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Everything posted by aurum

  1. No they are not. Realistically they are under-staffed and under-funded. They are far away from having a full city built and running for people to move into. Besides Roxanne and a few key members, no one lives there.
  2. Yes. They plan to us The Venus Project essentially as a prototype, working out the bugs before expanding to newer areas. They did not say where, as such a project would likely be far away. They have their hands filled just getting the Venus Project off the ground.
  3. In my understanding of SD, there would not have been Turquoise people at the time of Jesus. Enlightenment is not Turquoise. According to the SD model, Turquoise only began to emerge ~50 years ago. This then leads to an interesting question of what exactly is the difference between turquoise and enlightenment / non-dual awareness / christ consciousness and all these other maps.
  4. @Insightful27 What do you mean exactly by detach? Throw all your self dev books in a fire? It’s not clear what your agenda is on all of this.
  5. Despite what I wrote above, I agree with this as well.
  6. @strategy_master Just got the first dose of the Pfizer. I feel it is relatively safe. I checked the ingredients, nothing that set off any alarm bells for me. I talked to many people who got it and seemed fine. I had no side effects from the first dose, which the exception of a slightly sore shoulder for a couple days. Perhaps there’s some sort of long term consequence we are not aware of. But I don’t suspect as much. I’d recommend it getting if you can.
  7. @thisintegrated I think we don’t really know. Only some extremely small percentage of the world population is Turquoise according to SD. Society as a whole is really only peaking at Green. So we don’t know well what the struggles of Turquoise will look like. One thing that is inevitable though is evolution. Evolution comes from “problems”. So turquoise will have problems, which will lead to desire, which will lead to expansion.
  8. @Preety_India I’ve had similar thoughts. Perhaps he has his reasons for why he does what he does. Perhaps he is actually 15 steps ahead of us. Or maybe it is something for him to still work on. I don’t know. Regardless, some of the things he has said about dating do reflect a heavy bias in my opinion. Possibly misogynistic or even misanthropic. And I think the culture on this forum reflects it.
  9. @Aaron p I'm not sure myself. I have some new age friends who are all-in crystals and believe you can even communicate with them. I can't say I've had that level of experience. If nothing else, they're really gorgeous and wonderful to look at. So I like to keep a few around.
  10. Feel free to try. But I don’t see it happening. Girls who do sex work are there to MAKE MONEY. They are not there to get seduced. The more time they spend talking to someone like you who isn’t going to pay, the less they are going to make that day. Their job is basically to screen out guys like you as fast as possible. And some of them are really good at it. They’re hustlers. If you want to pick up a girl doing sex work, you’d have a better chance picking up a stripper IMO. At least at a strip club you can catch them on an off day when maybe they’re just bored and have nothing better to do but talk to you. And you can make friends with the staff, develop social proof, etc. That is possible if you know what you’re doing, although still challenging. What you’re describing to me sounds impossible. You can’t use any of the benefits of offline dating to your advantage. So you’re screwed.
  11. OP said in the beginning of his post that he had been avoiding approaching girls offline. And now he has motivated to do so because his experience with online dating has been so poor. I don’t want him to lose that motivation, even though I’m giving him advice for online dating.
  12. Bro, what? Your chances of pulling something like that off are 0. No wonder you’ve had no success. Get on a normal dating site and hire a portrait, lifestyle or headshot photographer to help you look good. And get a good wardrobe, photographers rarely provide that. Otherwise you’re just wasting your time. That said, if this motivated you to meet girls IRL, then don’t let me dampen that fire. That is obviously valuable.
  13. @Akira I had it. It was annoying but that was about it. Came on quick, just like the flu. Started getting a cough and muscle weakness. A little harder to breathe deep and concentrate. I couldn’t really work or meditate effectively. By like day 3 most of the more obvious symptoms were gone. Then it was just a mild cough that lingered for a couple more days. All in all not that bad. But obviously for some people is much worse. If I had been in worse health prior to getting it, who knows what would have happened.
  14. Integrity does not contradict having a contradictory world view. In fact, I would say the only way to really be in integrity is to have integrated all your contradictions. Then you are “whole” and can operate from integrity, because you are not fighting against yourself. I would say so. “Hippie” usually refers to people who follow their intuition and feelings, crave freedom / low responsibility. Whereas “square” people usually like to have everything known, follow their intellect and crave order. The reality is you need some balance of both. The best way I’ve found to integrate these things is to take each one to it’s extreme, suffer its limitations, and then dial it back out of wisdom. So for instance, maybe you go all in on being “hippie”. Get the harem pants and everything. And that’s great for a while. But then you start to crave depth in your relationships, and realize you can’t have that unless you commit. And commitment infringes on you desire for freedom. So now you’re stuck, and your mind has to resolve this tension. Or the opposite. You go super square for a while, and that works. Your life feels structured, safe. But then find your life lacks excitement and adventure. It’s not fun. Everything is safe but you never take any risks. So again, your mind has to resolve the tension. This is how integration happens in my experience. Don’t be afraid to swing the pendulum hard. Yes you’ll make mistakes, but mistakes ARE the point.
  15. Thank you. Would you say you've broken this pattern? If so, how?
  16. Yeah I can understand that. When I say not to totally dismiss cold approach, I'm imagining one-off scenarios where perhaps a guy is not with his social circle and happens to come across a girl he wants to talk to. Maybe they're at the airport or grocery store or whatever. In that case, if it feels right, I think the guy should still go for it. I wouldn't be super heavy handed about it, keep it friendly, keep it light. But rather than ignoring that intuition in favor of a rule in his head that says "cold approach doesn't work", I'd say do it.
  17. Here is a list of things I've learned from self-reflecting and participating in this thread: - I've put unnecessary pressure on women in the past to have sex quickly. I can remember several situations where a girl would be clearly attracted to me, but just not ready to have sex. And I cut them off immediately. In truth, these were breakthrough moments for me. Prior to that, I had struggled with expressing my needs and drawing boundaries. So this actually felt quite empowering. But looking back I can see that it was still largely immature and reactionary behavior. Not balanced. - I need to focus on building on a proper foundation for a relationship. I've found success in the past with having random hookups, but it almost always ended the exact same way. Either: a) she would never speak to be again afterwards b) she would get totally obsessed with me and clingy PUAs almost always chalk up girls in camp a to "you just didn't fuck her good enough" or "it's a numbers game". They don't really care if girls stick around because they tend to not want them to stick around anyway. For the girls in camp b, you could easily make them your girlfriend. This is true. They are highly emotionally invested in you and would be thrilled if you settled down with them. But the reality with these girls is that it was never enough. I would give, give and give and it felt like pouring into a black hole. They were still clingy and always wanted more of me, more of my time, more of my attention. Drawing a boundary didn't help. Because fundamentally, they probably weren't happy in the relationship and didn't feel like I was meeting their needs. So fuck your boundary. Eventually it would get to a point where I'd be burnt out, frustrated and would end it with them. Now you could say "yeah bro, those girls exist, stay away". But WHY was I attracting those girls? Why was it always one of these two situations? Why have I struggled to attract someone more solid? I think it's because I have not focused on building foundation. All emotional spikes, not much substance. I was still closed off to deeper levels of love and a deeper relationship / commitment, and my resistance attracted their neediness. We perfectly triggered each other. Or they just dropped me entirely. - Social circle is the way to go. I've been writing about the benefits of social circle when it comes to dating for a while now. And for guys who have been "friendzoned" in the past, they're very suspicious of it. But it seems obvious to me that once you have a solid foundation as a man, social circle is clearly superior to the alternative of cold approach. Granted, there may be some occasions where a cold approach is warranted. It's not black or white. But all in all, having a strong social circle is going to be vastly beneficial for meeting your dating needs, no matter what they are. Friends > PUA lines. - It's time to slow down. I've been getting an intuition for a while now that it's really time for me to slow down. Build something real. Let it evolve on its own. And I feel this thread has confirmed those suspicions. I realize for guys who struggle to even get the time of day from a girl, these problems might seem ridiculous. If you've got no girl, a clingy girl or a girl who fucks you and leaves still seems pretty good. And that's fair enough, I've been there. Do what you got to do to learn the dating game, nothing wrong with that. But I can promise you that if you keep growing, these ideas will occur to you. And you may want to reconsider your choices at that point. Grateful for everyone who participated in this thread.
  18. I saw your post. I definitely thought your perspective was one of the more balanced ones in this thread. You're welcome. I've seen that as well. Which then likely drives women away from the forum, further reinforcing the male perspective. In general I'd like to see this place be more balanced.
  19. These "what are women actually attracted to?" threads have exposed some deep bias and misogyny on this forum. Not saying the women here are totally pure and without bias. But let's face it, they're quite out-numbered. And the default tendency of this place seems to be to slip into bro-culture. So for the guys here, pause, breathe and check ya biases. You are generally speaking being given good advice, but many of you are nitpicking and throwing it away. And at the same time, this place is filled with guys who talk about how they struggle with women. A good question to ask: how might this other person's perspective be true? In what ways could they be right?
  20. I think the answer is relatively obvious. If you're white, white supremacy is great! You get political power, slave labor, economic gain, etc. At least for awhile. Until consciousness rises, the truth wins out and all that backfires.
  21. I agree, which is why I feel PUA can serve a role for guys. These are mostly insights I've had coming out of that phase, where I'm challenging whether or not casual hookups is something I really want to continue. Which doesn't mean that phase wasn't necessary.
  22. You are way wiser than I was at 17. I would not have even been contemplating these sorts of things. Just keep following your heart and your intuition. Keep learning and growing. The world tends to change very slowly, but it will change one conscious decision at the time. Don't underestimate the seemingly small and insignificant moments that don't seem world changing. Everything we do matters, even if we can't understand it.
  23. In that case, I would say you're on a good path and to stay the course with what you are doing. Don't jump into a business too fast because it's shiny and seems like it could make you money fast. This time you have where your parents are supporting you is a gift that will not last forever. I'd be spending the vast majority of my time on self-actualization / spiritual work, learning about the world and myself, and experimenting with different creative projects to see what lights me up. And yes, I'd save as much money as I can. "Real life" living can often be way more expensive than we anticipate if you're used to having your bills paid. Starting a business is no joke and can sometimes take millions of dollars just to get off the ground. That's like one round of VC funding. So don't underestimate your startup costs. But also don't get so overwhelmed that it seems impossible and that you'll never be able to afford it, because it's not. You can find ways to do things cheaper. Final thing would be to be careful with what you invest in. Investing should be something you do once you are already relatively financially stable. It is NOT a path to getting rich or funding your first business. Anything that gets you rich from investing is going to be highly risky. And anything that barely moves the needle is going to be safe. If you want to fund your business, I would make sure your income can support it. Bootstrap whatever you can and / or find investors.
  24. @Alfonsoo I've been involved in a couple start ups at this point. Honestly, it's a lot of trial and error and just "winging it". It's tempting to think you can just follow a formula from a book, but in practical it doesn't really work that way. If you share more about your business I can give you more specific advice. But in general, put your product online and start advertising. You can use either social media or paid ads. Build a sales funnel. Track your financials with something like Quickbooks. You can find employees on Indeed or Craigslist if you need that. Get a payroll company. File for either an LLC or or some sort of other business entity and get an EIN to pay your taxes. That's about as broad of advice that I can give. Ready, Fire, Aim is a decent book that might help you. You can also look into start up incubators if you think your business would be a good fit for that. If you need funding, there's websites where you do crowdfunding or get angel investors.
  25. Both genders are self-deceived in thinking that casual sex will ultimately fulfill them. You cannot compare the experience of a casual hookup versus "making love". It's like eating some stale crackers versus a home cooked, freshly made meal. Granted, men may be more willing to eat the crackers than women for various reasons. But most guys are a lot more love-starved than they are sex-starved. Casual sex is a sort of "holding back" of love. What you really want is to shower that person in love and pour everything into them. To give yourself fully over. And for them to do the same.