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Everything posted by aurum

  1. Consider that you’re not going to be able to meditate your way to a solution here. It sounds like there may need to be some legitimate repair done in your relationship with your wife still. Does that ring true for you?
  2. It doesn’t always have to be that over-the-top in my experience. I think @flowboy was mostly just making a point. But yes, you should literally feel some attraction in your body for her. Without that magnetism it’s going to be platonic. And honestly, if you don’t have that magnetism, then maybe purposefully don’t sleep with her. I know in pickup they’re always pushing guys to escalate cause guys are scared, but I’m not going to bully myself into sleeping with someone I truly don’t feel I want to sleep with. That’s a distortion of sexual energy IMO: But of course, also be mindful of using that as an excuse. Especially if you’re newer to dating.
  3. @Thought Art I shaved my head about a year ago and its only done good things for me. Of course if you’re insecure about, that’s not going to be cool. Nothing is cool if you’re insecure about it. And just about anything is cool if you own it.
  4. @CuriousityIsKey I’ve done a few tarot readings and they’ve been really accurate. I don’t know if it makes sense to therefore say tarot is “real”. It seems to be a tool to tap your own intuition, spirit guides, higher self, etc. And in that sense, of course it can work. But it’s more of a subjective phenomena than an objective one. For example, last time I did a tarot reading, I pulled a card and immediately felt like I knew what it was attempting to say. But when the person doing the reading went to the book’s “definition” of the card, it didn’t match my instinctual reaction. So what does that mean? The book was wrong, and yet I knew what the answer was. I’d say that’s a success, but it depends on what how you’re defining success.
  5. Yes thank you for sharing. Your story is healing just to hear as it challenges traditional beliefs around how healing happens. You didn’t try to fix the illness. You didn’t try to find the cause. You didn’t “do” anything. As far as I can tell, you simply gave your attention to and chose a new reality.
  6. Dr. Joe Dispenza would be pleased. This is basically what he teaches. The disease is part of an old identity. Release the old identity, release the disease. Identity is formed through experiences attached with emotions. Change your emotions, you change your identity, you change your health.
  7. I’d say experiment then. Sometimes it’s hard to say what will benefit us until we try.
  8. Be careful of using love as a tactic to fix her. The whole point of loving her as she is is that she doesn’t have to fix her insecurities. ”But won’t she be happier if she changes? If I was a loving boyfriend, wouldn’t I want her to be happy, and therefore change? And wouldn’t it be unloving to not speak my truth of what I see and guide her to that?”. Correct. Self-love without discernment is just narcissism. But you can do your best to help her, while still loving her exactly as she is. Find the balance. Don’t make accusations, speak from your perspective only.
  9. The Wim Hof website only claims autoimmune symptom relief: However, I feel they are trying to avoid claiming they can “cure” anything. Cure is a strong word. But the stories appear to be there if you do some digging. Our paradigms for healing are very biased to our culture. That healing is ultimately a spiritual phenomena would not be controversial in many stage Purple, Red or even stage Blue cultures. Of course, I still feel our stage Orange scientific methodology for healing has merit. Especially for people who heavily grew up with and believe in science. But I also believe that we’ve only just started to really understand how healing works, and it won’t be until modern science really opens up to spirituality that our collective understanding will grow.
  10. Some wise people hanging out on this forum ? Glad to hear you’re feeling back on track.
  11. @somegirl The Wim Hof Method has had a lot of success tackling autoimmune disease. From the scientific POV, the breathing technique he teaches causes the body to reset the nervous system by dropping oxygen levels. And the cold has shown to decrease inflammatory markers, stimulate the immune system, increase vascular health, etc. But I believe it goes deeper than the science. Monks were doing Wim’s breathing technique way before he was (Tummo). And they didn’t know anything about oxygen saturation. So why were they doing it? The answer has to do with Spirit. The Wim Hof method realigns you with God. Which is why healing occurs. But this is obviously way outside the scientific paradigm, so it has to be talked about purely in terms materialists can understand.
  12. @Consilience good insights man! Your schedule is intense, I like it. As far as a the whole psychedelics debate, I find myself somewhere in the middle. I’ve used them in the past and plan to use them again in the future. The insights are radical and often genuine. And I do believe they can create true healing for people, as seen from my own experience and from the experience of others. People have literally cured hard drug addiction with a single session of Ibogaine or Ayahuasca. At the same time, I’ve also seen people who have spun their wheels with psychedelics. People who may have had deep insights, but seem to still struggle with many basic emotional problems, limiting beliefs, etc. I don’t really know why some people seem to get better results than others. Lack of “manual” practice and integration perhaps. Lack of proper intention. Or perhaps this debate goes deeper than any technique or substance. Perhaps it’s simply the soul’s will to have that experience. And all our arguing about what method is best is just laughable. What I do know is that I currently resonate with more of a manual approach as well. That feels like it gives me the deepest integration and embodiment, which is what I’m really interested in. And if I can sprinkle in some peak psychedelic experiences every once in a while to see what that brings, I’m happy with that as well.
  13. No I didn’t watch it. I don’t know what Leo’s perspective on the wiki definition is. But I know I do not agree with it. Of course you could still potentially use that word. No word will perfect. But the point is I feel it’s a generally ineffective pointer due to so many preconceived notions about “solipsism”. In many ways I feel the same about the word “God”. Way too much baggage for most people. That’s why new agers had to rebrand “God” as “Source energy”. Is it the same thing? Of course it is. WE know that if we’re experienced. But the newbie does not. For the newbie, the word “God” is potentially very threatening, whereas “Source energy” has no prior associations.
  14. I’m with you on this. Using “solipsism” as a term at all seems to be doing more harm than good. I’ve also had members reach out to me who were unnecessarily freaked out over “being alone”. Part of the problem is that solipsism is already defined. And as its been defined in the past by philosophers, its extremely misleading and NOT absolute truth. “Solipsism” in that way essentially means “my ego is all that exists”. Lol. So really, why are we still using that word at all? It’s not accurate and it’s just confusing people. Of course, you could argue that people will find a way to confuse or dismiss Absolute Truth no matter what words we use. And that’s true. Absolute Truth can be mind-boggling or cause to ego to get defensive. It’s inevitable. But still, if different language helps even just a bit, why not use it? The only other option is to create hierarchical content for people to consume when they are ready. But that becomes extremely difficult. How can someone like Leo know who will be ready or who isn’t, and how can he make sure they only see the appropriate content for their level? As I said in another thread, the beauty of the internet is that it has blown open spiritual teachings for anyone and everyone to easily consume. And the downside is the exact same.
  15. @Rasheed no. Fake news. Thomas Delauer does a pretty job explaining IF:
  16. Yeah that’s one of the mindfucks I had on LSD. You realize that even this story of “I took a psychedelic and had an awakening” is just more imagination. That is not what actually happened. Psychedelics are just more content within consciousness. It’s more like consciousness awakens itself, with no outside tool or authority all, just by its own will. Mind-blowing.
  17. @Carl-Richard The Wim Hof breathing I feel helped me tremendously getting back to normal. I didn’t even do a lot, just a few rounds over the course of three days. My mental health and energy levels were so much better.
  18. Yes. But the purpose of that human experience includes realizing you are God. It matters very much on a practical level. When you don’t know you’re God, you suffer and create all sorts of unconscious manifestations that you usually aren’t wanting. The beauty of realizing you are God while still alive is that you get to become the conscious painter of your life. And your life will be far more rich for it. That’s different. In that case, you’re not ready. Go live an average life for a couple years and come back. Maybe get some therapy. Or maybe just do some basic personal development. That is really okay to do. No, but as I said it sounds like you may not be ready for deep spiritual work. You don’t need to do 5meo tomorrow. Take baby steps.
  19. From my perspective, you’re hedging. If you follow theosis to its natural conclusion, you will literally become God. That’s what is really implied by “union”. Of course you will also be finite and limited. That’s correct. And in that sense, we could make a distinction. But there is ultimately no difference between your finite self and God. The finite self IS God. God does not “want a relationship” with you or “is close”. That still implies two, where there is only one. One, One, One. It’s all God and it’s all You.
  20. I said that because usually if we “don’t want to know” something intimate about a partner, it’s because we are afraid of the answer. It’s pretty much always about safety and / or love. So for whatever reason, she didn’t feel she was getting that. It might not have been anything you did per say, could be her issues. Or maybe it was what you didn’t do. This is a good answer as well.
  21. This is the whole crux of the problem with this conversation. We’re in deep non-dual territory, where language easily starts to break down and become non-sensical. Because of course language is dualistic. But we can take a crack at it. Let’s say you and I are both looking at a table. But I claim the table is imaginary. What does that mean? Well, from a conventional perspective, not much. The table is physical. It has defined properties and constraints. I can touch it, smell, weigh it. I can hold a memory of it. I can cut it in half. I can even give it to my brother for his birthday. All that is possible. In fact, it’s precisely because it’s “so real” that we forget that the table itself is imaginary. That physicality itself is mind. And why would you do that? Why would you create such a persistent illusion that you forget the table is imaginary? Because you wanted to experience remembering. By remembering, you come to know yourself. And you cannot remember if you don’t forget. So that’s what this spiritual work is. God is choosing to remember that it’s God now. God is choosing to remember that it imagined everything into existence by BEING IT. Including physical space, time, all limitations, all scientific laws, birth, death, the earth, this forum, your cat, everything. So God doesn’t just imagine. God IS what it imagines. The table is God, and the table is imaginary. And all of it is You.
  22. No, because I’m imagining that I can’t. You’re also assuming that You/God is interested in transcending its imagined limits. You/God have no such desire. There is deep wisdom is the limitations, that’s why You/God imagine them.
  23. I actually can’t fly because I’m imagining I actually can’t fly. You can fully experience imagination as if it was fully real. It’s just not. That’s what makes it an illusion. Albeit a highly convincing. A master illusion.
  24. If you’re insecure/worried about what she is masturbating to, can you really expect her not to be? Agreed, “gotcha” games would not be a good idea. But assuming this partner was mature enough, this sounds like it was an opportunity to even further explore your sexuality with each other. Really get to know each others kinks. What does she get off to that maybe she doesn’t want anyone else to know about? Or maybe even discover some new fantasies. The key would be to approach it with radical safety and non-judgmentalism. Which is not easy. The temptation would be to want to say what you think the other person wants to hear. It’s possible that enough maturity was not present in that relationship, but you might be able to do it in the future.
  25. Limitations are also imaginary. But necessary. You’re already creating a universe right now.