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Everything posted by aurum

  1. But no one is saying that. Dude you can sleep with whoever you want. If you want to sleep with fat girls because you can see their inner beauty, no one is stopping you. The reason there’s pressure to go for 9s and 10s from pickup coaches is because that’s what most guys want! If every guy in the universe suddenly decided they wanted a 3, pickup coaches would start talking about how to get a 3. And a 3 would become a 10. It’s just a way to say “I’m really want this person” or “I don’t really want this person”. And you could argue that pickup coaches influence their students to want 9s and 10s in a sort of bilateral casualty, but they still can’t make you do it. Nor do they care more than you do about your dating life. Regarding this idea you have that traditional 9s and 10s are more cocky, that’s because they know they have what guys want. If you had women throwing themselves at you constantly, you’d be the same. Also, many of them are not that way. How many 9s and 10s have you actually dated in your life? Or had a long conversation with? Or seen them at Christmas with their family? If you don’t want a traditional 9 or 10, that’s fine. But it’s not that confusing as to why many guys would.
  2. @Preety_India Drinking helped when I was younger. But I haven’t had a drink in years at this point. Like Leo said, once you’re able to regularly relax when you go out, drinking makes you sloppy. I’ve dropped the ball tons of times because I was drunk. And the sex isn’t even good. Of course if you’re trying to accumulate a bunch of crazy party stories and fit in with that crowd, drinking helps then. But I have to assume that’s not the goal of most people reading this.
  3. @Pavement the last girlfriend I had not only knew I did pickup, she met many of the guys I did it with and saw it in action. In reality, the lines between “pickup” and “guys going out to get laid” are getting very blurry. Pickup used to be this weird thing where only the most socially awkward dudes with leather boots and very gimmicky game did it. Now with the emphasis on “natural game”, its morphed into being more normal. Guys with regular level social skills have gotten into it. And I think that’s how she saw it. Just a bunch of dudes trying to get laid.
  4. There’s definitely some stage Orange mixing here with spirituality. These luxury retreats are big business and undoubtably bring in a lot of rich western tourists. Honestly though, if that’s what it takes for a stage Orange to people to experience the medicine, then who cares. Let them spend their money. Maybe it will actually help support the local economy in some of these poorer countries.
  5. @kras do you plan on growing your subscribers and making your work public? If so, that shame of the people closest to you seeing your content is something you’ll have to work through. If you just want to keep it private, that’s fine as well. But I wouldn’t try to grow your channel and hide it as well. That’s sending mixed signals to the universe. It shows your whole being is not in alignment with this decision, hence the shame coming to the surface.
  6. @Austin Actualizing I find the Wim Hof method is ridiculously effective for combating stress and resetting me. Works every time. Long term, restoring functional breathing patterns is a big piece that people miss. You want to be around 6-10 breaths a minute. Most people are 15-20.
  7. It’s reasonable in the sense that people generally date people who are around their same stage of the spiral. Hard to really say. My guess is that if two people are truly yellow / turquoise, the universe will likely bring them to together in a rather unique and / or organic way. It probably won’t fit nicely into an obvious script, although nothing can be ruled out. It be interesting to interview yellow / turquoise and see what the early stages were like for them. More about intimacy and using sex as a tool for merging with the divine than merely getting off. More mystical things like energy orgasms also enter the arena, which would be dismissed by pure materialists. More honest communication and a willingness to work through your shadows together. More solution oriented, less accusational. More intimacy and Win/Win dynamics, less exploitation.
  8. A revolution works well if you have a singular corrupt person that needs to be removed. In the case of the US and basically all modern-nation states, things are way more complex than that. So a revolution becomes a way, way too simple of a solution. Some do. But many do not. The US has a culture of strong national pride. This nationalism has allowed us to unify as a country and enhance our survival, but at the long-term cost of low introspection. Many Americans are not very open to critiques of America, regardless of their legitimacy. This is the whole battle between the left and the right. The left, being more conscious, wants to move beyond nationalism and is more open to genuine self-reflection. They see critiquing America as actually helping to make it better. But the right is less conscious and more interested in preserving nationalism and the narratives that enhanced our survival. Thus, they see the left as “hating” America, but that’s just the ego’s reaction to its survival being threatened.
  9. I eat liver pretty regularly. It’s nutrient dense and tastes pretty good if you know how to cook it right. If it’s giving me heavy metal poisoning, I’m currently unaware of it. To @Michael569’s point about the shit show that is animal agriculture, it’s highly important if you’re eating liver to source it from the highest quality farms you can find. Pay extra if you have to. And really, we should all be sourcing our food from the highest quality sources available no matter what we are eating. That holds true for vegetables, fruits, muscle meat, organs, fish, water, nuts, grains, whatever. The reality is our food system is deeply intertwined in issues of social justice and environmentalism. So if we are not including these issues in our individual choices, we are not taking responsibility for our collective well-being. Our choice power as individuals is limited by system constraints but it still matters.
  10. The muse is interesting to me. I like the idea of getting instant feedback as it seems that would train your mind better. A lot of times you can just get lost in monkey mind for almost an entire meditation session. But at least with the feedback you would be aware of that, versus thinking you did a successful sit. At the same time, it seems like there’s value to being able to recognize when you’re in monkey mind or not. And that’s a skill you need to develop 24/7, not just the hour you’re sitting. So perhaps there’s a disservice there of you not tuning into your own signals as much and relying on external feedback. @Endangered-EGO what would you say your experience has been related to this?
  11. These “where’s the video???” posts need to stop. Mods, can we start locking or issuing warnings for these? Don’t pester Leo. He needs to put out videos on his schedule, not rush them out just for us. That will increase the quality of the videos, which will be good for all of us. In the meantime, the man has put out hundreds of videos already and given you several hundred books to read on his booklist. You have enough to already keep you busy for decades. I’m personally still getting caught up on videos he released over a year ago.
  12. @GroovyGuru A lot of people are isolated right now. No real magic formula I know, you’re just going to have to be proactive about it. What’s stopping you from doing some cold approach? Or reaching out to old friends? Or attending local events?
  13. Yeah it’s complicated. How “conscious” you do pickup will depend on your level of consciousness. I know a lot of guys that did pickup from a very low consciousness place. The personal growth was marginal. They basically just drank and partied like any other guy, but also read some theory. But you could also use pickup as leverage to really grow yourself. And I did see that as well, although it was more rare. So pickup will be as low or high consciousness as you make it. If you want it to be high consciousness, you need to be clear about that and not compromise. For instance, I would never drink when I did cold approach because I saw that as affecting my goal of becoming more socially confident and building my skillset. I would do my best to be as honest and upfront with the girl as possible. And I made sure that I continued doing spiritual work so as to not lose my head. I would set similar rules for yourself based on what you feel is important.
  14. Yeah I suspect there’s something to that. I ate almost entirely garbage during the early years of my life. It did affect me but I still had no major health problems. Just minor things. As I did more consciousness work though, it felt like certain foods and substances become unbearable to me. It’s like low consciousness can only run on low consciousness fuel, and higher consciousness can only run on higher consciousness fuel.
  15. @charlie cho Assuming his diet really is that garbage, it could be a variety of things he has going for him. Perhaps good genetics or placebo. Certainly low chronic stress helps. The mistake would be to assume that Buffet is healthy because of the way he eats. When in reality he is likely healthy in spite of the way he eats. We also don’t really know exactly how healthy he is. Health is holistic and can be tough to measure. He could have premature bone loss, periodontal disease, bad circulation, bad gut health etc which are not always so obvious when just looking at someone. At the very least we know he wears prescription eyeglasses, so that’s one indicator of poor health.
  16. @Husseinisdoingfine They’re both right to a degree. Society creates and influences man. Man creates and influences society. Both at the same time. Man = society.
  17. @Bogdan Yeah I can relate to this. I’m also a musician but have this big passion for holistic health. Health and helping people to awaken is really more my LP, so I’m still unsure of how music fits into the picture. Could just be a hobby. Could be something more. Remains to be seen for me. I can’t really tell your what you should do. I’d say just follow your excitement. If strength and conditioning and PT seems more your lane, go for it. At the same time, keep an eye out for shiny object syndrome and lack of commitment. It can be tempting to get excited about all sorts of things and then not follow through. I’ve definitely been there.
  18. @K Ghoul Your shadow is popping up to say hello. What is this actually about?
  19. I’m not suggesting anything. I don’t know the answer. It’s probably necessary to some degree, although I’m sure we could debate it. What I do know is that it’s a mistake to think it will actually solve anything long term or at the root level. And sometimes you can’t always solve things at the root. Sometimes you gotta take the Tylenol. But let’s be in reality about what this is actually accomplishing and what it isn’t.
  20. @patricknotstar Who are you trying to convince here? No one with any nuanced thought ever denied looks play some role in life.
  21. @soos_mite_ah good basic primer on attachment styles
  22. That’s a good number if your approaches are strong and result in actual conversations. In fact if your approaches are quality, you could get away with less than that and still see big improvement. If you’re counting just saying “Hi” to a girl as one of those 1000 though, that’s not enough. You could do 100 “Hi” approaches in a single night. Quality over quantity. Don’t get too hung up on the numbers. The goal is not to hit your numbers, the goal is to become natural with women. So if you’re “hitting your numbers” but not improving, you missed the whole point. The numbers are just one metric of feedback of many metrics. You’re much better off doing 3 solid, full intent approaches than 30 half-assed ones. That means getting her attention. That means not bailing out immediately if things don’t seem to be working out. And that means following through on your intent on why you approached her, e.g get her Instagram, set up a date etc. You may not succeed, but don’t just have a good interaction and then leave.
  23. I’d start with the 9 hours series Leo just shot on this topic. That be a good start. The reality is you’re going to have to invest 10s to maybe 100s of hours learning the theory. Then you’re going to have to invest 100 - 1000+ hours actually going out talking to girls to internalize the theory. And then you’re going to have to invest another 1000+ hours doing inner game work to make it really stick and become natural. Still wanna do it?
  24. @The0Self Good basic guide. I’ll add that if you’re a newbie, you’ll mostly want to skip learning proper technique and jump right into lifting heavy weight. That’s because you haven’t thrown out your back trying to PR your deadlift yet. At bare minimum, search Youtube to see how to properly perform the lifts. Ideally though, you have a trained professional who can watch you and give you feedback. You might be doing it 95% correct, but that 5% will fuck you up.