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Everything posted by aurum

  1. I actually find this kind of disturbing. We really have turned every area of life into a commodity.
  2. Trippy man, I like it. The production is really well done.
  3. What are your business ideas?
  4. I would disagree. Your energy does not lie. Can't hide what's inside Yes.
  5. But if you're afraid that chasing her will drive her away and therefore you don't do anything, aren't you still needy? Aren't you still trying to manipulate the outcome?
  6. But neediness isn't solved by pretending to not be needy. That whole paradigm only works when you're actually not needy. In his case, his neediness is manifesting as trying to not be needy. So it's still needy from my perspective, just hidden a bit better.
  7. What's wrong with chasing and being needy? I'm asking these questions because I think you're a bit hung up on concepts.
  8. So why not just be honest with her?
  9. Flipside of the same coin. Why?
  10. I totally understand, it's not going to be an easy conversation to have. If you're living with your mother maybe ask her for help. It just seems to me that this guy is basically threatening / bullying you into complying. And you're twisting yourself around to meet his demands. It's not normal. Even if he had a legitimate concern with your level of sound, the way he is handling it is not appropriate. He should be the one initiating a mature conversation here, but it looks like you're going to have to be the adult.
  11. Awesome, looking forward to it. Wouldn't be life without it
  12. @SirVladimir Awesome man! Love the insights and totally agree. How would you describe your state of consciousness and / or spiral dynamic stage prior to these 100 days? And what do you feel is next for you, if anything?
  13. @Hellooo Positive thinking works, but not if it's done out of avoidance of your feelings. I personally find that if I just own and express what I'm feeling, it passes pretty quickly. It might take me six pages of journaling or 30 minutes of me talking to a friend / wall,D but eventually that energy is out. Do you have a meditation process?
  14. @Thestarguitarist14 Yeah it's interesting. Once you start taking on the lens of spiritual growth, I find that you stumble across all sorts of unlikely places where deep truth can be found. You might the anime film Ponyo. Amazing animation and real spiritual wisdom.
  15. Same way you get over any insecurity, which is consciousness. You've got to really become aware of why you're what you're doing. So next time that feeling to be better than others arises, be with it. It's fine as it is. And then ask, why? Where is this coming from? You may or may not get an answer. But I find just asking these kind of questions help. It moves unseen forces in the psyche and in spirit.
  16. It certainly can create a sort of mental tension when you get into this work. A person has a vision for a better life, and yet it's not actualized. So the knowledge that things could be different creates a sort of tension. And many people do fall into the stage Orange trap of using self-optimization as a way to resist the present and continue believing things are not enough. More supplements, more money, more more more. And always doing, doing doing. The difference I see with spiritual work is that it's a letting go. You're letting go of socially conditioned obligations. You're letting go of trauma that had you stuck in certain patterns. And you're letting go of control, allowing spirit to flow through you and as you. That is what you're seeking. So I would encourage you to not use PD as a tool to beat yourself over the head about how you're not enough.
  17. @Applegarden I think you came up with some good options for solutions. I would explore those. However, I didn't see anywhere in your solution set to just talk to your neighbor. If you're really playing that quietly, and I believe you are, then your neighbor needs to chill out. You might just need to give them a firm talking. You're living in a shared space and you're entitled to make some level of noise. That's what people sign up for if they rent. If they don't like it, you're not trying to cause problems but you've got to do you. In other words, don't sacrifice your dreams of being a great musician for a way too uptight neighbor. For reference, I play guitar as well in a shared apartment complex. I certainly don't play with headphones on and I'm often singing. Never have I had a complaint. You should be entitled to do the same.
  18. Sounds about right. I heard taking certain salts with your water can help to replenish electrolytes, might help you feel better. I'm in the middle of a 48 right now, cheers.
  19. @Conscious life I know you're asking Leo but I'll jump in anyway. I would not think of prayer as you begging for stuff to an external god. That doesn't really work. It might be more helpful to think of prayer as a conscious, energy manipulation of the divine matrix. This is your right as a creator. For instance, before I perform Reiki, I call in Source energy to assist in the healing. You could consider this a prayer. But it's done with gratitude and a sense of certainty.
  20. Possibly, but not necessarily in my opinion. It seems that many spirits can vibrate into our realm at will and so it wouldn't necessarily mean you've evolved. However, if you've been training clairvoyance and are able to tap into the astral / etheric planes, that could be a sign.
  21. It is. Love and joy, these are what you are. Spirituality is discovering that. You don't transcend the material world. The spiritual world and material world are revealed to be the same
  22. @ALPHA907 A strange part of being alive right now is that the younger generation is more spiritual attuned than the older generations. Whereas previously we might have sought wisdom from the elders, some of that dynamic has flipped in modern society. That sounds like what you're experiencing. I've definitely struggled to have a good relationship with my parents, who are pretty cliche Blue / Orange. At times I simply had to separate myself from them because I didn't know any other way where I could still be myself. As far as your situation, I usually encourage open communication. But this can be a tough conversation to have. If you feel ready, than it might be a good idea. If not, it might be best to keep those critiques to yourself for now.
  23. I remember Jane Goodall said that chimps play quite often. So I suppose you could qualify that as a form of entertainment. However, entertainment in our modern society is a completely different beast. And not in a good way. Entertainment goes hand in hand with our consumer, capitalist-driven society. Whereas humans previously would have found ways to entertain ourselves by playing and engaging our imagination, now we just pay someone to do it for us. Why tell jokes with your friends when you can just sit and watch a professional stand-up comedian? Why play games when you can watch professional athletes? The consequence of this is we become passive and lose touch with our natural creativity. People who can make their own fun are rare indeed these days. So why do we do it? I believe it's our collective coping mechanism. When you've lost touch with spirit / nature, all you've got left is mindless entertainment. When you return to spirit, you'll notice that you no longer have as much need, if any, for entertainment.
  24. I wouldn't worry so much about becoming confident or less shy. Everyone is going to have a natural disposition in that area. The problems come when we deviate from what is natural. So I think what you're really asking is: how can I be myself without holding back? For that, the answer is simply all the spiritual work that Leo talks about. That's how you transform your fears. If your shyness is rooted in fear, then yes you may become more outgoing. But the opposite is also true. It all depends on you.
  25. A lot of that attitude is a symptom of a closed off heart. It's a defense mechanism, e.g if I don't care then I can't get hurt. When your heart (chakra) opens, suddenly you're asked to start caring again. And it can be quite scary.