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Everything posted by aurum
That was your mistake. The right move IMO would have been to walk with her and meet her friends. The chances she was going to come back to you were basically zero. No you did the right thing by moving on. She was not coming back. It happens to everyone. The attention moved off you and you were sort of the odd man out. It certainly makes it easier. The problem is, if you’re going our 3-5 nights a week, you’re going to seriously deteriorate your health and your wallet over the long term. And you’ll forget important details for integrating lessons from your night out. There’s a lot of value in learning to do pickup “cold”. That’s good because you’re taking action. But don’t dismiss the theory either. The ideal situation is a blend.
I’ll have to try that if you decide to share what it is. I have read those and believe Neale was tapping in. I suppose it’s just a gut “knowing” at the end of the day that will tell you what you’re channeling. And then you have to trust that. That’s the distinction I struggle with making. To me, it all sort of feels the same.
Of course, we have no idea if anything is actually true. We could literally “what if” any statement to death. Which is good for discovering Absolute Truth. But in the domain of the relative, we have to make assumptions and use our best judgment. I’m actually really curious about this. I’ve done channeling for other beings. Angels, spirit guides, etc. But I don’t know if I’ve actually channeled God in the way you talk about it. Or at least, I’m not sure how I would even be able to tell if it was God as the absolute vs a finite being. Or if there is a significant difference at all. Maybe all communication with God is always through another entity. At the same time, I’ve had teachers draw a distinction between channeling God and finite entities. So I suspect there must be a difference.
First Pfizer shot, basically nothing. Second shot, some unpleasant symptoms. Muscle weakness, headache, nausea, general fatigue. Lasted for about 18 hours.
You mean the guy sitting there? No of course not. The guy sitting there is Darryl Anka. He has never claimed to be Bashar, except as a past-life. Bashar is the name given to the alien he says he is channeling. That’s probably because you haven’t had experience with it. I have.
I think he could be channeling a highly spiritually evolved alien, yes. Do I know that for sure? No. But I think Bashar often speaks with wisdom, so I’m open to it. Channeling is real enough and many people have claimed to have channeled aliens.
I’d say it’s simple. The UFO community is not synonymous with the consciousness community. There are many distinctions. And as a stereotype, many people in the UFO are not conscious. They are conspiracy theorists. The fact that Bashar is “channeled” and speaks about spiritual insights would likely make no sense to them. That is not part of the standard worldview of your average UFO fan.
Lots of people know who he is. Not at a mainstream level of course, you can’t expect the mainstream to be open to this. But within the consciousness community he is well known.
My thinking is that everyone usually has a mix of both light and shadow motivations. For example, let’s say I start reading personal development books because I’m tired of not living up to my potential. I want to be the best version I can be, and from that place, be of service to others. I would consider this a “light” motivation, as it’s usually the motivation we are most conscious of and identified with. But, let’s say that I also start reading personal development books because deep down I don’t feel I’ll ever be good enough or measure up. And so personal development helps me cope with this pain by allowing me to feel like I’m always “improving”. This I would consider a “shadow” motivation, and it’s usually not in our conscious awareness. Only later may we recognize it. It’s this psychological fragmentation that can allow us to have these multiple motives all at the same time. Even motives that may seem contradictory. And our actions tend to be the result of this inner conflict. So in your case, you are speaking about envy in the spiritual community for essentially material success. We all have needs, but if we feel we cannot meet them, we may resort to coping mechanisms (like envy or judgment) to feel better about ourselves. This definitely does happen and is definitely a potential shadow motivation people in the spiritual community should be aware of. At the same time, does this mean the spiritual community is particularly toxic? I don’t think so. The reality is that the mind can use any teaching to justify anything it feels is in its best interests. This is not a problem unique to spiritual people. I could just as easily take a secular teaching and distort it just the same. Perhaps we could say those in the spiritual community should be held to a higher standard since we claim higher levels of awareness. And maybe for a spiritual master, I would agree. But I think this is mostly unfair to ask of your average seeker. Your average seeker, who hasn’t put in lots of work, is more or less at the same level of awareness as anyone else. So I think you make good points. There’s more we could go into here but this I feel is the most essential.
I would definitely not expect more than that. I don’t know how long you’ve been investing, but 20% ARR is not normal or likely sustainable unless you’re like Ray Dalio or you become one of these crypto millionaires. I think it may be realistic IF you move overseas and you’re not planning on having a family, have health insurance and can just live super basic. Either way, you’re probably going to want to do some kind of work. Human beings need purpose, that’s why Leo talks about finding your LP a lot.
I would argue that it’s still the case, even if you are actively applying the theory. Even if you spent only a few hours learning theory and then spent hundreds of hours going out and applying, that theory is going to color your entire experience. It will not only give you expectations, but it will be the lens through which you do your sense making post a night out. In essence, unless you really studied zero pua theory, the experience and the theory are inseparable. And if you did consume zero theory, then you hardly fit any definition of a pua. You’re just a dude who likes to go out and meet girls. Which may actually be healthier lol. I agree with that for the most part. I’ll nitpick though and say that not everyone has to live it to understand every aspect of it. Some people simply have the wisdom from other areas of life to avoid it or form valid assumptions. I don’t have to have driven a race car to form some basic assumptions about what that is like. And sometimes being in something for so long can actually distort your perspective. You’re so caught up in it that you become blind. And even a outsider who knows nothing about it can see it because they don’t have the biases you’ve developed.
Idealization IMO. I’ve done maybe thousands of approaches from pickup. Of course there is a theoretical component to it. Difficult to say “it’s an just experience” when you also attend seminars, watch YT videos, read books etc. Pick up has its dogmas and its beliefs about the world like anything else.
aurum replied to Giulio Bevilacqua's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Giulio Bevilacqua It’s a mixed bag in my experience. Some of it may indeed be nonsense. That’s the price of deviating from accepted, mainstream narratives. You’re off the grid now, and so you’re going to run into all sorts of wild ideas. This is the epistemic jungle . But of course, there also may be somethings the mainstream gets deeply wrong. Mostly relating to spirituality. So you have to discern those things. I had a lot of resistance to those sorts of ideas as well earlier on. I was scientifically minded and would have dismissed all that as bunk. Just use your discernment. They’re just some hippies, they’re not going to bite your head off. And you don’t have to agree with everything they say. -
aurum replied to Jannes's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, I’ve had several. From the point of consciously learning what enlightenment is, about a month of daily practice. But my results may not mirror yours. I had unconsciously been laying the foundation for an experience like that for years. So it may take you much longer, depending on how much groundwork you’ve done. Also, keep in mind I wasn’t asking myself “how long is this going to take?” like it was some sort of chore. It’s understandable that you feel that way and that you want to know if this is real. That’s normal. But I’d suggest taking a longer term perspective if you can. This is a life long endeavor. There’s always more to learn. You’ll never get it done, ever. Commit to finding truth, commit to discovering yourself, commit to your happiness. Not checking enlightenment off on your to-do list. And then start putting in the work everyday. -
aurum replied to Jannes's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Commit whatever you can. If 1-2 hours a day of self-inquiry is what time you have, go for it. But also realize there may be a time when you want to commit more. -
aurum replied to tuckerwphotography's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
New agers who believe crystals are alive would disagree with you -
aurum replied to Jannes's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you’re unwilling to read 16 books, you don’t have sufficient commitment to this path IMO. That’s like the easiest part of this. Much harder is actually contemplating all of it, facing your shadow, struggling with confusion, meditating for hours and hours, etc. So in theory it’s maybe not necessary. You could be like Eckhart Tolle and just get struck by consciousness lightening. But that’s not realistic for most people. This work is very challenging and without a proper theoretical foundation, you can very easily go down a bad rabbit hole. Also, people get into this work for real, they’re usually sucking down theory like there’s no tomorrow. So my assumption is that maybe you’re not quite ready to go so deep with this work. Which is fine. Everyone has this time. -
@ganu Well besides the “there is no death” absolute perspective, I’d say the simple answer is that death is important. Death is what allows for the ever changing nature of form. If nothing dies, you’d just have the same thing forever. But death is what allows for the new to come up. So yes, we could look at scientific explanations for why death exists. Oxidation of the body. Inflammation. Disease. But I think the real answer is that death happens because that’s the part of the design. It has to be that way because God is infinite.
@Tangerinedream Thanks for calling attention to this, it needed to be said. The language on this forum can get out of control. Excessive language is just a symptom of someone’s world view. So it would pay for us to check our biases in that regard. How might our beliefs be affecting the way we speak?
aurum replied to tuckerwphotography's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I suspect many of these pointers are trying to get to the same thing. But it gets convoluted when you try and put it in words. Omni win-win-win scenarios are essentially a pointer to include more as your self. Which is the same thing as moving into higher degrees of Love. The more you include as you, the greater your Love. At stage yellow this Love is not going to be perfect, but it will be expanded from the previous stages. And of course even in the best omni win-win-win scenario, it may still have some negative consequences. Just by me being alive, something has to die. That doesn’t seem very win-win at the surface. But overall we can move more and more towards the betterment of the whole. -
I would love to get more people talking about these kind of issues. The challenge is not so much one of ideas. That is likely the easiest part. It’s implementation and actually getting people to agree to act on it.
There is a lot about the relocalization movement that I like. For one, local food sourcing could be healthier and more environmentally friendly as people would be closer to their food. But also, it has the potential to restore communities that have been broken due to excessive market economics. And that’s just the beginning. The challenge as I see it is, how do we get the benefits of localization without sacrificing the benefits of globalization? Because there is no going back to a world that isn’t globalized. And there doesn’t need to be. The main benefit of globalization seems to be increased cooperation. We could pull together the man power of literally billions of people. That is not possible if we just stay in our local bubbles. Humanity could seriously become a super race of beings if we figure this out.
Our food system is deeply broken. We have scale but we’ve yet to figure our how to produce food at a mass level that is optimal for human health and environmental / animal well being. This video really only reveals a very small portion of the problem.
These are red pill talking points and should not be allowed on this forum. Mods?
How old are you exactly? The younger you are, in some ways the less theory you need. You cannot be taught anything until you have a baseline of experience. So often the best thing a young person can do is just socialize as much as possible.