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Everything posted by aurum

  1. It starts with you. What kind of people do you want in your life? Once you know, just go where they go. Every social circle of people meet somewhere. So go there and go there regularly. Once you're there, make friends with everyone. Give. And do it genuinely. Alternatively, create some kind of event that attracts the kind of people you want to meet. I met a ton of amazing people where I live just by interviewing them on my podcast. Get creative. It's definitely never too late to do something like this.
  2. @Lyubov All kind of strange behavior comes up when people are drunk. When I used to drink, I would usually become either very lovey-dovey or aggressive. The aggressiveness came from a lot of pent up frustration about my life. I didn't even have the awareness to know why I was frustrated at the time, it was just there. So I'd smash bottles, kick in doors, break tables, occasionally get in fights etc. My guess is you're just seeing some of that same energy being directed towards you.
  3. I’ve done a bunch fasts, longest was 11 days on water. There does seem to be serious benefits but your body’s intelligence is always the best source to check into to see if you should go on a fast. There’s also breatharianism which is like fasting taken to an extreme. I’ve never gotten that far but people say it can be done and I’m inclined to believe them.
  4. Some people have claimed to stop thinking altogether. While that may be possible, I certainly have not reached that point. It’s a lot quieter in my head than it used to be.
  5. I second the car, many a tantrum have been thrown in my back seat. Always felt like I could let loose more there.
  6. @Max_V Neediness stems from a person not actually meeting their needs in a healthy way. Food is a useful analogy here. If you just eat when you're hungry and when you're body tells you to, you're never really starving. You just have a need, meet it and then you feel satiated. Simple. And it doesn't turn people off because it's not energetically taking. So if someone is in neediness, I would argue it's because they are not actually meeting their real needs. A drug addict can't get enough drugs to be happy. So ask yourself: what are my real needs? And why am aren't I meeting them?
  7. @omfar001 It could be that you're being too hard on yourself. Or it could be engineering isn't for you. Or it could be that maybe you haven't found the right engineering project. I'm not an engineer, but if I was, I think it be really cool to work on Over-Unity devices or Biomimicry technology. Maybe that would interest you. Turn inward. See if you can tune into your deepest intuition beyond your conditioning and fear-based stories. What does it tell you?
  8. I can suggest books but it may serve you to look at your perspective on books first. There is no book that it magically alter anyone as soon as they read it. Books only have value when we are ready to receive it. If you're not ready, it might as well just be a bunch of paper. So I would ask myself, what feels ready to me? You do not need the highest book, you just need the one that's going to get you to the next step.
  9. Listening. Be curious about them and their opinion. If you want them to listen to you, this is the first step.
  10. I mostly skimmed it but it seems like a massive step forward. Really excellent.
  11. When has he said that? Leo has always advocated strict boundaries when it comes to picking a partner as far as I've seen. Regardless, it most definitely is not the holy grail. Sure, we all want someone we are attracted to but attraction is very subjective. Much more subjective than people usually realize. And once you take off the makeup, the mascara, the hair extensions, the push up bra, the perfectly done hair and everything else these girls do to look pretty, they actually look fairly average. The holy grail is higher consciousness women. As men we may not be ready for that kind of relationship, but that's where you want to get to.
  12. @vizual . If we were already dating and we weren't having problems, I'd suppose I'd be okay with it. That is unlikely to happen though. A girl does not become a prostitute without either having or developing some serious emotional problems. Dating her I imagine would be a train wreck.
  13. I play guitar. Unless mastering personal development means meditating eight hours a day, why can't you do both? Estas Tonne seems fairly woke to me: Carlos Santana too: You're only 20 bro, you've got some time. Maybe guitar can actually be part of your self-actualization journey. What do you think?
  14. Thanks lil cuz It's going to be beautiful. As it must, because our state of consciousness is becoming beautiful.
  15. My assumption is you're leaning towards. People don't usually ask these kind of questions unless they're seriously considering it.
  16. @Thestarguitarist14 I enjoy playing sports maybe once in a while. But I see the act of playing sports as very different from the culture and institutions around sports. For instance, I can't stand just passively watching sports on TV. It feels so mind-numbing, like I'm this zombie not actually alive, just consuming. And the fact that millions and millions of people enjoy this is quite scary to me. In a more conscious society, I think we'll still have games and friendly competition. But it will not be this over-achiever, consumer culture version of sports.
  17. I'll lay out the counter argument, which is that those people can also be right. You could easily rationalize having a closed off heart as "oh well I'm just one of those 'wrathful' teachers, that's my style". Discernment is necessary.
  18. @SamC This thread seems to be answered. Both genders tend to be massively blind to the other's struggles because we are biased. I'll add that for anyone looking to overcome your bias, just make some genuine friends with the opposite gender. Listen and see what they go through. Be curious about it. Being valued only for their looks, feeling like they have to find a man while they are still young, feeling torn about wanting to be independent but also wanting a guy take care of them, not enough time to date because of their career, catcalling, threats to their physical safety, not getting the kind of sex they want, sexual trauma, afraid to look like a slut, afraid to look like a prude, guys not being willing to open up to them, and of course, fuck boys. Fuck boys who won't commit, fuck boys who commit but who then still cheat.
  19. I definitely don't think there's any hard rules here. I know very self-actualized people with and without kids. So I'd just turn inward and see if it's right for you. P.S the fact that you made this question at all might be a clue which way you're leaning
  20. I find anything that is done without coercion or manipulation to be fun. I.e doing something purely for the its own sake and the enjoyment of it.
  21. Kind of rambling, I had a hard time really understanding what he was getting at. But I don't suspect our future is one of half man, half machine, which I think was his point.
  22. Yeah you got it. Jeff Bezos has how much money now? And how many people are struggling to meet their basic needs? It's unconscionable, and the sign of an out of balanced system. You're into personal finance so you know how this works. Money makes you more money. If I get a million dollars, suddenly it's a whole lot easier to make that second million. This is true, and it's also a major problem. It's just a number I threw out there to introduce the idea of a Ceiling. But you're right, because wealth is contextual, that $2M might seem like a lot more. If there was massive deflation then the number would obviously have to change. Yes. The problem is we are worshiping an abstraction. Why else are people protesting for "human-centered capitalism"? Shouldn't that be what we already have? But we don't. We have "Money-for-the-sake-of-money capitalism". When we don't research holistic nature medicine because there's no money in it, that's us worshiping an abstraction. When we destroy our own environment because of corporate profit, that's us worshiping an abstraction. When we engage in wage slavery, that's us worshiping an abstraction. I could go on and on but I think you already understand this. Money needs to be brought back to reality. And the reality is it doesn't really mean fuck all, it's just a web of agreements. What's actually important are the things you listed.
  23. Thanks man! Figured you would I want to add something to what I wrote. The way I'm thinking about the new way we use money is it's all about Ceilings and Floors. Ceilings = Max of how much money / power someone is allowed to accumulate Floor = Minimum of how much money / power someone is allowed to accumulate. For instance, the 100% wealth tax is very obviously attempt at a Ceiling. It ensures that no one accumulates more than say, $2 million dollars. Then that money would be used to fund a Floor like UBI. So the Ceilings and the Floors work together. Demurrage currency is a Ceiling and Floor is one policy. If money loses value over time instead of simply compounding, that creates a sort of Ceiling of how much one can or would even want to accumulate. It's also a Floor because if someone doesn't have enough, people are going to be far more likely to give what they have to them. It decreases the importance of money on both ends. Gift Economy is also a Ceiling / Floor combo. If I'm operating by gift, the amount of money I'm likely to accumulate is small (Ceiling). At the same time, gifts are either free or within the affordability of the receiver (Floor). And maybe none of these specific ideas actually work out. But this Ceiling / Floor as a concept is going to be present in whatever system does take hold.
  24. I'll add to this: Worker cooperatives instead of traditional top down hierarchies Local economies and currency instead of global corporations Zero or negative interest rate loans Demurrage currency instead of money that compounds Eco-backed currency / eco-credits instead of fiat currency UBI or UBS instead of wage slavery 100% wealth tax over a certain amount instead of infinite wealth accumlation Public money creation instead of private, for-profit money creation Community consensus for new businesses instead of exploitative businesses Gift economy instead of endless commodities Ending or looser intellectual property rights Green taxes instead of externalities
  25. @Preety_India You've definitely identified many of the shadows of the PUA community. This is coming from a guy who was pretty deep into that world for a while. Most guys who get into pickup are not thinking that deeply about it. They just want a girl. In a more conscious society, PUA would not exist. Not because it's evil but it would be unnecessary. I believe part of the problem is we don't have proper male initiations anymore. Traditionally, a boy would often have to go through an intense ordeal to then be considered a man. I even read that in one Native American tribe, a young man would be assigned an older woman who would teach him how to make love. We don't really do these things anymore and I think PUA has found a niche for guys craving that initiation. Also, consider that the predatory mindset you're talking about isn't really all that different from how operate in the rest of society. We view nature as an object to be exploited called "resources". You don't have people who your business is helping, you have "sales targets". So really this mindset is just an extension of what the ego does. It rationalizes things as abstract objects so that it can then exploit them without having to feel guilty. Anyway, it's an excellent nuanced question. Thanks for asking.