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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @Boethius It's a really good nuanced question. From a stage Orange perspective, it's hard to see the value of social justice. Is social justice going to get me more power, status or money? Will I gain survival advantage? Will I get more sex? The answer is probably no. In fact, social justice can be a threat to a stage Orange perspective. If my goal is to become a billionaire hedge fund manager, but then you've got a bunch of SJWs talking about "wealth inequality" and "tax the rich", you're actually a threat. So on the one hand, it's unlikely that people will care about social justice if they are in a shitty Game Theory scenario whereby defecting on the well-being of the whole leads to personal gain. Perverse incentive structures need to be solved. At the same time, I believe that caring about social justice comes from an increase in our empathy for the world around us. The more I see myself in you, the more I feel we are connected, the more I feel your well-being is coupled to my well-being. This also extends beyond humans. I can feel that same connection or empathy for a tree or a bug. It's a total expansion of one's sense of Self.
  2. No problem at all, thank you for the referral.
  3. We don't know her motive, but it general that's not something a mother should be asking their child to do. She put you in a shitty situation just by asking and forcing you to choose between helping her and your integrity.
  4. @Vibroverse I do like Bashar, he's good vibes. I find a lot of crossover with his material and law of attraction material like Abraham-Hicks.
  5. An improv comedy class can help. Honestly I think it was pickup that helped me the most in this area though. In pickup you're constantly being pushed to be creative and come up with things on the fly. You really have to surrender a lot of your "criteria of success", i.e what you think is "good enough" to be said. You can also just practice with a video camera. Turn on the camera and just start talking about anything and see how long you can go, keeping it relatively coherent and engaging. Recording yourself also has the added benefit of you becoming aware of all your microexpressions and places where your subcommunications might be off. Highly recommended. That makes it way harder than it needs to be. You could open a girl and just start talking about the wall in front of you. Your words don't matter as much as you might think. Especially if it's at night and everyone is in more "party mode" where things don't have to make sense. It's mostly about vibes.
  6. @EddieEddie1995 We can critique feminism, but let's start with understanding and integrating it's POV first. Because there are many valid arguments made from feminists. There has been historical repression of women. They were treated as property without their own autonomy. Which is not the same thing as saying men are evil. But we have to acknowledge that core wounding took place. I do think feminism is going to continue to evolve. Teal Swan has made some good videos critiquing feminism from "above" that I feel are likely to play out. But so much of the current push-back against feminism is misguided.
  7. I don’t think it will be that simple. I don’t know much about this issue, but from what the article said, the Chinese government is complicit in what is happening. That means “stopping them” is now a complex sociopolitical problem. For instance, @commie pointed out the unlikelihood of economic sanctions since PRC is now an economic powerhouse. The US is starting to get a taste of what we’ve been doing for years And are we even sure what the root cause of what something like this might be? As painful as it might be to watch, we may have to admit that we don’t really know how to solve this in a traditional manner.
  8. If you want to critique this forum or spiritual people, that's fine. But this is not a critique, this is you just making yourself feel better.
  9. It sucks but you might have to. This is the society you are a part of. Unless you can find a way to live with essentially no money or can start getting endorsement deals / turn pro, that's gonna be tough. Many pro-athletes have to work some sort of job to be able to afford to train at first.
  10. @Javfly33 It's a good experience to have. You're gaining consciousness. This is where the inner work comes into play. Why are you so needy? What's the root cause? Dig on that for a while.
  11. @intotheblack Thank you for sharing story. It's absolutely horrific, to the point where it can make you question if there's hope for humanity. On a positive note, excellent job by the BBC exposing this. This is mainstream news at its best.
  12. Brother you're not going to do well on this forum with those arguments. It's pretty obvious that you resonate with rationality, logic and conservatism. That ain't gonna fly if you're into Leo's content.
  13. Diana should just pay me already . Glad it helped you! Ahh I'm glad someone brought up ISTA. I want to do one of their workshops, looks good. That book is trash. Not saying there aren't some decent tips in there, but overall it's not something I'd recommend if you're interested in conscious sex. Get better sources.
  14. Green has its toxicity. But many people criticizing it are not doing so from a place of having not really integrated it. I mostly see is stage orange thinking pushing back against green and then claiming it’s because they are yellow. Green also gets a lot of attention because it’s where we are transitioning to. No one talks about purple because for the most part we don’t see purple.
  15. @Nivsch Perhaps we should start making a distinction between aloneness and Aloneness. "Aloneness" = universe as One, which is also you. "aloneness" = I am a isolated individual, i.e ego. These are obviously not the same at all. "Aloneness" is not lonely at all! It's the opposite. If you're feeling lonely, I've found that's a product of "aloneness". The other problem is that non-duality becomes impossible describe using language, since language is inherently dualistic. Hence, why spiritual teachers have you sit and meditate instead of just feeding you teachings. Take time off if you need. It's totally fine. But no, these teachings are not some shadow of stage Turquiose. They just need to be fully understood and not misinterpreted.
  16. @Valwyndir Beautiful words. I find that love is always found underneath our conditioning. Conditioning from the past and traumatic experiences. But also, conditioning from different social systems and institutions. Acts like what you are describing create a glitch in the matrix of egocentrism and survival. It reminds us that it's not real. They're like cracks of sun shining through the clouds, saying "hey, remember this?" It's there in spiritual texts like the Bhagavad Gita and even business books like The Thank You Economy. They attempt to unravel the stories that we have told that keep us from accessing our heart. Because you cannot lose your connection to your heart, you can only be trained not to listen.
  17. @Twega Forgiveness is the end of the healing process. It’ll arise when you’ve processed the emotions this experience has brought up for you. You don’t need to force it. I once had a bike stolen from me. But it was a rental bike, so besides paying to rent it, I also almost ended up having to pay for “losing” it. And I still wouldn’t have a bike. I was not ready to forgive in that moment. Be with your emotions. Be with your thoughts. Notice the patterns you mind plays out. Does it go into victim? Do you feel like you’ll never get this money back again? Do you want to hurt this person who hurt you? Notice all of it.
  18. @Dryas Speaking as someone with a Masters degree in economics, I agree with her. The problem is not so much with studying economics. Actually we need more of that. Especially economists who are connected to their heart and who are willing to question the dogma of the field. The problem is that many economists are rationalists who think life is about utility maximization, efficiency and economic tradeoff. Poetry in many ways represents the opposite of that. Poetry has no real value except that it’s beautiful. It is not efficient or economically ideal. It doesn’t “need” to exist in the sense that we will not die without it. There is no requirement for it to be so beautiful. We could all use a little more poetry in our lives.
  19. @Preety_India I’ve been to UPW twice. It is good if you’re new to personal development. Tony will definitely put you on the right track, I got a lot of benefit out of it. Some of the exercises he has you do are excellent. But there’s also so much to learn beyond what I’ve seen from Tony.
  20. @Clarity808 I don’t like living alone and I don’t know many people who do. Social species and all that. Not to mention, it’s going to be challenging to actualize your vision alone. You’re going to need a strong network, even if it’s only digitally.
  21. Well said. Even if you have awareness, it’s hard to argue either side of this without coming across as missing the bigger picture. If I say “redditers have gone too far”, then it can look like I’m unaware of the systemic problems and history of corruption we face. Plus victim shaming. If I say “eat the rich”, then it can look like I hate rich people and support vigilante justice. Really the truth is highly nuanced in all of this. I’m appreciating just how challenging communicating about these social problems can be.
  22. There's too much "eat the rich" vibes that are going on with whole situation now. Don't get me wrong, I do support it. And I don't intend to tell redditers they shouldn't be mad or not to seek justice. No, they are justified in all of that. But at the same time, all that anger is creating an obviously lack of empathy and awareness here. Hedge fund managers and wall street executives are not the evil people they are being portrayed as. In fact, I see them as much the victim of our systems as the redditers. How traumatized do you have to be to want to be a hedge fund manager? Just because they're the ones making money doesn't mean they're not a victim.
  23. Read books, watch youtube videos and then just go out. Interact with girls. You'll figure it out. In person if you can. Sounds like that might not be an option though, so start with text. That's some real life pickup. I'll share a story too. Met a girl at a party, everything was clicking. Her friends love me and she is more than willing to go back to my place. But it's about a 15 minute walk back to my apartment (pre-uber era). And it is FREEZING outside. Like the coldest night of the entire year, plus massive windchill. Absolutely miserable walk. By the time we get back, she was just like...nah. I'm still mad about that one .
  24. It is if you’re in the right place to receive it. Me in my early 20s would have laughed and thrown it away.
  25. What happened was you’re 15 and don’t have proper sexual education / experience. Also, you were drunk. Which never leads to good sex in my experience, despite what people say. The good news is your experience is common. I’ve have my own version of what you’re talking about plenty of times. Things like this will disappear as you get more experience. Talk to her about it. If she’s really not interested in hearing from you again then move on.