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Everything posted by aurum

  1. You definitely don’t have to be “the most talented player”. Decent game and a good setup is sufficient.
  2. @NightHawkBuzz you’re stuck in your head, that’s why. More mindfulness / meditation practice will help. There may also be trauma as well.
  3. @Dryas fine line between foolishness and high integrity.
  4. My goals are specific so most of my tools won’t apply. But I will say that I use the shit out of the Notes app on my phone. I must have written thousands on notes on that thing. Everything from to-do lists to song lyrics to business information. It’s just crazy convenient. Anytime I need to get something out of my head quickly, it goes in Notes
  5. Sounds like she’s looking to settle down. I don’t like the position you’re in. If you settle down with her, my prediction is this goes badly. I’d suggest just moving on.
  6. Maybe. If that’s what I think is appropriate to the context. It all depends on the situation. I’ve escalated within seconds of meeting a girl and I’ve escalated at a glacier, slow pace before. But no, you don’t need to grope a girl for her to get the message that you’re a man. Basic flirting and maybe some light touch is enough.
  7. I get that and have been there. Obviously just getting friend-zoned isn’t good either. When I say I’d rather not touch her, that wouldn’t mean I wouldn’t be flirting or man to women. I would just purposefully not escalate. What I’m saying is not good advice for new guys because most new guys are way to scared to escalate. Therefore they need to remove every possible excuse not to do if. But once you’re comfortable with doing it, you actually can be smart about when to escalate and when not to. It becomes less of a rule. Levels to this shit. You’d be surprised. I felt the same way when I started getting into game. Most of my life girls tended to put me in more of the “nice guy” box. It was a bizarre thing to suddenly start getting the opposite reaction and have girls think you were only using them for sex. Remember that a) she doesn’t know your past, she only knows what she has seen of you and b) girls have a lot of both social and biological conditioning related to sex that encourages them to be selective. So it could just be in her head. But it’s what’s in her head that counts. She might not expect it consciously but she knows she got drunk and made out with you last time. And she has to save face on that. Girls do not want to come off as easy or being used. It’s very bad for them. Yeah her defenses are up. So you’re playing catch up. Keep it low pressure. Don’t make her feel slutty or judged for hooking up with you before.
  8. Up until this point, I was like “alright so far so good…” This was the big miss. Expecting a girl to show up for a date a WEEK later? No way. Not unless she’s seriously into you. And makeout does not count as being seriously into you, that means very little. You either had to keep up the texting during that week or at minimum confirm the date before you go. Yeah not surprising at all. Don’t escalate on girls unless you’re planning on going all the way that night. I’d generally rather go on a date and not touch her at all then go half way. The problem once you go half way is that now she’s in her head about it. Now she’s thinking about your next meet up and if you’re going to expect sex. If she goes on the date now, it’s like she is agreeing to have sex, which her subsconscious will likely not let her do unless she’s very sexually free. So she unconsciously plays this game where she’ll act like she’s not interested in sex. This makes her feel better about the meetup and takes the pressure off for her. Play it cool, get the meetup and then escalate anyway. Don’t fall into her frame. You’re the man and you’re clear in what you want. If she doesn’t want that, fine. She doesn’t have to. Let her go then. But you don’t waver either.
  9. What more of an explanation are you looking for? The post on his blog was clear. Some people aren’t ready for deeper spiritual insights.
  10. Could also have be unrelated to your diet. Maybe a stomach flu. Are you vaxxed against covid? Apparently people have reported gastrointestinal symptoms for omicron.
  11. Yeah you pretty much nailed it. If you’ve been doing this work for a while, the “solipsism” aspect of this work likely doesn’t bother you much anymore. But that’s only IF you’ve already gone deep. It can be quite a mindfuck in the beginning. So even if we know that it’s all good, somebody else just hearing about it might freak out. So you gotta handle with care. YT has been a blessing and a curse for non-duality. A blessing because finally these ideas are getting to more people than ever. And a curse because finally these ideas are getting to more people than ever. It’s not a coincidence that the old mystery schools and occult teachers made you jump through major hoops before you got the good stuff. It seems secretive and elitist, but there’s also some wisdom there. In the future, we may have to go back to there being stricter about people’s qualifications. The pendulum may have swung too far.
  12. @slicketygiggedy yeah people have become brainwashed into thinking meat is unhealthy and plants are healthy. It’s just way too simplistic of an analysis. I definitely believe carnivore could help people short term. It’s also an elimination diet, so you could use it strategically to determine food intolerances / allergies. Long term, I’m not sold on strict carnivore. Much like there is dogma around veganism, carnivore has its own dogma. For instance, why would you constantly want to be in a ketogenic state? Unless you’re looking to lose weight or obtain some sort of specific health outcome, long-term non-cycled keto makes no sense. And gluconeogenesis isn’t going to save you. People on carnivore basically don’t get insulin spikes. There’s also concerned about being low in nutrients like vitamin C and fiber. Carnivores go through large hoops to explain why you (maybe) don’t need these. But why even risk that if you can handle other foods? Just eat a god damn banana. Point being, Ben Franklin should have included dogma on his list of certainties in life. Looking forward to the day when we realize all this debate around diet was nonsense and we just become breatharians.
  13. Where are you meeting these girls, Seeking Arrangements? If this actually is happening to you on a regular basis, then you need to mix up your earlier approach. Don’t wait until the date to show her that you’re not boring. And you can actually spend money on women before you sleep with them, but it needs to be done in the right way. For instance, you could buy a boat and then invite girls to come party on it. That be like a Dan Bilzerian type of move. Technically you’d be spending cash to help you get laid, but it’s not overtly paying for sex.
  14. Who? A survival expert selling a book? That’s not going it solo. If you even have a river to get water from, you are so highly dependent that it’s nonsensical to even consider yourself an individual. To even have a river requires billions of pieces working in balance. And let’s forget about nature as you could imagine a hypothetical where nature was still largely intact but humanity was wiped out. Unlikely because of how interconnected we are, but let’s go there. Consider then that humans as individuals did not win in the game of evolution. Only tribes did. Humans as individuals are pretty fucking worthless in terms of surviving. Hence why almost everything we do revolves around being social.
  15. @AlwaysJoggin But do you actually want to study what you’re studying? Studying purely for the sake of studying doesn’t make much sense and feels neurotic to me. If you have something you deeply want to study, but keep procrastinating or otherwise avoiding on, then that’s different. In which case it’s time to look at the patterns which are holding you in resistance to studying.
  16. You can do that if you want. I’ve had extreme periods like that where I just focused on spirituality, and it was fruitful. So if that’s where you’re at, go for it. But dude, it also sounds to me like you’re in a great spot. Okay, so the business you’re running doesn’t fulfill you. That does suck. But notice that the sucking is pointing you towards what you more deeply want, which is work that is fulfilling. This is good. And since you have money coming from your business and savings, you can afford to start a new venture. Most people would not have the financial luxury to start a dream project. But you do. The key thing for you is to figure out what this new dream project that feels more fulfilling for you might be. Do you want to do art? Do you like science? What do you care about? Get excited about it. This is a chance for something completely new that could take your life to a new level.
  17. I suspect it will be neither of those extremes. But if we’re playing this game, the ability to endure harsh temperatures (i.e wim hof style) would certainly seem to help a bit. But honestly, if it’s a full apocalypse then even that will not be enough. Your ability to make a fire from wood means shit if there are no trees. In fact, without plant life you won’t even be able to breathe. Ego fantasies of surviving the apocalypse are fun, but likely we would all die. The interconnections run too deep. The ego likes to think it can survive on its own, but of course it can’t. In a tech-utopia, you probably would just be trained from birth with whatever assets you would need. Everyone would probably be meditating from a young age and doing psychedelics as a rite of passage into adulthood.
  18. @Halcyon Iconoclast You wrote this? Gives me big ACIM vibes.
  19. @Value Don’t pester Leo. Let him work.
  20. @Hardkill I’m no immunologist, but it does seem possible. The virus mutates quickly and it may mutate faster than we can make a vaccine. I honestly don’t know. Regardless, it’s a good time to make sure you’re doing what you can to take care of your health just in case. Don’t wait until the next variant comes, be proactive in your health the best you can without becoming paranoid.
  21. @Ima Freeman I don’t get involved with a lot of protests personally, even though I care a lot about collective issues. I just find that protests are filled with a lot of resistant energy, us vs them thinking and general tier 1 behavior. Do it if you really want. But it’s not my bag.
  22. Your goal shouldn’t be to ascend spiral dynamic stages. This isn’t a video game. Keep in mind what is most important. These stages are just there for you to gauge your progress and maybe provide a bit of a map. If you truly want to be an activist, do it. And forget about how it affects your spiral dynamics score card.
  23. Yeah I’m not convinced that was her sneaky way of her asking you to buy her a coat. Ya’ll are so paranoid about women trying to use you for money. Most women are interested in men far beyond what they can provide financially. And most of you don’t even have money for them to leech off of. So quit ya paranoia.
  24. @ZZZZ yeah those ankles are a bitch. I’ve got weightlifting shoes as well. They are a good intermediary between going from poor squat form -> good form, which can take several weeks or months. The problem I see is a lot of people then don’t ever work on their mobility. The shoes provide them the ROM they need, so why bother? To me that misses the point. Every moderately healthy human should be able to squat properly. Sure, your might have a bit of a wider or closer stance depending on your anatomy. But really the squat is just a test of healthy mobility for your body. So if you care about health, you should care about squat form.