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Everything posted by aurum

  1. The idea is that as modern humans, we are not getting enough sunlight. We spend all day indoors under artificial lights that are unbalanced in terms of their spectrum output. Specifically, we tend to get way too much light from the blue side of the spectrum and not enough from the red side. If we lived like our ancestors did, red light therapy devices would likely not need to exist. You'd simply get the full spectrum from the sun. But that's not the situation we are in. Modern society has come with some costs. So as much as I might be frustrated over capitalism's commodification of all of life, the reality is that most of us should be using red light therapy devices. And if you're not, you want to be sure you're spending a lot of time outside, especially in the morning when the red light is strongest. It's hard for me to pinpoint what exact changes I've seen since I've started using the red light myself. I do so many different biohacking / holistic health practices that isolating pieces of my routine doesn't work well. Nor am I a scientist that can run detailed lab experiments on myself. Subjectively, I'd say the biggest improvement so far has been in my mood / energy levels. I do 10 minutes full body in the morning and it definitely wakes me up. And I'm just in a better mental head space for the rest of the day. It's not perfect but it does seem to make a difference. Oh and if you're feeling cold, red light therapy will warm you right up. I've been sweating a few times after my sessions, even though you're just standing there naked.
  2. @YidakiNice. I’m definitely a believer in light medicine. I bought one of those red light therapy devices and it seems to really work. It won’t get you vitamin D though.
  3. @Adrian- reading books, diet, basic socializing and basic mediation. That’s where I’d start. It’s all pretty low hanging fruit but can change your life completely.
  4. Brian Mckenzie and his work at Shift Adapt comes to mind. He is a world-class fitness coach that has transitioned into incorporating a lot more mindfulness / breathwork into his teachings. There’s also a couple of gyms here in Portland, Oregon that are starting to blur the lines. Fitness gyms that also offer things like Tai Chi, yoga and meditation. Here is one such place: I’ve also looked into starting a healing center like this myself. Feels like a very far away goal at this point but I feel it could definitely work.
  5. @hello1234 I’d it’s a sign that people have lost trust in politics to deliver. Which is an issue because the more people tune out, likely the more corruption we will see. We need more engagement, not less. It could also be a sign that people are feeling overwhelmed with their personal lives and don’t feel they have to energy to care about collective issues. Why should I care about fixing the justice system if I can barely put food on the table? Stage orange cares about its agenda first, collective issues second if at all.
  6. Shitty situation. Leo has to do what he thinks is right for the forum. As much as I like Nahm, I have to agree that the majority of the time I couldn’t understand his posts at all. I’m sure Nahm understood Nahm, but it didn’t seem to translate to practical teachings at times. He did contribute massively to the forum. I hope he finds a place where his teachings are better received, or perhaps he switches up his style.
  7. @WiseOldOwl It would not change the world. At stage yellow, you understand that people have to work their way through the spiral. Which a think tank cannot do for people. It would be largely denounced by tier 1 people Of course it could still be valuable. If you’re passionate about it, I’d say go for it. But be careful of falling into the meta-trap of assuming you have all the answers and that you can change people because you are tier 2. That would not be very stage yellow.
  8. That’s why I said “guys who get laid”. I’m not talking about bringing in guys who don’t know how to handle themselves around women. Agreed. You’ll likely be on your own for the more hardcore cold approach if that’s what you’re doing. I’m describing doing more of a hybrid with social circle and cold approach.
  9. Yeah it’s a very generous term. I guess “we’ll pay you to sit here and be pretty” didn’t go over as well
  10. I didn’t watch the series so I don’t know what you’re referring to. But that sounds like some bullshit. The biggest reason you won’t pull 9s and 10s using cold approach is not because they’re not interested in “normal guys”. It’s that you often physically can’t even approach then. They’re literally in a different section of the club, like the DJ booth. And they get wheeled in by club promoters at a certain time, and then they tend to all leave at a certain time together. It’s a whole orchestration. A lot of 9s and 10s are also paid to be there. They might be an atmosphere model or working the club as a bottle girl / waitress / bartender. So the odds of you successfully cold approaching these women goes to almost nothing. You could get lucky every once in a while, like with a girl on vacation in a place like Vegas or Miami. But it’s rare. 99% of the time, you will not even get a chance to speak with them. That’s why getting out of the GA section and into these more VIP sections matters. You still need charm, social skills and good logistics. That never changes. But now you can at least start having a conversation. And the fact that you’re in these VIP sections at all means that some high status guy likely invited you, so she’s more willing to talk. A guy might even introduce you to them, so it becomes more of a warm approach. Of course the “competition” for 9s and 10s is usually higher. If she has to choose between partying a yacht with some celebrities or going a coffee date with you, I’m sorry but you’re probably going to lose that one. Which is partly why having a strong social circle massively helps. You’re just able to add more value. That’s up to you. I’m just explaining what I’ve seen is possible. Whether you feel it’s worth it or not depends on your goals. Some guys will look at what I described and just say “forget it”. And honestly that’s okay if that’s really what you want and it feels in alignment. What I don’t like to see is guys justifying to themselves getting 7 and 8s when they actually want 9s and 10s. Because now you’re just not being truthful with yourself. I’m going to disagree with you here. Even if you live in a city like Vegas or Miami, you still don’t have tons of 9s and 10s just walking around during the day. And they’re still likely a club girl or IG model. The fact that you saw her at the mall or the beach does not at all mean she’s some “good girl” who just sits at home and reads books. And I’m not sure why’d you want that anyway. I would give up on that fantasy. If I want to date a 9 or 10, it’s going to be with the full knowledge that she most likely uses her looks as a career. It might turn out otherwise, but I’d never expect that. Alternatively, if you want a girl that doesn’t just rely on her looks as a career, don’t date a 9 or 10. Date a girl who you’re attracted to but still has more of traditional job. Look through his Instagram. That should tell you everything you need to know. I know he has a podcast on YT but I don’t listen to it.
  11. It’s extremely rare that people pull this off. Usually when you see men and women as friends, one of them doesn’t actually want to be friends. Most likely the man. I’ve also seen it where too many friendships with the opposite sex can put strain on a monogamous relationship. People start getting jealous. That said, if you can pull it off, I think it’s beautiful. I love having female friends. They’re fun to be around and usually very supportive. They can also help out your dating life massively if you’re a single guy.
  12. That’s perfect. See if you can get invited into the VIP section or DJ booth. That’s usually where the most high status guys and attractive women are. Sartain is the real deal. For better or worse, he’s taken game to a level 99.9% of guys never will. And he’s done it without being a celebrity or compromising ethics too hard. It’s impressive. Sartain will not teach you pure cold approach though. He focuses almost exclusively on status and social circle building. So he’s a good source if you’re into that.
  13. I’ve gotten into sound healing as well the last couple of years. I’m fascinated with it as a musician but also as someone who cares about holistic health. And the science coming out seems very clear that it’s beneficial. I suspect there will come a time where it’s regularly used in all mainstream healing environments.
  14. More of a theoretical problem than a real one. In my experience, if you’re fun and cool, girls will rarely ask this. And even then it’s more of a logistical question than an “objection. At the same time, surrounding yourself with people who like and respect you definitely doesn’t hurt. I’d encourage it.
  15. Yeah it can be challenging. That was one of the nice things about RSD. They provided a container where you could meet guys who were into this and who weren’t at least total sociopaths. Game Global exists like OP said. Michael Sartain also has his Men of Action network, but you have to be in his program. And I bet you can still find people on Seddit and other forums. Also, consider expanding your definition of a wing. A wing doesn’t technically have to know anything about pickup, although it can be nice when they do. They could just be dudes who like to go out and party. In fact in some ways, regular dudes who like to party or who have status are going to be way better wings than puas. Puas are often pretty socially awkward. So just meet guys who are social and get laid a lot. Maybe at your gym, maybe at work, maybe at school, maybe doing a hobby, wherever. If you make friends with them they can help you a lot. Cold approach guys as much as women. The only downside with regular party dudes is they tend to eschew cold approach. They usually have a good social circle and get laid from that. So they may not be interested in doing approaches. So you may be on your own, depending on the guy.
  16. @Truth-Seeker I agree with Leo. You need to be less judgmental. There’s no perfect people and wings are super important. Expecting to find guys that all share you values is not realistic. You might get some of that, but overall I’d lower your standards for wings. If a guy is willing to approach and doesn’t creep out girls, that’s good enough to be a wing. You don’t have to be best friends with the guy. You can hold your values and not follow theirs. Once you’ve got a few wings, maybe you become more picky. Alternatively, don’t do pickup at all. And find another way to meet women. But if you’re set on cold approach, you’re just making your life way harder than it needs to be.
  17. I don’t deny that you’re attracted to more than looks. But the fact that you identify this way is likely the result of your “good-guy” programming. Just for now, I’d practice seeing yourself in a new way. If you were a selfish piece of shit who didn’t care about love, relationships, connection or anything like that, what kind of girls would you be physically into? Of course this is a hypothetical. But this question may help connect you to your more primal, “base” desires. Aside from what I mentioned above, you gotta feel your way into it. Attraction is a feeling, not a thought or a belief. I don’t “think” I’m attracted to someone, I literally feel attraction. So who makes you feel? When you go out and you see a girl walking by, do you get the feeling that you want to fuck her? Does your breathing change? Are you imagining all the things you might to with her? You need to BE a sexual person. It’s part of who you are. You can’t get in touch with that, maybe watch a little bit of porn before you go out. Not enough to masturbate, but just enough to put you in touch with your desires. That’s also a problem. You gotta get the real thing. You gotta see her, smell her, hear her, touch her. Maybe even taste her
  18. I have mixed feelings about it myself. On the one hand, I definitely want that committed, deep relationship. On the other, that doesn’t necessarily require legal documents. On the other, other hand, those legal documents may actually help support the commitment. My guess is I’ll have to wait until I’m in the relationship to really decide.
  19. Leo may be talking about pickup, but this is not a forum for redpill ideology. Careful what information you’re consuming.
  20. Honestly I’m shocked any women still participate in this subforum at all. It’s very obviously male-biased. And I don’t think that’s a coincidence, as Leo’s teaching style tends to be pretty aggressive. There’s a lot of “bite” to it.
  21. @Olly I think I’m immediately skeptical of anyone who claims to have the perfect diet. in all likely, what this person has really discovered is, at best, a diet that works extremely well for them, right now. At worst, they’re just delusional and have not even discovered that. That said, there do appear to be some overarching principles behind how nutrition works. And so it makes sense to study them. But there is never going to be the perfect diet. It will always be plug-and-play.
  22. Best option is to keep an eye on it. Define for yourself some clear boundaries on how much is too much. Perhaps share them with her if you feel that’s appropriate, Then if the situation keeps escalating, you’ll know something is off. What the boundaries should be is hard to say and very subjective. Depends on your and her financial situation and what you want out of this relationship. So you may have to do some introspection and digging here.
  23. I’ve always taken the “embrace the suck” approach. Basically I know if I’m out till 4AM, I’m probably not getting going until noon. Maybe 10am earliest. It isn’t ideal but I don’t really have a better solution. So I just take the L because usually going out is a higher priority for me than a perfect sleep schedule. However, if it’s messing you up that badly, you may want to consider ending your nights earlier. You can still do a decent amount of game from 10-2am in most cities, which isn’t too late. The downside is that if you’re in a city where things close at 5am, then your odds off pulling that night are going to go way down. Pulls usually happen very late in the night, when everyone is ready to go home. So you’d have to stick with getting numbers, which can be notoriously flakey and unreliable at night. Another option is to forget night game altogether and go all in on day game. But of course that also has tradeoffs. No perfect solutions here.
  24. I mean my goals are likely not your goals. The tools I use are specific to what I’m looking to achieve. For instance, I’m looking to purchase a Shure SM58 stage mic. That’s literally only because I need a mic that will fit the clip I have for when I’m doing sound journeys. Most people would never need to buy it. The built in Notes app on the iPhone.
  25. I’ve had group hookups and a lot of very near misses. In my experience it’s usually a snowball type of situation. You’ve got one girl you’re either hooking up or are friends with. And then somehow another girl gets added to the picture. It’s never something I’ve deliberately pursued. One thing just lead to another. But then you also have to capitalize and not let it slip, which I have.