditation, yoga, breathwork etc. Without that, it can be difficult to tap into our deeper intuitions about what direction we should head.
  5. I find it becomes obvious. Anyone who is alive is still in a process of learning. But if you've put in enough work, you'll quickly see that you have answers / skills other people don't have and could benefit from. At the same time, I've found it's not like God reaches down from the heavens with a scroll that says "YOU ARE READY". If that has happened to you, DM me, I'd love to hear about it. At some point you just have to appoint yourself as ready. And trust that you don't have to have all the answers, just let God do the talking.
  6. @Natasha Great question. I find the biggest factor is to have a non-judgmental attitude. Even if no words have been exchanged, I believe people can intuitive feel if they will be judged for opening up around you. It's in your energy. As long as people know they'll still be accepted, they generally feel safe to say or do just about anything.
  7. @lostmedstudent That's awesome! I've definitely struggled with flexibility. The biggest things I've seen are just to be consistent, do different kinds of positions and relax into the stretch. As I understand it, our muscles actually don't need to be stretched. It's subconscious patterns in the mind that say "X muscle can only stretch Y amount". In reality, if you were under hypnosis and the ego was out of the way, supposedly we'd all be capable of incredible feats of flexibility. So you take it slow. Don't rush into a stretch and set off that alarm. Just sit with it and let the muscles naturally open up as they see they are not in danger.
  8. @bensenbiz Spiritual work has helped my creativity tremendously overall. Yes, there's been dark night of the soul type times when I definitely didn't feel creative. But I've written more music and poetry in the last year than my entire life combined. Just keep doing the work. The creativity will come as your brain hemispheres balance and you surrender into the infinite creativity that is already within you.
  9. @charlie cho Yeah it's a pretty silly label. I wouldn't let people's perceptions about it bother you.
  10. @SS10 Didn't read 12 Rules and not planning on reading this one. He has never impressed me.
  11. @Gesundheit You might as well ask how do I become enlightened. It’s all the work Leo has talked about. Pick your path and go deep with it.
  12. @Rilles I was taught how to meditate in catholic high school by one of our teachers. You can always find pieces of truth if you’re open to it
  13. @DecemberFlower This is basically law of attraction 101. Yes, your emotions show you perfectly if your perspective is in or out of alignment with your deepest truth. But it’s also not that simple. There is so much conditioning going on that often we start to deviate from this at a young age. For instance, let’s say as a child you learned that worrying = love. There’s a very chance you will spend much of your life worrying and thinking that you’re expressing love. Some people also shut down feeling their emotions when they were younger because they learned it wasn’t safe to feel. Feeling and following their truth meant bad things happened. So we want to trust our emotional guidance, but we also want to be aware of how it might have been distorted.
  14. That makes sense though. Picking a name will happen, but if you’re in resistance because of a deeper fear, than it’s going to feel like going in circles. The way out of any limiting belief or pattern is awareness. What are you really avoiding here? You may want to look at past experiences as well that feel familiar to this one. Patterns usually show up in multiple areas of our lives and at multiple times.
  15. Based on reading this, it sounds to me like you’re running into some fears. You’re trying to avoid making a mistake so much that you’re not doing anything. This name problem is really a form of resistance. Does that resonate?
  16. @Vision Not necessarily. There are many academics that aren't stuck in Orange. Some of them start out as Orange materialists and grow out of it, like Tom Campbell.
  17. I can almost guarantee you're tensing your muscles up and not breathing. Relax, relax, relax. Breathe deep and slow. And slow down your body movements too. You don't even have to move at all.
  18. It's just a guess, but I'm wondering if you developed insomnia because you subconsciously learned as a child that sleeping isn't okay. In other words, negative programming and associations from the past around sleep or rest. Normally I'd just suggest meditation and working out more. But from what you've said, you've tried that already. So I'm thinking it must be deeper.
  19. Then don't do it. I was simply pointing out that it has potential. Why doesn't it feel like a life purpose itself?
  20. @tricksntraps Worker cooperatives are definitely on that list. Triple bottom lines companies (people, planet, profit) are a step in the right direction but I don't see as a real long term solution as they still are dependent on profit. Pay What You Can business models may have potential. Organizations like Slow Money are making 0% loans a reality. There's community owned business and shared income, like at Twin Oaks. And you also have LETS systems and Timebanking. Essentially, I believe businesses in the future will be small, local and not for-profit. They will exist to benefit the community they exist in, not to make money.
  21. @trenton It's a good question, and I don't expect we'll solve it by the end of this thread either. I think we'll be asking that question for the rest of our lives. Is going outside during Covid with a mask dangerous? Or are people who believe that falling into a limiting belief? I've seen smart people argue both sides. We are going to have to keep raising our consciousness and learning.
  22. @levani Video editing definitely can help. Almost every spiritual guru or spiritual product is online these days. And they ALL need video content filmed and edited. It's actually a hugely valuable skill in today's world. I would have killed for a professional video editor when I was making youtube videos. I don't enjoy it much. Programming can definitely help too. Think about meditation apps like Headspace, someone needed to program that. Cryptocurrancies that might change the financial system needs programmers. ReGenerative Village software needs programmers. There are plenty of avenues to go into if that's what you like doing. These are just a few examples.
  23. Business student who can't afford $300? What are they teaching ya'll there This is the sense I get as well from your post. You're lacking the long term vision. Without that vision, you just end up making decisions that benefit you in the short term. So the big thing for you is to think longer. Don't think about what to do when you get out of college. Think about where you want to be in your 40s, 50s or even 60s. Once you have a better idea of that, become extremely strategic and work backwards. Break it up into chunks. If I know I want X at age 50, what do I need to accomplish by 40? 30? 25? The next piece of this is that you're probably going to feel unclear of where you want to be in your 50s. This is where you're going to have to experiment and continually follow things you're interested in. For instance, if writing is the most exciting thing to you right now, then go with that. It's also okay if the vision changes. You can't possibly know everything that is going happen, especially when you're on a path of self-actualization. But start somewhere and keep refining it over time.
  24. It sounds like she's not going to change her mind. For now, I would just focus on processing your emotions. A lot is going to come up. Cry, scream, punch a pillow, do whatever you feel you need to do. Then when you're ready, start to rebuild.
  25. @tsuki I really like Teal Swan's mnemonic on intimacy. Intimacy is "in to me you see". For me, that implies vulnerability and trust. You can really let your guard down and be seen.