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Everything posted by aurum

  1. You tell us. Consider for a moment that while a part of you does want all the things you mentioned, another (perhaps unconscious) part of you does not. Consider that your life is exactly how you want it to be. So ask yourself: what is the benefit I get from staying stuck?
  2. There’s always a place for satire. We need people to call out the absurdity of our own patterns so we can see it for what it is. Just do it from love, not hate.
  3. Sounds awful. How is she a mirror for your own trauma?
  4. You’re already doing it. Shadow work is really nothing more can exploring these unconscious aspects of our self and making it conscious. All the analysis you wrote I would consider shadow work. This rung my intuitive alarm bell. What we think or say becomes reality. You stop yourself from feeling because it’s better than being hurt again. Can you remember the first time this happened?
  5. @integral We are in the Dark Ages regarding health in general. There's no doubt in my mind that if humanity survives, we will see our current medical system as totally barbaric.
  6. Yes. Yes. If someone only experiences negative emotions, they defiantly have beliefs that are influencing that. Spiritual / shadow work. What is dangerous about positive emotions to you?
  7. I've had experiences of what felt like divine love to me. It felt more beautiful than anything I've ever experienced. Just totally melts all your walls and defenses, and you're left crying on the floor for thirty minutes in gratitude.
  8. @Onecirrus There are many aspects society that are not ideal, but may be temporarily necessary. Ideally, every country would agree to cut the vast majority of their military spending. But no one will agree to do this, because what if another country goes back on their agreement? They will conquer everybody. So we are collectively stuck in a Win / Lose, non-cooperative game. Also, consider the financial incentives in place. Without the military, we are talking a huge blow to the world economy. Tons of people get paid only because the military and war exist. None of this justifies what is going on. But we must also understand why our situation currently exists as it does. If something exists, it is currently serving a purpose. Once we can see what the purpose is, we can create new systems and new paradigms for doing things. For instance, maybe we decide that having tons of people's paycheck depend on killing other people isn't a good system. Therefore, we institute some sort of Universal Basic Income to help alleviate people from having to rely on those kinds of jobs. Or we create some sort of global institution to manage a collective disarmament. Regardless, we must understand the reason for these unwanted aspects of society.
  9. Then it's probably deeper, having to do with beliefs / emotions. You don't have to stop whatever meds you're taking, but I would consider finding an energy healer near you. They may be able to give you some insight.
  10. @Espaim I would first question the paradigm that food = calories = energy. In my experience with fasting, it is not that simple at all. If you're feeling low energy, I would consider a couple things: 1) What is the quality of food you're eating? If the food you're eating is junk, you can forget about that giving you energy. 2) Do you practice breathing exercises? 3) Do you spend time in nature? All energy is ultimately Source energy. So if you've got low energy, there's a blockage somewhere in your system. Yoga might help you a lot with this.
  11. This is what you need to look at. I eat healthy foods, but it's not something I "make" myself do. My whole being is in alignment with this. So a better question would be, why are you split? Why does a part of you not want to eat healthy? What's the benefit that you get from eating unhealthy?
  12. The root cause of any disease always comes back to your beliefs and emotions. A trained energy healer might be able to help you get to the bottom of it. Otherwise, check your lifestyle. Do you meditate? Do you practice earthing? Do you eat healthy foods? Do you exercise? Do you get sun? All these things and more can make a difference.
  13. Just follow and practice the techniques Leo shares. You're doing great!
  14. So what is stopping you? I'm in a similar situation as you, looking to join an ecovillage. Why do you feel you have to go back?
  15. I had this too when I was coaching people. Totally get it. You may want to consider a sliding pay scale or "pay-what-you-want" model. In other words, let your clients decide how much your service is worth to them. If they want to pay you zero, then it's zero. If they want to pay you a million, it's a million. I found this way of doing things can take some of that pressure off of "now I have to DO something" instead of just following your intuition and treating your client like a human. But you'd have to experiment. It's obviously less guaranteed money and you don't want to tank your business.
  16. No you're actually pretty spot on. Often one of the first things dating coaches for guys will do is get them to realize that they're not bringing anything to that table. It's still a competitive / transactional mindset ("I must out compete the other males with my looks, which I will trade for love"). But at least it gets guys on a path of self-development.
  17. Hey man! Yeah I was a mod awhile back but took a long break from the forum. Told leo to take me off the team. Now I've come back . Basically I spent the last two years really diving inward. It wasn't just the forum, I also stopped making youtube videos, writing blogs and seeing a lot of my old friends. Hasn't been easy but I feel like a completely different person. I really like it. I may just do a Q&A post since several people have now asked me this question lol.
  18. @Megan Alecia I want to be deeply connected with nature. I want to play my role in humanities healing. I want peace and quiet. I want my health. I want family, love and community. And I want to create my art.
  19. The "laws" of nature are just one facet of creation. In fact, according to Rupert Sheldrake, even what we consider the real hard laws of the universe are more like habits. Theoretically, they could change. And yogis and other spiritually advanced people have been violating these supposed laws for a long time, e.g the siddhis.
  20. They've never been my thing. I'm sure they work but it's a very physical approach to upping your sex life. Instead, I think you'd be better off thinking about sex in terms of emotion and energy. Best thing I've found you can do is just breathe, relax and be free and be present. Let the bodies do what they know how to do. You're not in control.
  21. I'm basically your exact height. The girls can't be that much taller where you are than where I am. I won't say there aren't girls who won't date me because of my height, but really, how many girls do you need to like you? The last girl I dated only liked shorter guys. That was her type. How come I was able to find her? It wasn't luck. Trust the universe and believe in yourself man. I know it's easier said than done but that's what always works for me.
  22. @Dumuzzi Fascinating. They don't talk about this in the pua community . I believe we can form relationships with deities, people have been doing it forever. How did Inanna come into your life?
  23. Yes, that's right. I'd argue it's a problem in all those areas as well. I don't think the argument is that it's not valuable. It's that because these services are so valuable, they shouldn't be subject to transactional nature. Monetization is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more things are monetized, they more we need to monetize. But the reverse is also true. The less we monetize, the less monetization is needed. The phenomena of monetization at our current level is extremely new and not at all a guarantee or a requirement. Even now, there are communities that thrive largely off of non-monetized systems of organization, such as gift, time banking or LETS systems. So while it may be prevalent and necessary in modern society, we can still recognize the flaws of our current system and envision something new.
  24. @ertopolice I actually find it's not that bad where I live. Yeah the bars and clubs are closed but that's not really my scene anymore these days. It has forced me to get a little more creative and branch out to areas I wouldn't normally go to.
  25. @Florian I loved his music growing up. Hard pass from me as far as him being president. The only reason we are talking about this is because he's famous and has tons of cash to spend on a campaign.