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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @Late Boomer What is the alternative? For me, once I understood that this is what I wanted my life to be about, just going back to simply meeting my survival needs seemed absurd. I'm not saying every option in the world is still available to you at 56. It's not, and that's okay. You don't need or even want every option available. There is never a time where you can't find something that is meaningful to YOU to do with your life. Following your highest excitement is available to you always. It might not make you millions dollars, but this ain't the "make millions of dollars" forum. The fact that you're feeling a bit confused and even lost can be a good sign. That's the first step to finding something new. We have to get lost first from whatever we were doing before.
  2. Why do you still want to be a pro soccer player? What are you expecting will happen if you achieve that?
  3. No one here can give you that answer. That’s the point. A life purpose doesn’t come in a box, it’s uniquely chosen and created by you. That point may seem trite but it’s significant. It means you have to be truly creative and a lot more “unknown” factor involved. Don’t expect too much too fast either. I’m approaching 30 and have been doing this work for years. Only now do I really feel like I’m starting to zero in on my LP. Everything else was just preparation. It might take you even longer. That said, there is of course guidance that can be given. At 21 I’d say you’re definitely on a good course. You’ve got a decent job that will handle your survival needs, but you’ve also found and therefore understand there can be so much more. And you’re already studying to make that happen. My advice to you then would be to just keep following what excites you. Experiment a lot. What do you WANT your career / LP to look like? What matters to you? What do you care about? Those are the more important questions.
  4. I think the actual sex is only part of it. For a lot of us guys, there is a big aspect of validation that can come into it. If you “successfully” pick up a lot of girls, you feel better about yourself. Because that is what is cool and shows you are a desirable man. I remember even back in middle school, it was the guys who were “good with girls” who were respected by other guys and seemed to have the most friends. If girls didn’t like you and didn’t want to hook up with you, then you were a loser and labeled as such. And then through high school and college that only escalated. I’m not saying that’s a healthy way of thinking. But it is a pattern I’ve observed.
  5. Sounds like you and your parents had some additional conversations. Are these their words? Regardless, I think going to college will not be such a bad option. It will give you time to explore and develop yourself. You’ll have fun. And yes you’ll have debt, but if you’re smart you can minimize the damage. I would really consider this not “college” but four years to discover and start working on your LP. Whether it’s engineering or something else, I wouldn’t just think about it as a stepping stone to a job. Think bigger about the whole thing. You have time and you’re not gonna starve. So be strategic. You may not nail down every detail of your LP by the time you graduate, but you can make significant progress if you take it seriously. Your other plan about moving to Miami was dubious. Not saying you couldn’t pull it off, and it’s good that you’re willing to eat shit for your dreams. I lived in Miami for several years doing something similar. But it is a brutal path. College will be gentler.
  6. In my experience, you don’t necessarily need any ritual to talk to the angels or any other guides. Just talk. You can literally just think a thought right now and they will hear you. Or you could speak out loud if you want. This is how the best channels I know do it. It’s just very normal and conversational. More important is learning to listen to them. If you still want a ritual, that’s fine. Rituals can be powerful tools for the mind. I’d create one that has personal significance for you. Something that makes you feel tuned in, relaxed and in a state of receptivity.
  7. I've recommended Slow Sex by Diana Richardson many times. Totally shifted my perspective on sexuality and what the goal of it should be.
  8. Traveling is good, but in my experience you will eventually hit diminishing returns in terms of growth. You’ll most likely want to settle some where and plant roots. The plus is that traveling can expose you to new experience to help you find out what your interests are. So if you feel you just lack experience, this is a good choice. The negative is that traveling won’t really let you commit to anything too deeply. And all the new options you are presented with can actually become overwhelming. So be aware of that.
  9. Then I’d say go for it. I don’t know anything about the coffee business but I’m sure you can carve out some kind of niche.
  10. Seems like a risky business. What is your reason, besides money, to open a coffee stand? Do you just love coffee?
  11. A caveat to everything I’m about to say: my longest romantic relationship has only lasted a couple of years. So I could be talking out of my ass. But in my experience, these sort of novelty experiences don’t have staying power. It’s maybe a bit exciting for how ever long it’s exciting. Then it’s gone, and you’re onto the next novelty kick. Which is not to say you can’t do it. But I think that if you really want to keep things going, you need something deeper than a chocolate dick. What really seems to work is moving into higher consciousness forms of love. That’s a love that isn’t driven by novelty. You may want to research tantric love practices.
  12. @Dumuzzi Interesting post, very thorough. We don’t talk much about deities / light beings on this forum. I suspect the discussion will only really kick up if Leo makes a video about it. But it’s definitely a topic I’m fascinated by. From the non-dual perspective, even higher dimensional light beings / deities are YOU. But from the world of relativity, they’re quite unique and intriguing. Especially if you grew up believing such beings did not exist.
  13. Didn’t you say you went on a date with her? How did she not possibly know you were interested? Unless it wasn’t really a date. More like just friends hanging out. I am actually very pro just being friends with girls, but not knowing how to assert your needs can be problematic.
  14. Oh yeah, this is relatable. I've taken a bunch of these bullshit, part time jobs to pay the bills. I remember I tried driving Uber once. Didn't last more than a couple of days. I can't even fathom how people do that full time for many years. The reality is this is how our economic system is set up. People don't participate in wage slavery for the fun of it, they do it because they have to. Those experiences gave me a lot more appreciation for everyday, "regular" working people. As well as more egalitarian, politically progressive policies. My advice would be to just slug it out as best you can. Yes, it's going to suck. Just put your head down, do your work the best you can, and then go home and focus on your passion projects.
  15. I’ve also tried a bunch. I can’t really say which the best one, they all seem good to me. And of course every teacher says their breathwork practice is the best. I’d say find one that you’ll be consistent with and resonates with you. That’s likely the most important factor.
  16. It happened to me at the very least. Not saying my life is perfectly peachy now, but it certainly was much more unstable and uncertain a few years ago when I decided to take a gamble as well. I’d say it’s only been in the last two years that I’ve really started to find some stability. The thing is, the unknown and chasing your dreams / LP go hand in hand. Anything that is just handed to you by society, and therefore is all planned out, is unlikely to be your LP. But there is a sense of feeling safety that can come with that. Your LP typically plays outside the lines. It doesn’t follow any set path. And so there’s a lot more unknown factor involved. And it can be a lot less financially rewarding upfront, which only adds to the instability.
  17. Consider this constructive criticism. I could not take your videos seriously. There were obvious misinterpretations in them as well as an unfounded accusation about Leo doing this to sell his LP course. Even if you do have some points and Leo has said somethings that were less than wise, it’s hard to see when you’ve already made so many errors. If you want your criticism to be taken seriously by this community, then I’d suggest you do serious research. That doesn’t guarantee I or anyone else will still agree with you, but I’d think I’d at least be more open to what you had to say. I have plenty of my own criticisms of things Leo has said in the past.
  18. @Terell Kirby Yellow is going to be tough to fine en masse. Green is more realistic. Keep moving up the spiral and you’ll naturally tend to attract people at the same level as yourself.
  19. @goldpower123 All I know is that once I started drinking water consistently, I never went back. It’s been years since I drank anything else, outside of green smoothies / juicing. Water is magic.
  20. @MDMD Of course, because you exist within a toxic, stage orange system. To succeed within that system requires being toxic stage orange to a certain degree. You don’t just get to buck the system. If everyone could just buck the system, they would. The reality is many people have no choice. That’s how the whole thing maintains itself. That said, you can pursue ideals higher up the spiral. But it may require you to play the stage Orange a bit. The challenge here is this: how do you reap the benefits of participating in the stage orange system without getting stuck in its toxic aspects? How do you not “sell out”? This is not an easy question with an easy answer. I’m still not sure I’ve found the balance myself. And undoubtably it will be different for each person. The key here seems to have a strong vision and to really know yourself. That will keep you grounded in your values as much as possible. Surround yourself with positive, higher consciousness influences.
  21. Breathwork is the absolute fastest thing I know. Works every single time. In ~30 seconds you can be in a completely different state. Your situation is a good lesson for how real devilry takes place. It isn’t necessarily some outside dark forces that are attempting to get us. Devilry can be your parents, in their distorted love, trying to fill with you anti-vaccine conspiracies. So wrapped up in their own fear that they may end up hurting others.
  22. The problem with this question is that it still frames survival as most important. And more specifically, human survival. This is of course normal as survival is part of our function. A climate poses a potential threat to that, which triggers us. But could we also ask better questions? Could we ask: are we in alignment with our highest values regarding our relationship to the earth? Could we ask: will we survive into a world worth living? Could we ask: does the earth and everything in it have inherent value? I’m not saying these are easy questions or I have the answers. But I feel by asking them, we get the mind going in a much different direction than pure survival mode. The goal of actualization work is to thrive, not simply get by.
  23. There is probably some amount of “clean up” we can expect to do in our own lives if we want to attract a great relationship. At the same time, I sometimes feel like we place too much emphasis on this in the spiritual community. The reality is we are not supposed to be in relationships with perfect beings. They are supposed to have flaws, and part of being in a relationship is working that out. In fact, relationships are one of the primary tools that we can use to grow and heal. They challenge us and can help us find a sense of belonging. The world is going to be a very lonely place if everyone has unrealistic expectations for themselves and others. Many people want to cut and run at the first sign of any red flag. That could be a healthy expression of boundaries, but sometimes it’s an obsession with independence. Given that most of us on this forum have probably done a lot of work on ourselves, I think you’re likely in the clear.
  24. That’s interesting. I feel I have this assumption that the more woke you go, the better it gets. Yes you have to surrender the ego, and that of course can be extremely challenging. But who wouldn’t want to go as woke as they can in one life time? At the same time, if God wanted to be woke, God could be woke. So sleep must have its purpose. The ego of course wants to win the prize of achieving the most wokeness and reach the end goal. In practice I think you are right. No one can ultimately force you to awaken or not awaken. So we will awaken to the degree that is right for us. If someone chooses to go more woke, that will be a choice they make.
  25. Do you believe that "full wokeness" is even a worthy goal for most people in this lifetime? You've said that you do not believed you have achieved this, nor have I seen you mention any other spiritual master who has. Obviously any sense of a personal, egoic goal would be obliterated by then, but I think you get my point. Is this something you recommend for us to seek? I suspect most of us are struggling to even get to "1% wokeness".