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Everything posted by aurum

  1. I understand, it is hard. You certainly don't have to do it. I'm suggesting this because from what you've said, your environment sounds highly toxic. And so it's going to be very difficult to recognize the guidance that is coming from Spirit. So first things first, unplug from all that. Take a couple minutes every day to tune out all that toxic energy and tune into yourself. The good news is you're really young. If you start building this habit now, you'll see crazy gains over the years.
  2. More or less, yes. Yes, but unlikely considering you've found this forum. To even engage with this material means you're likely heading for some level of realization. Well that's up to you. If you're totally new to this and feel you've got lots of trauma, I would not recommend psychedelics be the first thing you do. There are people who start with psychedelics but that's a dangerous game IMO. Start with the basics. Meditation, yoga, diet, life purpose, belief work, seminars, retreats, etc. Then if you still feel called to try psychedelics, go for it. Professional coaching / therapy can also be a big help.
  3. @mmKay It might seem like a lot but 10k ain't much man. If you're 23, I'd put it basically all into personal development and your LP. But be strategic about it. Don't just blow it just to blow it. Really find something you feel will be worthwhile and then go for it. In the meantime, just hold it. Don't invest it, you not gonna make any money by investing only 10k. You need at least 100k for that.
  4. Yeah it's reasonable. I think your best option is to be more honest with her. If you feel like she's draining and distracting you from your purpose, but then you DON'T communicate that to her, it's going to build resentment. You're gonna get snarky and start having fights over nothing. Get to the real issue. Get to the fear. And then communicate it with her. What's the worst part about her distracting you from your purpose?
  5. @Vision Part of the problem is that our society does not highly value community. In Europe it's a little better, but most countries are still very individualistic. So don't beat yourself up too bad. This is also to be expected. You've got higher consciousness interests and you're living in a lower consciousness society. It will be easier to find people once you finish high school and you're on your own. I would look into this as well. There may be a part of you that is afraid of getting close to people in order to not get hurt again. Just do some introspection and see if that resonates.
  6. @Avi Khomutovsky My suggestion would get at least some sort of job to pay your basic bills. And then hustle, hustle, hustle whenever you can on your music. I also make music. Realistically, I was not very creative when I was having massive anxiety about whether I'd be able to make rent or have money for food. You might be different, but a job helped me. It sucks that society is structured this way but it is for now.
  7. @Ali Bakali Do you have a spiritual practice like meditation or yoga?
  8. @UNZARI What does she do all day while you're at work? It's reasonable that she wants attention, but if it gets to an unhealthy level you may have to draw a line.
  9. Yes, the right communication can definitely enhance both of your experiences. It's not just about the information you receive from her. It's that by showing a willingness to communicate about this, she is going to trust you a lot more. The more she trusts, the more she opens to you. That said, your resistance is not completely unfounded. If your communication comes off as supplicating, that's not good. But I wouldn't worry about that. I think you'll be fine. Try and see what happens.
  10. Nice! It definitely could. Energy healing is extremely intuitive so you just got to go with your gut sometimes. Trust the information that is coming in. Yeah everything is frequency. So that would make a lot of sense.
  11. Inner work takes many forms. You're becoming conscious of your limiting beliefs and the unconscious patterns that are holding you back. On a spiritual level, it's about remembering your connection to God / Source / The Universe. You can do inner work through meditation, self-inquiry, energy healing, yoga, shadow work, psychedelics, therapy and about a thousand other tools. Often, just living life is enough to trigger inner work, because life is always mirroring back to you your beliefs. You can choose whatever tools you resonate with. I'm particularly fond of meditation, yoga, theta healing and journaling.
  12. @Javfly33 You might like Russ Ruffino and the team over at Clients on Demand. I believe Marc was the head of sales for Tony Robbins for a while. They basically teach you how to create a high ticket offer and then attract clients. I went through their Sales on Demand program and it was highly in depth and practical. No book but their Youtube channel has some solid free material if you don't have the cash for a paid training.
  13. Nice insight. We are in the dark ages but we can also make peace with that. All the more reason to shine your light .
  14. @Bittu Awesome! Any particular story you'd like to share about your experience? I find a good story can really be a powerful transformational tool.
  15. Think of your eyes, and really your whole body, as a metaphor. A manifestation of a story. You most definitely do not actually "see" with your eyes.
  16. Awesome man, you might be on your way to being an energy healer. I'm certified in Reiki healing and have done a little bit of this kind of thing. One hand gesture that I've found works really well for Anahata is to place both hands on the heart and then slowly pull a green light from it. Imagine that it's just opening everything in your heart and melting any walls of resistance. Keep going until your hands are fully extended, and then repeat if you want. It seems to work on all the chakras but the heart seems to respond the best.
  17. Political conversations tend to trigger people's shadow. If you're not conscious of what you're doing, it can quickly spin into people just playing out their particular trauma / old behavior patterns. Basically, the whole world just needs a giant therapy session.
  18. @Javfly33 Can you be more specific? Do you want to start a business? What are you thinking your purpose is?
  19. @PurpleTree You've got some sort of energetic block going on that is manifesting as fatigue. Keep doing the inner work. Definitely check your sleep cycles and spending more time in nature as well.
  20. Anything you do with love is worthwhile doing. I actually have a list of things I love doing. Things like art, spending time in nature, etc. This list has taken me a lot time to cultivate though. I had so many distorted perceptions / limiting beliefs that it was almost impossible for me to tell what I really loved doing. You might have to go through a similar process.
  21. @X_X Look for the pain / shadow underneath your moralizing. For instance, if you find yourself moralizing against rich people, ask yourself why? What is it about rich people that really bothers me? If you're honest, you'll find pain and / or beliefs around rich people that are causing you to moralize. All moralizing is just your shadow.
  22. This assumes the deepest insights originate from the analytical mind. They do not. When you silence your mind, now God can speak.
  23. What specifically feels unfair about life to you?
  24. I get it and I've definitely been there. Indeed, it is likely time for you to shed some old patterns if you feel this way. As we grow, the patterns that previously kept us safe begin to feel like a shell we are desperate to break out of. Or like anchors holding us back. But I promise you that if you were conscious of how all your programming work, you'd realize that you life is just that. A sum total of all your programming. So keep introspecting. You said you are constantly changing your goals, so start there. What is the payoff you get for constantly switching your goals? Perhaps it's that by switching your goals, you don't have to commit to anything. And by not committing to anything, you don't have to risk making a wrong choice. And wrong choice would feel like shame and guilt. Maybe when you were a child, you were punished very badly for making wrong choices. So maybe it's better to make no decision at all. See how I did that? What might seem like insanity (constantly changing your goals) actually makes a lot of sense if you dig deep enough. And I'm not saying that example is your pattern. Your pattern might be something different. I'm saying to use the example I gave and do your own introspection.