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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @Someone here you definitely don’t need to do raw eggs and milk. The main idea is just to have protein and a little bit of carbs post-workout to give yourself a insulin spike. But really, this is mostly stuff that only matters if you’re an athlete or bodybuilder. If you’re just trying to be healthy, get your protein in whenever is convenient for you. Just don’t eat right before working out for digestion reasons.
  2. @Jon_Bundesen I would go to the parties. If you’re not old enough to get into the club, you’re probably not old enough to be taking pickup so seriously. Just get basic socialization experience. Learn how to make friends. Learn how to manage a social circle. Dating at your age is all about your friend group, and that doesn’t change much when you get older. If you do this, you will have a huge advantage by the time you’re old enough to go to clubs. Pickup is mostly for guys who have had a deficit of social experience growing up.
  3. @alhhany because leadership positions have historically been for men to hold. Things are fortunately changing. We are going to see more and more female spiritual leaders in this generation than any other. It’s already happening.
  4. @integration journey That’s the good stuff. As far as integration, I like gentle meditation or just taking walks outside in nature. Journaling or talking to a trusted mentor can help as well. Basically, any activity where you are relaxed and your mind is free to wander and churn on everything you just experienced.
  5. That’s good. It sounds like you were carrying that hurt for a while. And now maybe this has helped you let go of some of it. He probably does feel bad, but I would not assume that means he will behave any different if you meet up. Most fuckboys don’t think of themselves as hurting women. They think of themselves as good guys. But it benefits them to not see negative consequences for their actions. So he may feel some remorse. He is probably not a sociopath. But whether or not his behavior has changed is very different.
  6. Thank you. I’d definitely like to see other forms of love normalized beyond strict monogamy. Collectively there will be resistance, but the good news is that those seeking out alternative relationship structures don’t have to wait. Any couple can choose to define and redefine their relationship in a way that suits them. Just don’t expect other people to “get it”.
  7. Long video, I’ll have to watch it another time. But I’ve definitely been interested in these kind of topics for a long time. It seems to me more of a question “when” rather than “if” we’ll make a shift to a more Green type of economy. What that looks like, I still don’t exactly know. Probably UBI and a reformation of the monetary system at least. But undoubtedly, this economy will represent all the values that Green holds: sharing, equality, inner peace > material goods, “less is more”, return to nature, humanism, compassion, harmony, etc. It will also have the shadows of stage Green, which will eventually become obvious and push us into Yellow. But we are still a long way from that point. An extremely valuable book on this subject is Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein. He integrates ideas from degrowth scholars, indigenous wisdom, Keynes, Silvio Gesell, Georgism and many others. It maybe gets a bit idealistic at times, but I’ve found it to be one of those life-changing books.
  8. Yeah this is the key. Neither repressed masculine or feminine is the answer. If we zoom in, at times we may need more of one energy than the other. But from a larger perspective, both play an essential role.
  9. Of course. Strict monogamy is a strategy that humans adapted a long time ago. And for a variety of reasons, it worked. But now a lot of people are questioning whether this strategy still has merit. There’s a great new book called Open Monogamy by Dr. Tammy Nelson that I’ve been reading. One of the things she argues for is that couples need to find their place on the “monogamy continuum”. In other words, how much monogamy is right for your relationship? That could mean anything from an open relationship to “you can’t even look at other people”. The point is that the relationship structure should exist to serve the relationship. And any structure that accomplishes this, assuming it’s among consenting adults, is worth considering. Obvious potential shadows of non-monogamy include fear of intimacy, commitment phobia, appeasement of one partner, addiction to novelty, etc. Potential shadows of strict monogamy include just going along with the grain of society, restriction, denial of sexual urges, getting stuck in a routine, etc. There are also collective issues to concern ourselves with. For instance, does it benefit society as a whole for people to be strictly monogamous? All this should factor into a holistic, conscious decision made with your partner.
  10. @Tudo unless you’re really getting great results online, I would definitely continue going out at night. A month is not nearly long enough to see where this can lead you. Perhaps make adjustments as far as venues, wings, logistics etc. Ideally you could do both. Go out at night, and spend maybe 30 minutes a day working on your profile, swiping girls and sending messages. If you have a really good profile it can pay off.
  11. Correct. Assuming they are used responsibly and not abused or misinterpreted, psychedelics show you truth. Truth can only add to your alignment. Alignment can only add to you getting what you want. The only caveat here is that you may be surprised what it is you actually want. If we’ve been looking at the world through a lens of wounding and fear, then seeing truth can change our priorities. But that will still be a choice you make when ready. No one can force you into that, not even yourself.
  12. I get it. You don't want to skip steps and maybe miss some important things at the lower stages. What I'm saying is that it's ultimately a baseless fear. More alignment with yourself can only bring in more things that you are actually wanting. In practice, I've never seen anyone grow too fast. I've seen people act like they're more grown than they are. But actually growing up happens exactly as fast as it should. You can spiritually bypass and pretend you don't want what you want. But that's just more mis-alignment. If that's the truth, what psychedelics should reveal to you is that you've been spiritually bypassing your needs. And that you need to go handle that. Of course, none of this is to say you have to do psychedelics. Psychedelics may or may not be right for you right now, I don't know. The point is that it's only from truth that we can really make good decisions. Bullshit yourself if you want, but it's going to cost you.
  13. @Bob Seeker Psychedelics will help with becoming an emotionally and spiritually healthy attractive man. They will help you see that life is your creation. They will help break patterns that were limiting you. They will help with opening your heart to intimacy, romance and healthier relationships. All of which can certainly lead to success with dating. It is extremely unlikely psychedelics will help you become some sort of pua master. Not because you couldn’t per say, but because it likely won’t be of much interest to you at that point. You’ll crave depth and quality, not just quantity. Being a pua master does not equal being a healthy, attractive man. It is quite possible to be very good at pua and have very little consciousness. In fact, in some cases you could argue low consciousnesses helps you. The good news though is that psychedelics do not “destroy ambition”. Such a thing is not possible nor healthy to desire. What they do is simply reveal what you actually want. When that happens, old delusional things you wanted may, or may not, fall away. Either way, it’s only a byproduct of awareness. So you don’t have to worry about psychedelics ultimately ruining your fun or getting rid of something you want.
  14. Found Leo’s content in 2015. Since then I feel like I’ve outgrown a lot of teachers. But Leo’s content has had depth and staying power. It continues to evolve right alongside me. He has helped me understand Love, truth, God, religion, psychedelics, science, rationality, politics and so much more. He has given me practical tools to change my psyche. He has helped me raise my standards and create a big picture vision for my life. And this community he started has been a safe haven for me to explore these ideas with others. Did Leo have to do any of this? Not really. I’m sure he could have made enough money to survive some other way. But he chose to create all this anyway. And most of us have never paid him a dollar.
  15. I’d consider some basic meditation if you don’t already. Maybe just a few minutes a day. That can create a healthy foundation for you to build off of.
  16. ENFJ It's interesting to see how my results on this test have changed over the years. As an angsty teen, I'd get INTJ. Then I started getting ENTJ as I grew up and started doing spiritual work. Now apparently it's ENFJ. Which I've been getting for like the past two years. I'm curious who else has had a similar experience.
  17. I came across a new VR device today. It's a jacket that allows you to feel the vibrations of music or any audio you are listening to. It got me thinking. VR is already a huge topic of discussion with the Metaverse coming online via Facebook. However, I've seen little sense-making on this topic that has left me satisfied. So how do we do it? How do we make sense of VR, the Metaverse and all these new technologies? Here are some potential narratives I've seen outlined: 1) VR is the next evolution of human progress. We have been creating crude forms of VR since the dawn of digital recording. But now, our abilities have expanded and we are entering the golden age of VR. This will bring great benefit to humanity. We will have entertainment and inter-global communication like never before. GDP of the economy will greatly increase due to increasing ease of digital transactions. We will improve mental health by allowing people to face their fears in a controlled, safe environment, e.g Andrew Huberman's work. We may even be able to raise the consciousness of the planet by recreating mystical experiences. Therefore, it is best to get on board with the new technology and go with the flow. Do not get attached to old ways of socializing, recreation, etc. 2) VR is a sign that humanity has gone off track. People are already lonelier and more isolated than ever before due to the internet. We have created a situation where human beings essentially almost never have to leave their house to survive. Thus, we lose connection with each other. This creates misunderstandings and even violence as people move further into their own withdrawn worlds. We are losing our ability to socialize, date, touch and commune with Nature. VR is not a root cause solution to real world problems. It is a product of our capitalist system that demands indefinite growth and humanity's obsession with being able to manipulate and control life. As we wake up spiritually and mature as a species, we will realize we do not want or need these technologies. We have anything we need already. We must return to a more natural way of living. As the creators of technology, no new technology is inevitable. We have the ability to say "no" if we deem a new technology does not serve our greater well-being. Technology serves us, not the other way around. 3) VR is a necessary evil for the collective evolution of humanity. It has pros and cons. Although we may see some temporary problems arise, on the whole it will benefit humanity. It is a long-term play, and we must accept that the good outweighs the bad. Infinite intelligence is at work and has deemed VR should come online. 4) "Life is virtual reality" - mystics What are your thoughts? How are you making sense of virtual reality? Is there another narrative you are using other than what I've written?
  18. That’s definitely a perspective I hadn’t been thinking much about. Profiting off of VR is not my highest priority, I’m mostly interested in how it affects collective social well-being. But there may be financial opportunities in the future to look at.
  19. I like this list. Some of these are already happening and it will likely only expand.
  20. m That feels like a balanced perspective to me. People with a more dystopian view could argue that we would have said the same thing about cell phones when they came out. But VR definitely takes it to another level, which people may not be willing to go to.
  21. Yes undoubtedly there is potential for abuse. Likely more and more stories will come out of people having “VR addiction” or something similar.
  22. What do you mean by rules?Government usually steps in to regulate new tech.
  23. @Thought Art Awesome. Have you signed The Pickup Contract? This is a cool exercise I’ve been doing lately whenever I start a new endeavor that feels maybe a little out of my comfort zone. Essentially you write up a contract with the universe where you commit to experiencing ALL known potential downsides and upsides you can think of in your new project. So something like, “I, ThoughtArt, commit to at least 500 rejections, looking like a fool in front of X person(s), low sleep, blowing interactions at the last minute, fights with wings, heartbreak, etc. I also commit to great sex, improving my social skills, becoming a more attractive man, etc”. You can make The Contract as long as you want and include whatever feels relevant. The point is to identify any resistance you have and consciously work through it, while also focusing on the upsides and getting excited about it. Combine those two and you can manifest pretty much anything. If you can’t commit to a potential downside because it seems too painful, that’s alright. Notice that. What’s that about? Of course if a downside does not occur, it’s not like you have to make it happen. It’s about YOUR resistance, not what will happen “in reality”. And when a downside does come, you will be less reactive because, well duh. You knew this was coming. You signed up for this. You chose it.
  24. @BuddhistLover What do you mean by lap dog? The focus should be on creating financial independence via your life purpose.
  25. @Bob Seeker you don’t need to be high energy all the time at night. But you should generally be enjoying yourself. Enjoy the music, enjoy dancing, enjoy talking to people, etc. You might be surprised too how much the vibe of the club can suck you in. You might not think of yourself as a high energy person, but the club can reveal a whole different side of yourself. Maybe one you didn’t even know you had.